Boards Reconciliation met up with my ex, what do i do now??

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  • #47146
    • Total Posts: 42

    It’s sucks when I took 30 minutes to write my story and get advice and I don’t see it on this board.fml.

    • Total Posts: 425

    i was about to say robertizle i would have definataley given you advice, but havent seen it on this thread :S unless ive missed it?

    • Total Posts: 42

    It’s such a long story. I have class now and then work so I might be able to write it all down sometime between today and tomorrow.. it’s just so much.

    • Total Posts: 42

    I’ll try to now actually. Why not I have 20 min. We were best friends since highschool, both went thru our relationships. She had long ones. I didnt. We had started hanging out a lot after she cheated on her long term bf who was boring and she was with a guy she just banged and stuff. Sucks cause I have been in love with her since day one but I took her away from that crap and showed her the way. We got together shortly after. Had an amazing year and a month.. mind you, we had been test friends for 8 years..

    • Total Posts: 42

    Her parents are super controlling and she is 22. They even tell her when she has to get back home and stuff. And her sister is really messed up. Point is, she had never really been alone and she told me after all this great times despite the bad ones that happen in a normal relationship.. that she didn’t feel the same anymore. That this is not what she wants and she stopped talking to me completely.. me being a fool but madly in Love.. tried to get her back. No matter what I said. It was a no. She said she still cared but it’d not the same anymore. That tore my heart out.

    • Total Posts: 42

    Basically she days it’s like lack of self love. I get it but then one day her phone sent a picture that looked sort of like her ex f bud. I HAD TO ASK and she told me.. it was a friend of her sister that approached her at the gym. But the picture looks as if he is holding her phone.. doesn’t make sense. And that picture sent to me by mistake.. we had amazing times.. I stuck by her after she went off to a study abroad program for three months.. I visited her and it was amazing for a week. We were on top of the world. Then I remember before we got together and she was doing her rebound with another guy thing slash cheating that she had felt bad since before me.. I distracted her and helped her but never solved the issue. She wasn’t happy with herself and all that. Obviously I have insecurities thst she will be with someone else.. but she told me she wants nothing and nobody. And that as hard as it may be.. she needs to be alone.

    • Total Posts: 42

    I’m on day 12 of NC.. and she lives in the same gated community I do. So it’s really hard. I had a girl friend (yes friend only) of mine send her a text a couple of days after I had seen her for the last time and we kissed.. cause I asked for kne last kiss.. to which she cried after and told me it made it worse and harder and she was doing better without me already and fshe needs to feel alone and whatnot .IA regret sending the text that my friend helped me write. It basically said I wasn’t something she can just toss out and later pick up.. and that she ruined our lond and beautiful friendship and relationship and basically saying that’s it. Like.. bye felicia. But I regret it so much.

    • Total Posts: 42

    Now sorry I had to divide it but there is more to it.. but basically. I’m broken. I’m getting better. But I don’t think she cares anymore. If what she says it’s true about her needing to be alone for once.. I kinda get it but I believe people should work thru things alone. I was willing to go to a psych with her ti find her help. She said she’d do it on her own . I read articles and things to help her but she wouldn’t let me in. She even excluded me from her graduation.. and a wedding . The graduation being the most important.. I spent long nights alongside her. Supporting her.. helping her on her thesis and eve before that.. on normal school work. I have gone and taken her lunch when she was hungry.. all that. And she has done a lot of things like that for me as well.. I have felt how much love she gave me.. and it seems impossible that I know she is my soulmate. I feel it. And she doesn’t feel the same anymore? There is something that doesn’t make sense to me. But it really destroyed the person I was inside. I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders. And I have tone out, had fun.. in the end I always end up feeling like crap. Thanks for your time. I really do know her better than anyone else.. but this side of her is so strange.

    • Total Posts: 273

    Alright, I shan’t go. I said in a text that shes probably put her phone in her locker now and ill make it a surprise visit I guess.

    I’ll just tell her now something has come up and ill just post it through her door.
    God this is hard already..

    • Total Posts: 273

    Are you sure this is the right move?

    • Total Posts: 273

    I have done it. I’m going home now to chill. I am the cake and she ain’t havin no peice of me lol

    • Total Posts: 42

    Thargus. Try not to stay home too long.your worst enemy is your mind. Especially after you have taken an action like this. Get your mind out of it exercise. Do something you love.. if you’re a musician. Now is this time to jam. And wait for it but don’t focus on it

    • Total Posts: 425

    Robertsize – after reading what you’ve just said, youre in the same positiion as i was a few months ago. almost 3 years with my ex, a year being besties beforehand too. he did a year abroad when we were together and i only saw him once in 10 months but we stayed together…and bam, he still broke up with me!
    From the sounds of it, she needs her space – and you have to respect that and give it to her. 12 days seems long – but it isn’t. Its not even 2 weeks – think about it. BUT well done for doing 12 days so far! thats really good πŸ™‚ Youve been best friends for 8 years – she’s not going to throw all that away. but, and im saying this as a girl and from my own experience, if someone needs their space – you give it to them. If you constantly try to go back there, then you’ll push her away even more. just give her time to realise what life is like without you, and if she really cares she will realise what she has lost – both a friend and a boyfriend. But give it time, and carry on with NC.

    Thargus – Yes!!!! WELL DONE! I’m very proud of you! I know how hard that must have been, as she has been stringing you along for a long time, and you doing that is the best thing. Feel empowered by it! If you start to get tempted just think that now – you have the upper hand. you have the power! don’t let the roles reverse and give in, because as soon as you text her she’s won again, and you’ll be back to square one. everytime you get tempted to text her something – even if you see something that reminds you of her, or a joke yyou shared and you think it will be funny to mention it to her…NO! no texting. write it on here instead πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 312

    Hey Amy, want to add me on facebook? I’m lost at the moment and would really love to talk to you if you’ve got a sec or are interested. Sorry for interrupting.

    • Total Posts: 425

    also thargus, robertizle is right – do something fun πŸ™‚ I started going running to stop thinking about it all, and toned up loads. Now my boyf (sounds so wierd saying that!) says that he noticed how good i was looking! turn negative thoughts into positive ones πŸ™‚

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