Boards Reconciliation met up with my ex, what do i do now??

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    • Total Posts: 425


    yeah hahaha i know, im so bad with writing long text messages!

    I think I’ll cut it down next time – i did it when we were going out too, im too coversational haha!

    i spoke to my friends about how long i should wait to reply to him ( they said dont reply which wasnt very helpful!)

    last night when he did at 9:30ish, i didnt reply to his message until 11am this morning. too long?

    also 1stanza i’ve just seen youve added new stuff on so i’ll go have a read! πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 312

    Awesome, thank you! I’d appreciate your feedback!

    I’m not sure that’s too long. I just wouldn’t wait that long every time, otherwise it looks formulaic. Sometimes you can wait ten hours, other times maybe give it a half hour or an hour, once in awhile you can actually respond quickly (immediately to ten minutes). Just mix it up and try to not let it look planned πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 11

    @amy111 See everything is going in the Right direction, you should try to keep the conversation a bit shorter like the others say!

    • Total Posts: 273

    Boy do I have some catching up to do with replying to you guys lol

    Here is something mine just text me:

    Her:You going to boxercise tomorrow?

    Me: I am indeed πŸ™‚

    Her: Okay cool. Me too. If I send you something could you please print it out for me?

    Me: Yeah of course I can, dim problem

    Her: Thanks πŸ™‚
    Her: At least you want give me bruises like my mum

    Shes essentially saying we are going to boxing together and we are going to partner up.

    Also one thing to note, I know that her sister has a printer herself so she has access to one I think?
    I’m sure anyway!

    What do you guys think?

    I PROMISE I will reply to your posts within this hour, going through them now!

    • Total Posts: 273

    I also made a little joke back to her saying “now wait jist one minute! are you saying I am rubbish at boxing?? I’ll show you! Haha”

    • Total Posts: 273

    And its been about 3 or 4 days since we spoke or text which was the last time she has asked me to go with her, I posted about it on here

    • Total Posts: 11


    I think you should go boxing with her and make it fun and light! She wants to see you it’s obvious If she didn’t want she wouldn’t ask to be your partner and not to print something for her.. I mean she doesn’t need you for that but it’s obvious that she wants you πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 273

    Oh I’m definitely going! Dont worry about that! πŸ™‚
    The thing is, I guarantee it will be flirty. Not by choice, it will just happen. It did the last time and people noticed, like play fighting etc etc

    So fingers crossed!

    • Total Posts: 11

    Well don’t do it on purpose haha just let it happens don’t look foward and push for it ! But enjoy it!!! πŸ˜€

    (Also If you have any opinion on what I should do with my weird situation Tell me ;

    • Total Posts: 312

    I’ve heard exercising together/doing fun classes like that as a date is one of the most fun things you can do as a couple. I’m feeling really positive about this for you, Thargus! Also, what did she need you to print?

    • Total Posts: 425

    sorry ive just got back from work – will read all of these in the morning!

    I got a reply from him!

    “ha i bet these last few days will go so slow πŸ˜‰ glad that my sis is finally keen to go out and get drunk aha! nah not a lads holiday just with the engineering people from uni πŸ˜› but should be good anyway. hha do you never see the guys from collegfe anymore? yeah ive actually got a really cool trip to bristol on wed πŸ˜› haha i need to eat soon at the restaurant…always keen for a cocktail ;)”

    but no mention of seeing us friday!

    I replied, and he replied again, but the conversation seems to be dying – thoughts? (this is his reply to my reply from the message above :P)

    “yeah it sucks that she has an appointment on her bday πŸ™ smoking aces is nice though! yeah, so thrilling I know πŸ˜‰ gonna look round and climb one of the huge tanks!!! haha jamie has more business ideas? i would definately be the president of that network πŸ˜‰ ”

    and then after the bikini photo he saw….

    “aha it was a great bikini;) pink and orange!”

    so hes been putting lots of ” πŸ˜‰ ” faces in…but as my friend at work said who also knows him, he can be quite a flirty person….so now im a little confused, and dont want to get carried away πŸ™ we also snapchatted 2/3 times or so…..

    i dont know, i dont want to come across that he can just walk in and out of my life and nothing is wrong, especially as I’m worried he might just be being nice and not care at all about me, and i get carried away thinking “oooh we might get back together” kind of thing :/ i know i can get carried away :/

    promise i’ll look at everyoens tomorrow!

    • Total Posts: 273

    so i went and got a text from her just as i was leaving, this is what she said:

    Her: im not coming to boxing, i feel gross.

    Me: πŸ™ whats up??

    Her i dont know ive felt funky the last few days.

    Me: An ill kind of funky? or are you a bit upset/stressed, something on your mind kind o funky?

    Her: All of the above.

    Me: well, if you wanted, would you like me to take you to club (her work place) later and you can tell me whats making you feel like that? unless you have a lift already, i don’t mind! or if you like you can just text me about it, i dont mind listening.

    Her: Okay thank you. a lift would be great πŸ™‚

    Me: At least i was saved from your fists and bruises this time πŸ™‚ it was a boxing class)

    so i just picked her up to drop her off, and im gonna get her from club and we are going to go shopping together and ill drop her home to which i will ask her whats wrong and things.
    shes been like this for a few days and i suspected something was wrong.
    what do you guys think?

    • Total Posts: 273

    @amy111 i think things seem okay personally πŸ™‚ your overthinking though i must say, but thats perfectly normal and you have to understand that. its very good your both talking/texting now no matter how frequent. he seems to be telling you in detail about whats going on in his life too, take that as a good sign! sounds like he wants you to be intrigued. but seriously dont think you are texting to little or too much, do it as you please. but dont go overboard with super massive texts, just keep it simple and everything simple! you will be fine πŸ™‚ and look forward to friday!

    • Total Posts: 312

    I stand with Thargus on this one, Amy. I think that things seem to be going really well and that you just need to take a deep breath, keep it cool until Friday, and then enjoy getting to see him in person. Hell, you guys might even make more plans then! Who knows?

    Thargus, I think that it’s a very good sign that she wanted to talk to you and wanted to see you while she’s hurting or something is up. I wish I knew whether her being upset had anything to do with you or not, because then I could give more insight, but sadly none of us know this. Either way, I know that exes don’t generally tend to contact each other when they’re upset unless they want to seek solace in each other. I’d take this as another good sign.

    If either of you, or ANYONE ELSE, could please read my thread, I’d really appreciate it. I had the worst night ever and I don’t know if I’m freaking out over nothing or what to do!

    • Total Posts: 273

    @between1standa i put a reply on your post, it was an interesting read most definitely!
    and i think it was more she was willing to see me while something is wrong, i cant even help but think its about us! and i wish i did know if it was or not. but im trying my so very hardest not to over analyze it all! i hope im not being too much “there for her” sort of thing? i dont know how to word it. i guess, too available?

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