Boards Reconciliation met up with my ex, what do i do now??

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  • #42257
    • Total Posts: 273

    I haven’t text her at all πŸ™‚ i’m quite proud.
    that t-shirt thing you did, is very tactical haha a great move! i wish things seemed to flow that easy my end. i do have one of her jackets still in my car that she seems to “forget” every time we go out.. its been there almost half a year, she knows it’s there but leaves it lol. also she once stole one of my jackets, a red comfy jacket that is too big for me to wear but is cosey to just wear in the house and is what she did with it, she gave it back at some point, she should have kept it.

    and he is looking at them? the thing is, being your his ex now is that he will always like to see what your up to without him! its a jealousy/insecurity thing. ALL guys are a little bit insecure, its a total lie if they say they aren’t lol trust me and remember that!

    btw @amy111 here is one of my emails you can contact me on if needs be from when i said before, im not sure if im allowed to link an email on here but hopefully i can!
    [email protected] dont laugh at the name lol, it is an old email i used!

    • Total Posts: 425

    ahhh thats awesome well done! hehe I thought so too πŸ™‚ I bumped into his sister today actually shopping! she said she was heading home cos her bro (the ex!) was at home on his own and wanted to spend some quality time with him so after we said goodbye I sent a text saying ‘have a lovely afternoon with the bro! and say hey/hope youre well from me πŸ™‚ X’

    thats the first time i’ve actually directed something at him, so will be interesting to see if she replies/if he asks her to reply! (she hasnt texted bakc yet tbough and this was an hour ago πŸ™ ) so i do feel a teeny bit silly now but hey ho πŸ™

    Awesome, I’ll message you thargus πŸ™‚ Also, from a girls point of view i think its a good sign she kept it – it’s like shes holding onto an aspect of you that she doesn’t want to let go πŸ™‚ (that was why i gave my ex his tshirt back, just to show that i’ve let go in a sense haha)

    • Total Posts: 273

    well, thing is she gave me back the jacket a while ago, about a month before we broke up. i wish she had kept it. but i do have her jacket in my car still.
    you seem so much more confident about everything amy! its good!

    • Total Posts: 273

    Still no text from her yet! maybe this is a positive thing? i want her to think long and hard so..

    • Total Posts: 273

    i’m quite unsure at this stage. i’ve still had no text or anything, i did see her the other day when i picked her sister and my cousin up from their nans house and she come in the car also, it wasnt really awkward but felt sort of strange. i just feel as though nothing is going to happen.. i dont know if im doing right or wrong. i havent text her and still dont want to. im trying to give her space to think about us, but perhaps she is thinking i am not bothered anymore?

    • Total Posts: 711

    Thargus, of course not. She knows you care, things don’t change that quick. Also give her time. I know it’s so hard and everything crosses your mind while you are waiting for something but you saw already that insisting isn’t working. You need to try giving her space, even if you think it was enough space already

    • Total Posts: 425

    Yeah don’t worry thargus! definately don’t text her, i know how hard it is, trust me!!

    but space is what she needs at the moment, she’ll respect you a lot for giving it to her πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 425

    my friend spoke to mine yesterday and I realllyyyyyyy want to know what hes said to her but she isn’t answering my texts! grrr haha. curiosity is killing me haha!

    • Total Posts: 273

    Haha! You gotta find out! Seems a bit suspicious to me! Ask in person πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 425

    ahhh I wish I could ask her in person, but she works and lives 40 mins away πŸ™ but her housemate messaged me and said on tuesday he tried calling her, which hes never done befpre! So I am a bit curious….
    though i also think surely if it was about me, she would have told me already? as this was on wednesday and its friday now? ahhh πŸ™

    I did however find a food in my local supermarket that I used to absolutely love when we went travelling in Asia! I was tempted to take a photo/snapchat and send it to him and be like “look what I found! πŸ˜€ ” thought it would be a fun way to make convo…if he replies.

    This will be the first time contact in 11 weeks…as you guys know I keep attempting to and then chickening out! but i really, really think this is a good casual way to contact now, as its not something to force a conversation if that makes sense? seems like ive more just come across it and thought of him in the spur of the moment πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 273

    that couldn’t sound better to do so! honestly just go for it. what do you have to loose? your not going to scare him off that’s for sure. its a nice, simple and effective way for him to instantly think of a nicer time and he will get a good feeling from it! πŸ˜€ and that way be more comfortable to reply to you πŸ™‚ that’s what its all about when breaking the ice. just something to make each other comfortable in the matter just enough so it isn’t awkward! you can do it and you will feel like a million times better having done so. do it! πŸ™‚ trust me!

    • Total Posts: 425

    okay – done! eeek

    • Total Posts: 425

    i sent a pic of the item and underneath said “M&S now do their own asian spread!!” with a little emoticon of hands being thankful hehe.

    now i guess i’ll wait…my heart is pounding like crazy haha.

    have u seen her at the gym again thargus?

    • Total Posts: 273

    \not at all πŸ™ the only time i saw her was when i said which was in the car, nothing more. but i did find out today that her friends mum who is suffering with cancer and is at a very bad stage, my ex has been on friend duty sort of thing for her and keeping her cheered up etc through this time. so she has been quite busy and is most likely prioritizing that over thinking about us which i can totally understand! but i still haven’t heard anything as of yet!

    • Total Posts: 273

    im actually finishing this journal i have had for a very long time for us. she knows i will be giving her something and shes okay with that. it was going to be for our anniversary. i got a leather handcrafted journal and i have kept every ticket and bits and bobs from places we have been to. cinemas, plays etc. and of course i kept our ticket to the museum of the day i asked her out. and i also have a purple tulip that i went back and picked from the museum garden area, which she pointed out was her favorite flower and color. she knows im giving her that but not the journal. and i do want her to have both regardless of what happens. im not going to give it to her before anything though, after the decision has been made and just say here look, i did this for us and i still want you to have it. she will absolutely adore it. but of course it will be even better if she says she wants to give it another go! πŸ™‚
    did you message me on that email by the way?

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