Boards Reconciliation met up with my ex, what do i do now??

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  • #43016
    • Total Posts: 425

    Yeah, thats true. I think his ego is playing a massive part in it too…:(

    gahhh i just miss him so much though! shouldnt have put all my hopes on one little picture I guess!!

    thanks, i think I will tomorrow πŸ™‚ right now im just going to try and push it to the back of my mind before work, otherwise I’ll be all mopey πŸ™ haha

    • Total Posts: 273

    ah don’t worry, its not that you put all your hopes into that, its more you naturally think it will help, and of course it has! you have seen he is still watching what you are up to. hes seen you are enjoying yourself and hes probably feeling slightly jealous of that πŸ™‚ i know i would be! πŸ™‚ dont worry, all is good!

    • Total Posts: 273

    I’m feeling stupid and in the dumps at the moment. Its been two weeks, we were all meant to go see a movie as our group of friends this week. Only everyone has gone separately. And I cant help its because of me and my ex, and that people are awkward around us. It makes me feel in the dumps and so bad.

    • Total Posts: 425

    that sucks thargus πŸ™ sounds like she has a lot going on though, i wouldnt feel too bad!
    and its not your fault – your friends shouldnt make it awkward around them.

    Im feeling really crappy at the moment too. my friend who apparently spoke to alex the other day, has spoken to him like everyday so far. however, when i tried to contact her just for a quick catch up or a chat, she tells me she’s super busy and cant talk to me….she has a boyfriend so im not worried about anything like that, but still πŸ™

    makes me feel SO shit! and my friend who lives with this girl has said that theyve been sending each other snaps.another brutal kick after him ignoring mine πŸ™
    tempted to throw in the towel and just say fuck it to both of them – the fact she wont talk to me but is quite hapilly facebooking and texting him is really hurtful πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 273

    Dont throw in the towel, you cant. I’ll admit its how I feel right now and what I want to do but.. Just pursue it. You have to! If you throw in the towel now you will live always wondering. And its easy to over think things, I’m a culprit of it myself! I’m awful for that. But its also natural to think the worst on how something looks. Next time she says she is too busy, ask why or what are you up to? If she replies with something rubbish or doesn’t reply at all then you can ask a question about It or think about it. Plus if you throw in the towel now because your frind was snapchatting your ex, who will look like the bad person here? Ask yourself that and see it outside the box. Dont give up now. You don’t have yourself to blame so why blame yourself? Your not doing anything wrong!

    And IF what you suspect or think of the worst is right in the long run, again you have to realise, you haven’t dine anything wrong and cant blame yourself for anything πŸ™‚ chin up!

    And as for me, its just I cant even feel like I can text or ask anyone about things for two reasons. Id be a hypocrite because the whole conversation we had was about us talking to others too much. And come to the conclusion that is what ruined the relationship. Secondly because I think talking to my friends would make it even more awkward, and annoy them more than anything. This has been 3 months now and well, I’m still waiting her reply. Like I said before though I dont mind because I hope shea really thinking, and she has had a lot going on it seems also. So I want to give her the space, as hard as it is, just for that reason.

    • Total Posts: 425

    Okay so big news…

    I found out my exs dog had died, so I messaged him this evening saying “hey! πŸ™‚ I’m really sorry to hear about your dog, she was so lovely! Hope your well and work is going well πŸ™‚ x”

    …..and he replied an hour later! Saying

    “Hey! Cheers, yeah sad but expected I guess πŸ™ how are you anyway? How’s final year going?”

    No kisses πŸ™ but he replied-am guessing that’s good?

    It’s been an hour since he texted and now I’m panicking, when do I reply?! Was thinking mYbe around 9 ish (3 hours later?)

    It’s so wierd, I texted thinking he wouldn’t reply and now he has I feel like that same nervous girl all over agin πŸ™ hate it! – but yay!

    • Total Posts: 425

    Thargus has she texted you back yet?

    • Total Posts: 273

    honestly if i were you i would text normally and naturally now! especially in a situation like that. it will be fine πŸ™‚

    and she hasnt text, but today there is a story to tell.

    so her sister rang me asking me to take some jumper cables and jump start her car. she broke down on the way to work. she also asked me to pick my ex up and take her to work. so i did that, it was okay, not awkward and had some funny moments. we sang to our cd as usual, and just laughed a little.
    we all went out to the cinema tonight, i just got back. we went as our usual group of friends. me, my cousin, my ex, her two sisters. we had to split up in the cinema because there were not enough seats next to each other. so i decided to make a last minute decision and go sit next to my ex down at the front while she was also sat next to her other two sisters. truthfully, the real reason i did this is so i could be sat by her. i haven’t seen her for 2-3 weeks without a text and as hard as it is for me to admit while still trying to be strong, i missed her a lot. so i just wanted to be by her.
    it felt slightly awkward and probably seemed weird going to sit next to her like that when we were already sat down, and i don’t know if i made the right decision doing so. it may have looked like a desperate attempt to sit next to her and i just got the vibe that she was feeling and thinking in her head “why has he come to sit next to me like that?” sort of thing.

    i dont know. but i feel kind of crappy because we were walking back to the car park all of us, and i might be over thinking but i just feel like she is being slightly evasive. maybe its because of our conversation where she feels she keeps leading me on? or its just that she is genuinely feeling like im trying to hard and only waiting for an answer from her. and the thing is, she never said goodbye either in the car park. i took my cousin home because there is no room in their car, and my ex went upstairs with her sisters and she didn’t even say goodbye. im probably over thinking like crazy but.. i don’t know. why do i feel so crappy now? why. its not fair.

    • Total Posts: 425

    hmmm i could see why that would…

    i get the feeling maybe she might be feeling awkward around you because she knows you are waiting around for her?

    maybe give it a while before you see her or her family again? or at least go out, take photos of you with other girls and guys and maybe it will get her thinking that if she doesnt make her mind up she’ll lose you kind of thing? πŸ™‚

    Yeah! well i replied being my usual cheery self – like “yeah im good thanks! final years coming to an end now wahay!! how are you, is work still good? :)”

    but he replied really bluntly πŸ™ which upset me a bit :/ it was literally like “sounds good. how long until youre done? must be scary haha. whats your plans for next year? yeah work is alright thanks, same thing everday getting a bit boring!!”

    I dont know….like im pleased he messaged me back, but at the same time it makes me sad that he doesnt sound like hes even excited to talk to me :'(

    my friends were all really angry that i texted him too after the crap he put me through :/ but i havent replied to his recent text – i took their advice and am going to wait until tomorrow midday ish – make him wait a little bit as he always used to do it to me loads muahaha!

    is there a reason he seems to be being so unfriendly and blunt though? surely he wants to speak to me otherwise he wouldnt reply?

    I dont know πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 273

    hmm. the only reason a guy would be like that usually, (not all the time of course!) is to make themselves hard to get. and in this case, make you think about him more. which is what you are doing exactly now! your thinking why did he reply like that? which is what he would of wanted. hes going to play hard to get. πŸ™‚ see this as a good thing πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 273

    keep me up to date! and reply tomorrow like you said! show him your not bothered by this, and reply as normal. reverse psychology. play him at his own game. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 425

    Yeah πŸ™‚ should I be that blunt back though? Or should I just stick with my normal cheery self? I wasn’t sure :/

    • Total Posts: 273

    normal self πŸ™‚ thats the key here! normal self! be yourself and show a stronger self by not showing you are bothered by this bluntness! πŸ˜€

    • Total Posts: 273

    and maybe i will try and take some photos and be active more on facebook and make her think that!

    • Total Posts: 312

    I hate just randomly posting like this because I haven’t been involved in the conversation, but I’m new and I’ve literally gone through all 23 pages of this thread and you guys seem like great people to ask for advice. Would you mind reading my thread and giving me some thoughts?

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