Boards Reconciliation met up with my ex, what do i do now??

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  • #44973
    • Total Posts: 312

    That sounds like a really good day, Thargus! Things seem to be on track exactly like you want them to be. I’d just keep up with the being friendly and attentive when she’s in contact, but stick to low contact and not constantly messaging her when you’re apart. Well done, though! I’m jealous!

    • Total Posts: 273

    you think its heading the right way this time? i haven’t spoken to anyone else or any other friends/family members either so its all completely from my personal opinions and thoughts but i’m trying my best not to over think things and jump to conclusions also.
    i just hope i’m doing right. and i hope.. and i don’t care how long it takes.. that my patience and persistence really pays off. i refuse to give up on her and why should i?

    • Total Posts: 312

    If you’re being 100% honest about how things are going and you aren’t giving us overly optimistic details, I think it’s heading in the right direction. I think the only difficult thing about this board is knowing whether people are being truthful or whether they’re framing things in the way they want to see them. That being said, from what I’ve read, they seem to be shaping up. I just don’t think an ex is going to want to do all those things and spend that time with you if she doesn’t care. It just doesn’t make sense. I’m glad you’re patient, as that’s not always my strong suit, but I really think it’s going to benefit you in the long run. Would you mind reading over my post and letting me know what you think if you get a sec too? No pressure. I left Amy the link.

    • Total Posts: 273

    Yeah of course I will πŸ™‚
    And I’ve been honest about everything, but I guess its also opinions and thoughts from what is going on in my head. And I hope I’m not overthinking things at all.. I’m scared of that the most. I just hope it is what it is and that she is trying to spend more time with me not just to be friends but also find it to be more comfortable to bring up the conversation. Because it will happen again eventually regardless of who brings it up. But its scary just wondering what her intensions are. I wish I could just ask her friends but obviously I cannot. And I would be a hypocrite in doing so because our whole breakup and last conversation about it was about acknowledging our mistake of talking to others too much. I hope that makes sense? Lol

    • Total Posts: 312

    I guarantee you’re overthinking things. We all are! It’s okay. The important thing is whether or not that overthinking is overly optimistic, to the point that it is giving you false hope. In your case, I think you’re doing a good job of trying to remain optimistic while also not going overboard to the point that it would be devastating if things don’t work.

    That totally makes sense. Because of that, I think time and waiting it out is really what’s going to get you somewhere. And if you feel like you can’t keep waiting at a certain point, then it’ll be time for you to bring it up. But for now, things seem good so just try to be patient and happy πŸ™‚ I know things could be better and you could already have her back, but things could also be a lot worse!

    • Total Posts: 711

    you are going great thargus! keep the great job πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 273

    I just pray I’m not over analyzing and that she is just trying to be friends

    • Total Posts: 273

    @between1standa I finish work at 11am and when I get home I shall reply to your post πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 425

    Well done thargus!! So happy to hear that!! πŸ˜€

    I wish I was at your stage!! πŸ™

    Between 1standa I’ll read your post after my breakfast πŸ™‚

    I spoke to my ma and she said maybe text him today or tomorrow as we met up a week ago? But then I remember what you said! Ahhhh!

    • Total Posts: 425

    So I’ve found out the friends he’s gone up to see, one of them is a girl who visited him a couple of weeks ago at his house And stayed πŸ™ I know her quite well, and we’ve met a few times. She likes my posts sometimes on Instagram and sends me snapchats…he did the same course as her at uni.

    I’m now freaking out and feel a little sick at the thought that maybe they are seeing each other or sleeping together :'(

    • Total Posts: 312

    That’s certainly a possibility, I won’t deny it. However, if he was seeing a new girl and sleeping with her, I see very little reason he’d continue to be in contact with you in the way he is. Also, you’re friends with his sister and it seems like she’d tell you if something was going on. Otherwise, she’s a pretty poor friend, in my humble opinion.

    Only text him if you really think it’ll benefit you or you’re really dying to. I made that mistake last night (sort of) and it’s biting me today. I have a big update from yesterday and I’m dying to hear from you guys or talk to someone new about what happened. I’m kind of freaking out.

    • Total Posts: 425

    well thats the thing, he hasnt contacted me since the meet up on monday apart from the one snap chat, so theres been no contact (i think thats cos he doesnt really know what to say to me – i think we spoke earlier before though about how terrible contact was with him!)

    I dont know, i guess im just freaking out! I looked at cars this morning , and was tempted to text him about that cos thats what we were talking about when we last met up, and he mentioned about how i was going to send him a pic but never got round to it….

    Just read and replied to yours 1stanza πŸ™‚ sounds positive on your end!

    • Total Posts: 312

    If that was something you genuinely talked about, you could send him a picture of a car. It may not yield anything, but it at least doesn’t look like some desperate, half-assed attempt to get him to talk to you by bringing some random topic up.

    He hasn’t contacted you, but you also haven’t contacted him πŸ˜› I know that’s the point of NC, so not pointing fingers. I’m just saying that I always tend to get a response from my ex when I start the conversation, but he rarely initiates anything, even if he wants to talk. I could be wrong, but I still stand by thinking one of them would be in contact to let you know what’s going on if he were seeing some new girl.

    I just posted a super desperate update… Can you go read that and give me some feedback? Sorry I didn’t get that posted before you replied…

    • Total Posts: 425

    Thats very true.

    And thats true also! When i contacted him, he always replied with my texts. Maybe Im overthinking (I do tend to do this…a huge amount!!)

    I think also im worrying cos i know hes with that girl at the moment, and its making me want to text him more…

    Yeah course! I’ll have a read and reply! πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 312

    I’m so sorry for begging, but I’m so desperate. I can’t tell if I completely messed things up and today is going to be terrible, or if all the explanations my friend gave me for what they think he’s doing are could be correct.

    It’s in two posts because I remember a detail I forgot to include.

    Yeah, knowing he’s with friends or other people always makes me want to communicate with my ex more because I want him to give me the attention and not them. I would try not to read into it too much. If he always replied when you started conversations, it’s a good bet he just is having some issue with starting them himself. Or, like I said, there’s just really not much to talk about at the moment and he knows that.

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