Boards Reconciliation met up with my ex, what do i do now??

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  • #43682
    • Total Posts: 425

    Yes! Definately do πŸ™‚ or even just update your status saying “can’t wait for tonight!” Or something! πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 425

    also, i did what you said….and replied just like I usually do πŸ™‚ and he replied back! I waited until lunchtime today to reply, and he replied around 6ish, which is when he finished work πŸ™‚ it was nice! asking me what im doing in summer, well done on new jobs e.t.c…even made a comment about a joke i made in the last one! Am going to wait again until I reply…..

    • Total Posts: 273

    definitely keep it like this! this has shown you have broken the ice πŸ™‚

    im still doing the journal, its taking longer than i thought. im putting a lot of thought into it as well as some drawings and things, make it a lot more personal.

    • Total Posts: 273

    i still get thoughts to myself as to why i am even doing this.. my chances are low. i don’t know. be honest @amy111 do you really think its a good idea or even worth the effort to finish this journal?

    • Total Posts: 425

    Has she spoken to you at all?

    In all honesty-no. If she can’t be bothered to speak to you, I would leVe it until she makes up her mind πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 273

    well, not since the cinema, but its not like we aren’t talking on purpose or anything. maybe i should just ask her if she would like to go out for the day and just enjoy ourselves. no strings attached sort of thing.

    also i remembered today i should be receiving my tickets for the Dr who show on may 25th we are going to.

    but i dont know if this journal will make a difference or not. i probably do deserve better in other peoples eyes but i just cant accept not giving it a proper shot that’s all. it deserves that. i know deep down there is something there and im probably stupid as hell for being so stubborn and persistent. its been 3 months now

    • Total Posts: 425

    Tbh thargus, I think you should meet with your ex on thee 25th and see if anything happens. For now-stop the journal. You are only toeturing yourself and not doing yourself any favours by doing it at the moment :/ sorry for tough love haha but sometimes people need it I think!

    My ex and I have been texting! I’ve been spending quite a long time replying to them (around 3/4 hours each time, or if he texts late in the evening I wait until the next morning!) it feels the same as ever! He’s even been referring to little jokes we used to have together! πŸ™‚ and he’s been putting little ” πŸ˜‰ ” and @ :P” faces in the texts too πŸ™‚

    Annoyingly I texted him back ultra late lSt night (around 6 hours later) and he hasn’t replied yet πŸ™ am worried now!!

    How should I proceed if the convo keeps going?

    • Total Posts: 273

    Well, I’m not so much torturing myself doing it, if I’m really honest I have been stuck indoors for about a week because I hurt my back at the gym and have a trapped nerve lol I’m in the dumps because I’m so bored not able to get out and drive. And its not much to finish of the journal anyway and I told her id give it to her regardless of any outcome so, I dunno I just feel in all sorts of different moods right now.
    But the worst thing is, I think her friends mum has passed away last night.
    I’m glad I’ve given her space, I’m tempted to give her sister my old jacket she had from before that she used to like wearing when she was down or ill or something to give to her, but that might be stupid. So maybe not. I will wait till the 25th but I would like to be certain about her friend because I’m unsure its actually happened. I just want to see if she’s alright thats all.

    I’ll be honest here, I feel like I’m being tested lol like testing my patience or something.

    And thats good about the texts! Dont get ahead of yourself and keep it as it is. Await his response and don’t be worried. And don’t fall too fast! Keep it simple for now. Slow and steady.

    • Total Posts: 425

    No I felt like that! I feel like it was a bit of strength of character really- as is this!

    Well what you could do is find out whether or not she actually has passed away and then talk to her/send her a comforting message? I’m sure it will be appreciated! πŸ™‚

    Yeah, he replied this morning at 9:30! I’m trying to be very very careful not to get carried away-feel like this is a bigger test than not talking to him! He’s home this weekend and has asked what my plans are…I haven’t replied yet, as I’m scared that it’s all going a bit quickly :S
    We’ve been texting since Wednesday, but where he used to take ages to reply now I am! Which I’m quite happy about hehe

    • Total Posts: 273

    Yeah your right. I’ll try and find out, not sure how but ill try!

    • Total Posts: 273

    What is your time zone by the way? I’m from the UK so its hard to tell with the wrong times it is placing these posts at haha

    • Total Posts: 425

    im uk πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 273

    let me know when you reply πŸ™‚ just keep it going casually! this is good amy πŸ˜€

    • Total Posts: 273

    She did pass away. I sent her friend a condolence message and asked my ex if she is okay in a text, hopefully she replies, I know she’s very upset.

    • Total Posts: 425

    Ok so he replied! It’s got to the point in the conversation where it’s now like ” I’m at home this weekend! What about you?” And I said ” yeah I’m home too! Just having a chilled weekend”

    Should I propose we meet up? Or should I wait for him to? All my friends say wait for him to…. :/

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