Boards Reconciliation met up with my ex, what do i do now??

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  • #45086
    • Total Posts: 657

    @amy1111 I read your story like you asked me to and I feel that you may be over thinking things about this girl. But I also can’t guarantee that. He probably isn’t dating her, but I can’t say he isn’t sleeping with her. However, if he is, high chances are she is a booty call. It was hard for my to come to acceptance that my ex did that kind of stuff, but it made me feel better because 1) guys are like that and they need that (biology of course) and 2) they are just a rebound fling.

    Can you read my new thread? About keeping contact or not?

    • Total Posts: 425

    So I gave in and texted him – and unfortunately immediately regretted it as I went straight onto facebook to find out he’s booked a holiday for a week with his friends from uni – including that girl πŸ™

    I feel so so so stupid :'( I know they’re just friends, but I cant stop crying!
    It’s really, really upset me and I feel like I’ve lost all my chances with him :'(

    I wish i hadnt sent that text, I feel like theres no chance I’m ever going to win him back! πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 11

    @amy111 you should go to NC for a week or two I think to let him miss you a bit. Don’t overthink about the other girl, have a good time I’m sure it Will reach to your ex boyfriend !

    • Total Posts: 312

    I agree with what wanthimback said. I think you just need to stay strong, hold on to your NC resolve, and skip talking to him in the future. But I also think you shouldn’t worry too much about him going on a vacation, even if a girl there. Lots of guys do this. Lots of girls do this. Nothing to worry about πŸ™‚

    Mind checking my update?

    • Total Posts: 657

    What text did you send him?

    I wouldn’t read too much into NC, but I can say that NC will be very helpful for both you and possibly getting him back. You haven’t lost your chances yet. Acting like you don’t care what he is doing makes a difference.

    • Total Posts: 11

    I’m trying to catch up with you guys stories, but there is so many replies !!! I like that you help eachothers in this post !!!

    • Total Posts: 425

    thanks guys :/

    ellie96,I said “hey! was good to catch up last bank holiday. did you have a good 4 day week? πŸ™‚ iim just going to look at cars with dad (still cant justify it haha!) and remembered I said I would send you a pic of the car, but never got round to it! so yeah, this is the one im interested in! :)”

    I feel silly though because I’ve also realised that he is up visiting his friends (including her ) this weekend πŸ™ and because last week when we did meet up/speak for the first time in 3 months, we had talked about europe and travelling…plus he knows how much I wanted to go where they are off to too – when we were together and i would say “hey lets go away to europe somewhere this summer! or interrailing!” he would be like nah, i just wont have the time….

    I dont know, i feel stupid. I’m meant to be seeing him on friday now for his sisters birthday drinks too – really dont want to πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 425

    what makes me feel better is that she has met alot of our mutual guy friends, and when they met her they all thought she was quite a “cold” person…which makes me feel a little better πŸ˜›

    Im still really curious as to what this “serious chat” will entail as well that he apparently wanted with me. I now have come to accept I think it will probably be him trying to talk his way into why he dumped me was a good thing :/

    • Total Posts: 657

    I don’t think what you said was bad. Don’t feel stupid. You didn’t sound desperate or that you wanted anything. You sounded like a friend!

    I don’t see anything going on with this girl. He is doing all of those things to live his life. He learned a lot from you and now he is doing what you once mentioned. Yeah it sucks, but you need to do the same!

    • Total Posts: 425

    very true :/ i guess the fact we talked about doing it together makes it hard to see πŸ™

    I think I underestimated how much I still love him too – before I saw him last monday I went in full of confidence – now I feel like a complete wreck again who wants nothing but to have him back in my life! πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 657

    No, you didn’t underestimate your love for him, you underestimated the impact!! However, if you can walk in with confidence, you can walk out with it as well!

    • Total Posts: 425

    very true πŸ™

    I still want to try and get him back though! If I don’t try, I’ll regret it forever πŸ™ 3 years is so long to just chuck away without regret πŸ™

    I just dont know where to go from here :/

    • Total Posts: 657

    I know… My ex and I were together for 3 years…and we were completely in love..

    But I feel better now.. You will too. I don’t regret anything though. There is no point in regretting something that taught you new things. It is very easy to find someone new, but feelings may be different.

    I know you want to get him back! That’s why you’re here! We are here for you every step of the way!

    • Total Posts: 312

    Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s a whole lot to go from here. I think this is one of those things that given time and the right balance between NC and seeing each other will work out, but it’s likely going to continue to be a slow process. You just can’t rush these things, as much as we wish we could :/

    • Total Posts: 425

    yeah πŸ™ I think because he works away it makes it really hard to have constant contact with him. I’ll see how it goes friday when I next see him. It went so well on monday I just feel a little lost I guess πŸ™

    He hasnt replied to my message yet (probably becayse he is with her) , but I’ll let you guys know if he replies, and if he mentions this holiday of his that he’s booked.

    Im actually in the process of looking at holidays now haha!

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