Boards Reconciliation met up with my ex, what do i do now??

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  • #45994
    • Total Posts: 425

    Hey guys!! So as you know I met up with my ex, and he wanted to talk about serious stuff, so I plucked up the courage and asked him….

    Turns out, it was not what I expected. He has said that he wants to get back together :O I was completely gobsmacked. COMPLETELY. I told him about how he made me felt, how upset I was, and he said he felt the same and didn’t know why he did it but that it was panic.
    He then said how much he missed me, and said can we get back together. I said I don’t know because I was so so hurt I feel extremely wary, and he said I want this for the long run.

    Obviously I don’t know what to do! My friends and family dislike him profusely, and I don’t what they will say if I get back with him.

    We kissed, and I said that I wasn’t sure and he had to take me out on a date and woo me over…I’m scared!

    • Total Posts: 425

    Ps I will read everyone’s in the morning

    • Total Posts: 312

    At this point, a couple of things. First off, congrats Amy! I’m sure this is absolutely terrifying but I’m also really excited for you, given that I know how much you care about him and wanted him back. Second, I think you’re totally right to make him work for it some. I think he ought to have to take you on some dates, prove to you that he’s worth it, woo you, etc. Obviously, if you really think this is going to work out and you want to be with him, don’t push it. But take your time and slowly wade back into this. I think that if you really love him and he can prove he’s changed, your friends and family will/can get over it. No one ever likes the person who dumped someone close to them, but people do get back together. They’ll work through it. For now, just breathe and enjoy the fact that things are working in your favor. You’ve been waiting for this. It’s all going to work out in your favor.

    • Total Posts: 425

    So I met up with him again last migjt…and we ended up sleeping together and now am worrying ๐Ÿ™ he’s also worried that he’ll hurt me, which is already putting doubts in his mind.

    His mum also doesn’t want us getting back together-she has said to him she wants him to be in lots of different relationships to realise what/who he wants :S he said he thinks it’s a bit of a slutty thought, but obviously listens to
    His mum :/

    I don’t know what to think/do. We want to get back together, but at the same time we’re both scared. And now that I’ve slept with him I’m worried it’s going too quickly.

    • Total Posts: 312

    I think the worst thing you can do right now is pretend that neither of you are scared or have concerns. I think the best thing you can do is voice what those things are and tackle how to take care of them together. If everything is out in the open, you can address it and move on in a healthy way. I think everything will work out, especially if you want to be able to get back together. You just HAVE to be able to talk about things like this or you’re doomed from the start. In terms of sleeping with him, that also just needs to be talked about. Mutually decide if you guys are okay with it at this point, and if you’re not, then just hold off for a bit. One bit of sex isn’t going to completely blow this.

    • Total Posts: 273

    So she didn’t turn up at boxing yesterday. I asked her if she would like to go out on Saturday too and she didn’t reply. I made a joke of her not replying in another text and still no reply.
    I dunno what’s up.
    I did all that for her in the week, I took her to lunch, dropped cv’s off with her, printed one too. Took her to work on Tuesday because she was really in the dumps. And when I ask her if she is free because I want to spend a day with her, no strings attached.. She doesn’t even respond to it. And now I hate myself for feeling annoyed at her. I genuinely do and I dont know why.

    If I’m just being a “friend” like she “wanted” then why is she acting like this?

    I want to know what was on her mind that day and whatever still is.

    I feel like crap.

    • Total Posts: 273

    @amy111 congrats ๐Ÿ™‚ just take it slow and talk to him about everything. You will be fine. I’m happy for you!!

    • Total Posts: 273

    I’m thinking of sending a text just outright asking her what is wrong?
    I’m almost at my point where its just too depressing for me now.

    • Total Posts: 711

    Thargus, you already sent multiple texts. I know you feel bad and all, but maybe you should just let it be… And if she is gonna treat you like this all the time (being great with you, and then ignore you again) maybe you should have a definite talk or move on? I’m sure it’s so painful to you :/ you don’t deserve it you seem like such a nice guy

    • Total Posts: 657

    @Thargus Welcome to the wonderful world of confusion and mind games ๐Ÿ™

    • Total Posts: 273

    well the thing is i really don’t want to move on. because i will always be wondering what it is that is on her mind and always knowing she still has these feelings.

    but a funny thing happened today. two in fact. 1 being she replied to my text.
    she said why she didn’t reply, and we talked for a bit about things and we are going out on monday/tuesday. im taking her to a safari park, she doesn’t know this but she only knows im taking her out. thats part of the plan. that same evening is the musical we are seeing together.

    the other thing and secondly, remember the guy at the boxing gym who runs the class i was talking about?
    he dragged me to one side yesterday and asked me and said “between you and me, whats going on with you two? its obvious something is going on” so i told him the story, and he asked me if i want to get back together and do i still love her, of course i still do and want to. he gave me some good advice on being patient etc, he also knows their family too. so it brightened up my day and gave me some new enlightenment. we will see. but im not going to give up, at least not with the reasoning behind her choice.

    • Total Posts: 273

    and @ellie96 dont even get me started on that subject of confusion and mind games lol

    • Total Posts: 11

    How can I unfollow this post ? I tried to help you guys but you don’t really look at my answes and don’t answer mine LOL it looks like a Little private group chat between 3-4 of you..

    • Total Posts: 312

    You still seem like you’re doing a good job, Thargus, and I’m glad to hear there was a good update. I’d just keep things LC for now. If she texts you, reply. But in the meantime, until these events come up, don’t initiate any conversation. I still think this is all going to work out. You just really have to fight those urges to contact her nonstop sometimes and you have to keep being patient.

    • Total Posts: 312

    wanthimback, perhaps we haven’t answered you because I can’t even find a thread for you, I don’t remember you commenting at all, and because we’re here to help each other and comment when we can, not because there’s a commitment to? I don’t respond to Thargus with the assumption that he’s automatically going to be helping me with my situation. I do it because I want him to know what his best options are and to have an outside perspective on how things are going.

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