Boards Reconciliation met up with my ex, what do i do now??

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  • #43987
    • Total Posts: 425

    And good idea about the condolences message!

    • Total Posts: 273

    Wait till about say 3pm to see if he does first, then I would ask him yourself, it sounds like he’s thinking the same

    And I haven’t heard back from her yet, dont know how much more patient I can possibly be but I have to be!

    • Total Posts: 425

    Ok I said ” well if you’re about tomorrow and would like a catch up let me know! :)” and he said “yeah I think we re going out now too, got to get The sis out the house haha but if you’re around tomorrow/later today it would be cool to meet up.”

    But it sounds like a really blunt text compared to his last ones :s no smiley faces, winky/funny faces…nothing :/ am worried now!

    • Total Posts: 273

    from a guys perspective, he probably knew this was coming, of course hes going to feel awkward and strange and probably feels a little sick and that’s all πŸ™‚

    just promise yourself that you wont go in with expectations, and just be yourself, have a good time and nothing more. dont push or hold back and just enjoy it. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 425

    Yeh okay πŸ™‚ he’s being really unfriendly in his texts now!! Like, his attitude has completely changed :/ hmmm πŸ™

    Yes! Well I’m going to go to the gym in the morning and get a bit pumped before I meet him for lunch-am quite scared now!

    • Total Posts: 273

    that’s a good idea! get rid of some of those nerves gotta say amy i think you’ve stepped up your game haha

    but just remember to expect anything yet, take it all very slowly, alright? you will be fine! let me know what goes down! x

    • Total Posts: 425

    okay, so i met up with him!

    we met up for lunch, and then went for a walk for an hour or so, then went for a hot chocolate πŸ™‚

    it was soooo nice, it felt so normal, as if nothing had happened! a few things though –

    I said I hadn’t done stuff like baked for a while/done other bits for a while and he was like whaaat thats not like you?! (is this bad?!)

    Also, when we said goodbye it was really awkward. we stood by our cars for a bit, and then i said “well it was lovely catching up!” and then we had a bit of an awkward hug, and then i was like “cool…seee youuuuu..soon!” and he was like “yeah byeeeee!” and i was like “cool laters!!”

    Now i dont know what to do – we literally talked for 5 hours non stop, laughed, joked, even a teeeny weeeny bit of flirting kind of….nothing came up about the break up…

    I feel lost now πŸ™ im not going to text him until he contacts me. i had such a great afternoon though – i realised how much i loved and missed him, and how amazing we get on together πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 425

    also, we started talking about the future in general and he was like “yeah you just need to find yourself a millionaire man now!” – has he friendzoned me already?! after 3 years?! πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 711

    its beautiful to see you go from 3 months no contact to meeting up πŸ™‚

    dont ovethink anything my dear. honestly i think him telling you to find a millionaire guy might be a way to just see your reaction or try to make it seem he doesnt care. also what is the chance of you getting a millionaire? πŸ˜› he didnt say get a nice guy, he talked about something that isnt likely to happen

    i know you must feel so lost… grieve it a bit, cry if you need. but believe in your heart in what you guys have, give it some time… but consider if you should try to slowly get closer or do no contact again. both might work, you need to think what must be better for your case. good luck! πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 711

    Thargus I remember we were kind of in a similar situatin where we were both having nice meet ups with our exes. Me and him are trying, so hopefully in time you both will too! It all happened when we went out with friends – the first time that happened in 4 months. Timing of that meet up and circunstances were just perfect πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 425

    very true kaila!!
    im still worried ive messed everything up though πŸ™

    ive just remembered, i commented on his shoes saying oooh nice new shoes! and he was like yeah i got them when we were going out…thanks for noticing!! awkward! we laughed, but has that mucked up my chances?!?! πŸ™

    and also, we got in my car and he looked in the mirror and was like “yeah i look great πŸ˜‰ and i said “ahh still vain as ever i see?!”
    we laughed after again…but still!!!

    also, we were talking about maths tutoring and he was like yeah i’ll tutor you! and i said oh cool i’ll pay you in….spag bol? and he was like nahhh Β£30 an hour, and thats mates rates πŸ˜‰


    i dont know, i think im overthinking everything. I am worried he doesnt think im very nice anymore though because of the shoe/vain thing :/
    have i mucked it all up?!

    • Total Posts: 425

    also, And he commented on my baking and how much I loved it, and I said ahh I havent had time to do it anymore I’ve been so busy! and he was like β€œwhaaat thats not like you! you! you love baking! :P” and i was like β€œI knoooow Ive missed it, but i havent had time at all – when i hand in I’ll make a cake :P”

    would this have made him think ive changed too much? I keep thinking the meet up was great cos of the amount we laughed and talked about the past, but at the same time I’m worried I screwed things up because of a few comments i made! ooh noooooo! πŸ™

    but also, when we went for the hot chocs it was in a restaurant thats owned by a friend of theirs that i met, and as we walked in my ex was like “yeah you remember lucie?” and the friend was like “how could I forget!” and then we were chattitng with him about my exs sister whos been ill….I dont know, it just seemed so…normal πŸ™

    i havent heard from him since our awkward goodbye though :'(

    • Total Posts: 425

    sorrynot lucie, amy ! ahha i was writing that as i was looking at my sister hehe oops

    • Total Posts: 711

    Hum… I don’t think it’s bad. You were being playful πŸ™‚ also he might wonder why you are so busy πŸ˜‰ eheh. That stuff about being mates, don’t take it literally also. My guy never said anything like that to me but once he told me about all the places he was planning on going with his bike and then said sorry I’m being a jerk telling you all this. Like I wasn’t gonna be there. And now we are together. Give it time but honestly keep some contact, I think. If you feel it’s the right time to start trying to get back, start trying to get closer

    • Total Posts: 425

    okay, thats okay then! A few things as well.

    So yesterday I was talking about cars and that i wanted to get a new BMW. He then said (jokingly) “Yeah! how about you have the car during the week, I have it at the weekends, and we split the cost :P” and then i was saying about a maths test i have soon, and he was like “yeah I can be your maths tutor!” and i was like hahahaha yeh good one, ill pay you with spag bol πŸ˜‰ and he was like “nahh my prices are Β£30 an hour, and thats mates rates :P”

    and then we were talking about our trip last year,and he was like “yeah we should have gone to america straight after – that would have been amazing!”

    i mean its all joking, but i thought it was quite nice πŸ˜›

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