Boards Reconciliation met up with my ex, what do i do now??

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  • #40888
    • Total Posts: 711

    wtf. I am sorry Thargus. This makes no sense :/ But one thing I read on toronto love doctor was that we can’t want them to get back on our own terms and time frames. So don’t think “its been too long already”. Either try to talk to her and understand where she is coming from. Or do like a month no contact I think…

    • Total Posts: 711

    I am not really sure

    • Total Posts: 750

    @thargus I know how
    You feel…

    • Total Posts: 273

    i will text her tomorrow, its either 1 of 3 things.

    1. she has forgotten. which sounds awful and on her behalf is not a great move.
    2. she is very nervous.
    3. she doesn’t want to hurt me and let me down again.

    i wont do no contact again, i cant for the simple reason it will just make it 100x more awkward around my friends. i have spoke to one of her friends about it as she always asks about us andi do trust her, she has been giving me some advice. here is what she has said.

    “I think wait til sat/sun for a reply, if not send a nice friendly message like “still up for that coffee?”
    OR a nice Oscar Wilde quote to proceed the message.
    “When one pays a visit it is for the purpose of wasting other people’s time, not one’s own.”
    Cheeky but fun intro!”

    my ex loves Oscar wilde see.

    i do feel terrible, but i KNOW she will feel terrible just as much KNOWING we were meant to meet up today and she didnt even try. which makes me think shes trying to avoid it/nervous

    • Total Posts: 750

    Does sound like she is nervous. But it is also a little bit rude I think too!

    • Total Posts: 273

    yeah it is, but i am trying to make myself not be annoyed at her for obvious reasons, though everyone is telling me i should be! >_< damn it

    • Total Posts: 750

    Nah I know what you mean. Put it down to nerves for now! I say if she hasn’t contacted you by Sunday then send her a casual message πŸ™‚

    Would you mind having a look at my latest situation? Wouldn’t mind a guys opinion!

    • Total Posts: 273

    of course i shall!

    • Total Posts: 750

    Thank you!

    • Total Posts: 425

    What! she didnt text at all?

    How rude πŸ™ i would do the same, wait a few days and then messaga again and say still up for that coffee?

    Just remember though, although you want her to want to make all the first moves e.t.c, you still need to be in control of it all – if that makes sense. Don’t fall into the trap of her thinking she can have you anytime she wants – when you get back together you want her to have enough respect for you that she would know that if you guys ever broke up again she couldnt just have you back whenever she wanted…if that makes sense.

    so i would definately wait a few days (about 3) and then text her πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 273

    That makes a lot of sense @amy111, I do need to man up a tad and take control. Around 2-3pm today ill text her. I know she’s not busy at all anymore.

    Thank you πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 273

    I think ill text her offering for a walk or a coffee, its a nice day and it will be more private, but I will leave that option to her. I’m going to text her soon

    • Total Posts: 273

    There, I just text saying “still up for that coffee?” Now we wait.

    • Total Posts: 750

    That’s good. You’ve done what you can

    • Total Posts: 425

    Good plan, but definately don’t contact her again, if you do it might start to get needy! The balls in her court now πŸ™‚

    I didn’t text my ex, but sent him a snapchat of this really funny thing we both used to laugh at-now am have huge butterflies in my tummy! Apparently he barely uses it since we broke up…so will be interesting to see if he replies or even opens it!
    I have butterflies in my tummy thinking About my ex’s ‘jacuzzi weekend’ with his pals… He invited one of our joint friends who he thinks is “pretty fit” (before we were together he told me about her haha!) but she’s also become a friend of mine over the years…so hopefully nothing will happen…but who knows πŸ™
    Maybe he’ll get one of his tinder girls instead πŸ˜‰ haha!

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