Boards Reconciliation met up with my ex, what do i do now??

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  • #40963
    • Total Posts: 750

    @amy111 that’s a good way to break the ice πŸ™‚

    I’m sure if she has become one of your friends too then nothing will happen there πŸ™‚

    Haha bloody tinder!

    • Total Posts: 273

    I will let you know when she does reply, I’m expecting a reply like, “sorry I’ve been feeling really down lately etc etc” again though. But I wont text again at all now

    • Total Posts: 273

    I just don’t understand what I have done wrong?

    • Total Posts: 750

    I don’t think you should blame yourself at all. You’ve done what you can and haven’t done anything wrong, it will be down to her own issues

    • Total Posts: 273

    I just don’t understand the situation, she wants to go for this coffee, we are flirty and great when we are together, then she backs out of it I think? I dont know. I dont understand. I feel bad to even text her about it because I feel I am pushing her to do something she doesn’t want? Argggghh lol

    • Total Posts: 425

    Sounds a bit like she likes the attention and having you “on the hook” so to speak :/ she knows she can have you whenever she wants- maybe that’s the problem :/ you always want something you can’t have….but when you know you can have it wherever and whenever you take advantage…

    Maybe that’s what’s going through her head :/

    • Total Posts: 425

    Definately don’t text her again though-do you still have her on facebook? Sounds really ‘cliche’ as such, but go out with your friends and take loads of photos so she can see – she might well be thinking your just waiting around for her to text you, Nd you definately don’t want that πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 273

    yeah i still have her on facebook, and your the second person to say this also. it has crossed my mind, im unsure how to go about this though see. thing is i wouldn’t remove her from facebook at all because it would cause our group of freinds to be awkward all the time. for example if i was to go to their house she wouldnt be able to say hello and have to stay in her room etc

    • Total Posts: 273

    but, how do i exactly go about being the person she “can’t have” type of thing?

    • Total Posts: 711

    i guess not contacting, being indiferent when you bump into her and showing thru facebook how busy, happy and that you are going out with groups with girls in it can help

    i just found out the singer that we had really romantic moments listening to is coming to our city in a month πŸ™ i want him to go with me! this is it, its been 3.5 months, i gave him plenty of time for himself, i need to fight now! my goal is getting him to go with me at the end of this 1 month period! how do i do it? please help me! it would be perfect if he started to be like ok lets go little by little, he starts feeling great with me, and then he goes with me and bam. we get back. please please help

    • Total Posts: 425

    oh no i completely get that, I still have mine on facebook because ALL of our friends are exactly the same, even when he went to a different uni AND did his year in singapore i became friends with them all, so i completely get that!

    I think the thing to do now is literally to go out and have fun! It sounds silly, but once she knows that your out doing stuff with other people, she’ll think “oh, he has a life without me?” kind of thing if that makes sense?

    And It wouldnt hurt to get a pic of a mixed bunch of guy and girl friends – as a girl, I know if I saw my ex in a photo with a girl, even if there were other guys in it, I’d be like “hmm, who is she?”

    I dont think its a case of something she ‘can’t have’ at all, but more a case of you’ve got to be someone with his own life if that makes sense? Show her that you don’t need her and that you’re fine without her, and you can still do fun things without her. At the moment she might think “oh hes at home, waiting for me to message, im going to go out with my girls though – i know hes there waiting for me so why should i put the effort in?” – that kind of mindset if that makes sense πŸ˜›

    Plus it would be good for you too – I’ve realised that however much I want my ex back, I’m strong enough to cope without him and have a great time on my own! something that I dont think he expected from me at all, as I was completely 100% reliable on him , and the fact apparently my ex EXPECTED me to message him after he broke up with me was something I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 425

    Agreed – bumping into her you can still be really friendly, really nice e.t.c…but if you bump into her again DONT ask her out for a coffee. or to meet up. youve done it enough. she has to now – however hard it may be not to ask her, really really don’t! she wont run off with anyone else – but she does need to know that your not going to be a little puppy following her about if that makes sense πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 711


    • Total Posts: 273

    just out walking the dogs kaila and ill be back to reply πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 711

    ok xx)

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