Boards Reconciliation met up with my ex, what do i do now??

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  • #44423
    • Total Posts: 273

    amy, to be honest it sounds like the night went as it should of! you did fine. so did he. there was no friend zoning becuase the harsh reality at the moment is that you are friends right now. for now..
    and it seems it has broken the ice definitely πŸ™‚ you seem to be more chatty! just keep it slow and simple! don’t over think, i could see you were straight away! this is great! πŸ˜€
    sorry for the late reply also, didnt get a chance to come on πŸ™ though i have some news myself.

    i went to the boxing class and my ex and her mum came along again, we didnt train together as i was partnered up with someone else unfortunate and my ex and her mum trained together. but all the way through it, we kept talking about things, and the trainer had to keep telling us to get back to work and stuff and stop us talking, even her mum did. i kept ignoring my partner by mistake to talk to her haha

    after we had finished i overheard her talking with her mum about having to walk home so i went over and offered her a lift home since it is a bit of a trek.. to which she replied, yeah sure and would you like to come for breakfast with me also in morrisons?
    so of course i said yes! i ran and got showered, luckily i brought my really nice shirt with me so i looked quite the part, not overdressed i mean but just looking good. we were there for almost 2 hours just talking about stuff. mainly her talking about stuff and i just listened! her about her new stories becuase shes a writer, and other things. we just laughed. it was awesome. she wanted to go to tesco as well to pick up some jelly for her diet she is on, and we went and well.. she didnt even get jelly. she got some drinks, we walked around slowly talking, and she saw her freind there who she called over. (she works there) now.. there is no doubt in my mind that it had crossed her mind that she suspected things with us two walking around together.. y’know. its girls. girls always talk about that sort of thing haha
    so we headed home and i dropped her off, we talked about the most random stuff in the car. we waited for about half an hour just talking before she even left the car and her sister even came down and looked at us and just was like, “oh my.. you two.” and she just went back into the house lol
    but the whole time spent with her was a blast. nothing talked about our relationship but we just loved our time together. but also a little bit flirty as well, you know how it is. it was nice. there is clearly something there and other people can see it too. im just going to take this slow also and let it happen. im confident to be honest.
    i also saw her in the gym again today, i walked over and we chatted and laughed a bit again before i had to go to boxing class again.

    the only way i can describe it.. is its alsmost exactly how we were just before we had gotten together. always nervous around eachother, yet very laughable etc.
    it was nice and im happy that happened. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 273

    even her mother had to tell her to stop talking to me and get back to training lol
    (not in a serious way of course!)

    • Total Posts: 711

    I think you both are heading in the right direction! Feed your confidence on that, and don’t panic again, don’t pressure them or text them a lot so that all this amazing progress goes to waste πŸ™‚

    I don’t if you read what I said to you before though Thargus : x

    If you guys want any advice I’m gonna try to help πŸ™‚ good luck!

    • Total Posts: 425

    Yeh! Sounds great Thatgus, sounds like some awesome progression going on! πŸ˜€

    Isn’t it funny reading back to where we all were? I have to say ranting on this has been such a lifesaver the past few months-so
    Thank you!

    For the first time since we broke up, he sent me a snapchat last night too! I didn’t reply for like an hour and a half, but still! Little progressions!
    I’m seeing his sister today, so I’ll ask her if he said anything and let you guys know. I miss him so much now! I’m really proud of myself that I haven’t texted him yet either-the old Amy would have messaged him that evening saying “lovely catching up!” Not new, confident Amy now! :p

    • Total Posts: 425

    Okay, I’m feeling a little bit gutted now

    When we met up, we were talking about places we would love to go – and he was like ‘I would love to go to Budapest!” and I was like awww yeah me too!! would be such a cool place to go!”

    found out this morning that hes actually already planning on going there – with a group of guys and girls from his uni :”( and one of the girls is the one who he would always joke was “really fit”

    Im a little bit heartbroken if I’m honest πŸ™ he knew that he was going and still said that to me? I don’t understand πŸ™ we kept saying all the different places we wanted to go and what we wanted to do in europe, and im just a bit like hmmmmmm now πŸ™ and when we were going out we would say how we were going to go to different places in Europe too πŸ™

    my mum said I should book to go somewhere and do something…what do you guys think?

    • Total Posts: 273

    Kaila no way?! Thats amazing I’m so happy for you! How did that all happen???

    Amy I think the best thing you could do here is maybe not go away abroad yourself but maybe do something to catch his attention on what you are doing. Maybe actually going away yourself is a good idea? Dont worry about who he is going with, trust me it doesn’t matter and nothing serious will come of it if anything. πŸ™‚ and of course! Its been amazing talking to you lot on here, so thank you also!

    I just hope we can both be successful like kaila

    • Total Posts: 273

    what i mean @amy111 is perhaps get his attention somehow on something you are doing, something that will make him question it. that way you wont be trying to get him to notice you if that makes sense?

    im just going to go as it goes now for me, and wait for her to contact me and things

    • Total Posts: 425

    Yeah very true! I’m feeling so confused at the moment about it All, I’ve asked everyone about it and everyone else is just as confused as I am!

    It’s my hand in today, so will be interesting to see whether he says anything about it as he knows that I finish today!

    • Total Posts: 425

    Okay, so I have a bit of a mind fck at the moment.

    I met up with his sister, and she said that he had said to her that he was expecting a deep and meaningful conversation, but instead we just had small talk catch up-to which I got really annoyed about! Because a. What would he possibly say that’s deep and meaningful other than I’m sorry I dumped you its cos I wanted to me single?!

    Apparently he felt the same after as I did though-that it was weird that everything was so normal after the hugely emotional stressful time he had put me through

    Now I don’t know what to think, I’m literally in a complete mind fck about the whole situation?!

    • Total Posts: 425

    At the moment he definayely doesn’t want to get back together I don’t think…so what would this talk be about?! It’s driving me absolutely mad :'(

    • Total Posts: 273

    I think.. What this sounds like is that he was expecting you to bring up the conversation about you and him. And thats all, dont fall into overthinking!
    Keep it as it is. Its proven that he’s still thinking about you.

    I just got a text in the last hour from mine and she said “fancy going for lunch tomorrow?”
    I want to reply yes but I don’t get paid till tomorrow night and I am in work at 2 tomorrow :\ so it doesn’t give much chance for anything to happen.
    Shall I say what about another day or something??

    • Total Posts: 273

    I’ll talk properly when I’m home, still in work atm!

    • Total Posts: 425

    Yeh- it’s his sisters birthday next week, and we’re both invited to go out for drinks. I’m kind of scared as not sure what will happen-if he flirts with other girls I won’t be able to cope :'(

    I haven’t contacted him since our meet up apart from sending him a snapchat last night after he sent me one- my friends don’t think I should…should I?

    And thatgus sounds good! But yes, maybe suggest another day? But say “I would love to! But unfortunately….blah blah blah ” hehe

    • Total Posts: 273

    its been arranged for Friday instead as i am off and i get paid that day too. i have a feeling i will get my answer from her also.. i just have a gut feeling. seems to out of the blue tbh

    send it! send that snapchat woman! haha
    i think there is nothing wrong in doing so πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 425

    Yes!!! ahh I’m excited for you!!

    I sent him one of my doggy-he said on Monday that he missed her and she missed him (my dog that is haha!!)

    Let’s see if he replies I guess!

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