Boards Reconciliation met up with my ex, what do i do now??

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  • #47379
    • Total Posts: 42

    Although you should be careful. You are fine for now. Nothing to go crazy over. Yes, you have to measure everything but for now just stay balanced like ty10 said. But things will fall into place. Keep me posted Thargus,we are here to help.

    • Total Posts: 273

    ill keep you posted don’t worry, thanks. she hasn’t text me since or anything. i know its early days but.. still. i actually wonder to myself if what i said to her made any sort of impact. 😐

    • Total Posts: 42

    Look at least she talks to you. My ex hasn’t talked to me ever since (my story I told in the earlier comments) and it’s been 17 days.. that hurts. I mean.. just play it cool but don’t be emotional or a best friend. Just be cool. Point is, she is probably just trying to not scare you away and wants you to talk to her. DONT.. let her come to you again.

    • Total Posts: 273

    shes just text me asking if i wanna go boxing with her tomorrow. should i?

    • Total Posts: 273

    i have not replied yet, its been only about 40 minutes.

    • Total Posts: 42

    Say, hey I would really like too! And make up an excuse.. and don’t stay home.. really do something. Say something like I would really like too! But I actually had something planned tomorrow, Rain check? And make sure of she says.. she is going at a certain time.. that you have things to do. Remember.. she is on your time not the other way around. It’s not when she can, it’s when you can. Be selfish. Don’t sound rude.. but you also have a life besides her πŸ˜‰

    • Total Posts: 42

    Answer in 10 minutes.

    • Total Posts: 711

    Yup, Robertizle is totally right πŸ™‚ say you would love to, but you already have plans. dont be supper apologetic though. If she asks what it is be smart. Don’t give her a straight answer, don’t tell who you’ll be with, leave her wondering, act like you are seeing someone but don’t say it. You can say like you are still not sure, or just that you are going out, something like that.

    • Total Posts: 425

    Sorry been so slow on this was a hectic week/weekend!

    I agree with everyone on here thargus when I say don’t go to the boxing, make up an excuse, be vague, leave her wondering πŸ™‚

    Things with my “boyfriend” are good so far…though we haven’t had the boyfriend/girlfriend talk yet. I stayed at his dad’s at the weekend which was nice πŸ™‚ but he’s going on holiday with that group of people in 2 weeks and I’m nervous…he’s still been liking quite a lot of the girls (the one who stayed round his whilst we were broken up-he said nothing had happened but still) photos (ones of her in very skimpy dresses, showing lots of leg/cleavage etc)
    And apparently it’s going to be a big drinking/party holiday…guess I’m just a bit nervous πŸ™ πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 69

    @amy111 definitely have the chat before he goes. It’ll put your mind at ease.

    Out of interest Amy, I think my ex has got the ‘grass is greener’ feeling and was wondering since you went full NC for months if that would be the best thing for me to follow?

    • Total Posts: 425

    ty10 – Yeah, hes invited me over for the weekend before he goes, so ill ask him then πŸ™‚

    and i would definately recommend it. It made me realise i was too good for him, and make him realise that too. it also made me improve my confidence and in general made me a more attracitve person! the old adage “you always want what you cant have” works, honestly πŸ™‚

    if i ever felt like i was going to text him i wrote on here πŸ˜› it really helps!

    • Total Posts: 42

    Glad you are back amy.. missed you hahaha. I asked u something a while back but u were busy. I think it was about the NC rule.. and idk if you remember my story but do you think afte month exactly I should write the letter or text her? I think texting is better cause a letter seems a bit too much.. but in the texting aspect.. she can never answer and I’ll she if she read it and doesn’t answer .. a letter is like.. boom. Makes things more intriguing I guess..

    • Total Posts: 273

    i responded just saying i cant make it tomorrow, i have my chiropractor in the morning (which is actually true so i wouldn’t be able to go anyway) and she didn’t reply. it was the best thing i could have done i think because it was also truth.

    • Total Posts: 425

    Robertizle I just read your story again-I really don’t think yo Should write or do either. What would that gain for you? If she doesn’t reply, you’ll be upset. If you think writing a letter saying how much you care, thanks for the great relationship, hope your okay etc is going to get her back, I don’t think it will. she knew, and knows how much you care- you don’t need to tell her. She has made a decision, and she needs to sit on it and realise what life is like without you. Carry on with no contact. You will feel SO much better after-the first month or two are th hardest-trust me! I spoke to mine everyday for – 3 and a half years, and the amount of times I wrote out texts or messages saying stuff like “hey hope your well, just wanted to say I’m really sad about what’s happened things were so great with us etc” we’re countless. But I NEVER sent them. If you need to, write it down how you feel, and then put it in a box. But I r ally wouldn’t recommend a letter or a text-the no contact heals you without YOU realising-and it will make her realise what life is really like without you πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 425

    Ps I know you think a letter is intriguing…but you know what’s more intriguing. Silence! Because that makes her question what you are doing…silence = her wondering what you’re doing = why isn’t he talking to me or begging to have me back=what if he’s found someone else?! = what have I lost/I do miss him/maybe I should talk to him?

    Only way I could describe the mentality the best way hehe

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