Boards Reconciliation met up with my ex, what do i do now??

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  • #41097
    • Total Posts: 425

    Sorry kayla for some reason I couldn’t find you’re post!

    Sounds good! Best thing to start off with is just chatting/texting whatever, then ask for a coffee. You can’t really plan too far ahead until you’ve had the initial first catch up together

    • Total Posts: 425

    It will be fine though πŸ™‚ good luck!!

    I went out with my girls last night and I cried πŸ™ it sounds stupid, but I uploaded a few snaps to my snapchat story of me and 3 girlfriends-nothing bad, just us having fun! At 11:30 it said that he saw them (I was quite happy he saw hehe) but then about 10 mins later uploaded one of himself and the girl he thought was really fit (also our mutual friend) and I cried!! πŸ™

    I feel so silly for getting upset, but it seemed as though he uploaded it in retaliation almost? What do you guys think? πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 273

    Kaila, however nice the goal seems, dont think to far ahead. Focus on what is now and nothing more, text and break the ice, its been long enough in my opinion! Arrange for coffee eventually, play it slow.. Even if it doesn’t get there by the time the singer is here. Trust me, play it slow πŸ™‚ but make contact now!

    sounds like a definite response. It even sounds like you’re both doing the same thing! You definitely have each others attention for sure!

    My ex replied to me last night around 7 just saying this, “Sorry, I came home from the gym and fell asleep with my cat all day, I’m already becoming really lazy lol”
    Its no reason for not texting Friday, but if that is true for the Saturday then maybe.. But I feel Shea just beating around the bush. We had conversation after where I joked and said she will be like the crazy cat lady from the Simpsons, and nothing really else. Do I bring up the coffee again or? I dont want her avoiding this!!

    • Total Posts: 750

    @amy111 definitely sounds like he uploaded one in retaliation! It’s a game. He saw yours and thought he needed to do one better!

    • Total Posts: 711

    amy this isnt at all the first catch up. we were supposed to meet last week but he thought I saw him and ignored him at a coffee shop but i didnt! it was a set back but at the same time i was happy that he as that upset about it. now though he said said we would arrange a meet up but as I said its been a week and nothing. I am thinking of texting or calling in a few days and see if we arrange a meet up. im not going to talk about something else i think. he knows im waiting to meet up

    also he might have uploaded in retaliation or not. a few weeks ago, maybe two it was really funny. i told my ex i go out every friday. he NEVER posts photos of his night outs. that weekend he posted tons including friday XD i think its good πŸ™‚

    and this is my advice to you thargus. i think she was rude by not saying anything before. and you are being too nice by making jokes. she could have said she thought was too soon to have a coffee or talk about things. just be honest you know? i would be pissed if my ex did that to me. but if you think this is the best way to go then by all means do so I don’t want to influence you wrongly

    • Total Posts: 273

    I am pissed.. Being honest. I dont know if I should text now or not asking about the coffee or just leave it. I will probably see her at boxing class tomorrow anyway.

    • Total Posts: 273

    I think I am being too nice. I’m just afraid of making her annoyed towards me in all of this situation when I’m trying to make it better if that makes sense? I dont want her to be off or annoyed at me if I show frustration towards her

    • Total Posts: 750

    @thargus I think you should leave it now. You’ve been nice enough, you don’t want to become a doormat. If she is feeling nervous or anxious then pushing it will only make it worse. I think carry on with your own thing now and let her come to you

    • Total Posts: 273

    Okay. I will do this, gave myself some time to think and i think I shall. I’ve been considering a holiday for a week in Rome. I was planning ages and ages ago, I have time right now and it would be a nice break.

    • Total Posts: 273

    @KD1988 i think your right. im not going to do anything while in a frustrated state either, she is well aware that we should be going for this coffee talk, so why do i need to keep reminding her and pushing it? i will keep you up to date. but i am annoyed. and i feel bad for being annoyed which sounds stupid.

    • Total Posts: 425

    Yeah, thats what I thought. the fact that he never ever EVER has put up a snapchat story EVER, and then on a night that I put up pics of the girls and I, 10 minutes later theres one of him and this girl…I told my mum and she thought it was a retaliation, and a bit of “you might be out with your girls but im doing stuff too tonight/look whos with me” haha. it still hurrts that he hasnt contacted me though still πŸ™ oh well.

    yes thargus, definately leave it, if you contact anymore it will begin to look desperate. The ball is in your court, definately do NOT contact her until she contacts you now! it will all work out πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 58

    @amy11 … I’m almost certain that it was out of retaliation. I think he was jealous you were having and then used something that he knew would hurt you.

    I think he still has residual feelings for, and whatever those feelings are you need to play your cards right from now on. I would suggest you act unbothered by it and happy, he’s expecting you to be hurt show him you’re not.

    My ex and I broke up about a week ago. It’s been really hard on me, but Ive been NC since she ended it. I haven’t heard anything from her just yet, but I expect because A) the break up is fairly recent B) She’s extremely busy and “overwhelmed” by her fast approaching exams. She studies maths at University, she’s in her final year and has 8 exams in 2 months.

    I think it’s safe to say I should go No Contact for the 2 months and then send the letter.

    Please tell me what you think.

    If you want to know more, please let me know!

    • Total Posts: 273

    @amy111 it sounds like hes afraid too and is playing games, the same one you are haha. its quite funny in a way! its OBVIOUS. hes definitely seen your picture and thought, oh god! and hes had that feeling in his stomach, so hes thought, i cant let her think im not doing anything and im sulking. so hes post a picture in “response” πŸ™‚ its something i can see most guys do!

    is there a way to PM you somehow?

    and i hope it does work out! im going to the boxing class as usual again tomorrow, and i have a feeling she will be there too. hopefully its not awkward, and then hopefully she will bring up the coffee convo again.

    • Total Posts: 273

    She wasn’t at boxing class today, so I text her telling her she’s a lazy bum because she didn’t come to boxing

    • Total Posts: 425

    Thargus you can’t text her again! Honestly I know it’s hard but you really can’t πŸ™ yes, how could we do it? I think I have an aol account somewhete-will have to look it up πŸ™‚

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