Boards Reconciliation met up with my ex, what do i do now??

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  • #45231
    • Total Posts: 425

    okay, he replied….

    “Hey! Yeah had a great short week thanks πŸ™‚ am in nottingham this weekend has been good to catch up with everyone again. Am good at distracting people from their revision haha. How about you? Haha what are you thinking of getting? You didn’t send a pic!!”

    (definately did send one but dont think it sent lol)

    Is this an okay reply? He didnt say anything about it being nice to see me too – is this bad :'(

    • Total Posts: 11

    @amy111 I think you should send the pic to him and tried to keep a short and light conversation from now on. Don’t think about what he’s not doing the way you want him to do, just try to stay calm and have a Nice chat with him πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 11

    His answer his really joyfull and positive too keep that in mind πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 425

    Okay, I’ll wait a while and then reply-thanks guys!! :’)

    • Total Posts: 11

    If you have some time maybe check my story ;

    No pressure or anything but I’m trying to make up my mind on what I should do !!!

    Stay strong I think you see going im the Right direction !!

    • Total Posts: 69

    I’ve just read through this whole thread and I must admit it’s great (in a non sadistic way) to know there are others going through this process and it’s great that you support each other.

    It’s also nice to see that some of you have had some positive responses and are hopefully on the way to getting back together.

    I’m only in the early stages of NC (a week) and I’m struggling but knowing that others have gone through is very helpful and I have something to work with on what to expect in the coming weeks. If any of you can give me some advice on my situation then I’d be grateful. Tom

    No time for a relationship – Should I bother?

    • Total Posts: 273

    Just letting you all know I am still alive and here haha
    I have an awful migraine atm so I will reply to everyone tomorrow I promise! I have read all your threads too.
    Sleep time now.

    • Total Posts: 425

    oop sorry just got back from work!

    Okay, so I sent him the picture and he replied…but its quite a confusing reply??!

    “This looks beaut amy. this is like the type I want! Black 1 series is sexy. did you get it? and how about that bikini? haha. sweet! you’re done with uni forever on thursday? thats insane your so lucky ahaha. thats my sisters bday as well! send me the website link to your portfolio i want to see? the car looked very nice ill be so jealous if you get that πŸ˜‰ everyone up north is well! managed to see lots of the guys and booked a holiday to croatia as well haha! what have you been up to this weekend?”

    so a few things….
    1. i dont know what hes on about when he mentioned the bikini? so no clue what thats about.
    2. im kind of glad he mentioned the holiday to me as it means hes not being sneaky about it, but at the same time its still VERY hurtful, as he told me he didnt have time to go on a summer holiday at all with me πŸ™ plus he said with the “guys”, when i know for a fact that 4 girls are coming along too. 4 girls and 4 guys. great!:/

    thoughts? I havent replied to it yet, mainly becuase the holiday thing makes me angry haha.

    • Total Posts: 425

    okay, just found out why he said bikini…

    i have a new phone, so previous whatshapp conversation with him was deleted.

    turns out one of the last things i sent to him before he dumped me was a picture of me in a bikini and asking him what he thought.

    mega, mega awkward!

    • Total Posts: 312

    I think you’re letting the holiday thing get the best of you, when it really isn’t a big deal. I mean, I can definitely understand being jealous because you’d like to be going, but I don’t think it’s anything to worry about. Like someone else said, at the very least it goes to show that he’s branching out and growing and taking care of himself. All beneficial things if you want to get back together.

    The fact that he mentioned a super old bikini picture says a lot to me. He was clearly looking at it or thinking of you πŸ™‚ very positive text in my humble opinion!

    • Total Posts: 657

    @amy111 1) “guys” translation: he considers the girls part of the guys. meaning they are definitely part of the just friends group. I don’t think he was trying to avoid that.

    He was being overly friendly, which is great news for you πŸ˜‰

    Relax about the holiday thing. I know it is hurtful, and no matter what we say it won’t stop the hurt. But just know that I genuinely think you’re in luck, he definitely wouldn’t respond to you like that at all if there wasn’t something there. So hopefully that takes the anxiety away.

    Remember, he may be hanging out with them and we honestly don’t know what else may be going on, but he did text you and it was super sweet. He’s single. He can do what he wants and it is out of your control. it sucks, but you have to accept it. that is how you will get through this. The way I look at it is, he responded, he obviously still cares, and I bet he would love to see you when he gets back. Relax for now. If he was really occupied with these other girls, texting you would be the last thing on his mind!

    • Total Posts: 425

    Yeah very true. I think I let my emotions cloud my judgement ALOT, espeically when I first see something and get super upset about it haha!

    I did reply to him though πŸ™‚

    I said

    “yep am done forever thursday!yeah! she said she was going out for frinks on friday, think shes keen for a cocktail hehe πŸ™‚ ahh i’ll send it to you when Im done! and I know right?! am definately keeping my eyes open for a great deal. Oh nice! Lads holiday? πŸ˜› at least you’re using up your work holiday now πŸ™‚ weekend was good! worked sunday night and saw the guys from college during the days πŸ™‚ we’re trying to organise a trip to NY in august which would be awesome but its all a bit muddled/confusing atm! have you got any cool engineering jobs lined up the next few weeks? πŸ™‚ i heard your parents came into the restaurant sat night! apparently we’re bringing in milkshakes next week, so I’ll give the heads up if theyre worth a trip πŸ˜› ”

    i think thats an okay response? πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 425

    and thanks so much for all the advice btw – its crazy how much this website has helped the past month or two!

    • Total Posts: 312

    Your entire conversation back and forth seems really upbeat and positive, which is great! My only personal suggestion would maybe be to limit how long your messages are, assuming we’re talking actual text messages here, and not emails, something sent on facebook, etc. I only say this because I know some people get really annoyed by long text messages and don’t understand why the person can’t just call or email instead. That being said, he’s sent you some pretty long messages too and you know how the two of you communicate much better than I do, so take what I say with a major grain of salt πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 425

    yeah hahaha i know, im so bad with writing long text messages!

    I think I’ll cut it down next time – i did it when we were going out too, im too coversational haha!

    i spoke to my friends about how long i should wait to reply to him ( they said dont reply which wasnt very helpful!)

    last night when he did at 9:30ish, i didnt reply to his message until 11am this morning. too long?

    also 1stanza i’ve just seen youve added new stuff on so i’ll go have a read! πŸ™‚

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