Boards Reconciliation met up with my ex, what do i do now??

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    • Total Posts: 273

    reading through it all as we speak πŸ™‚ im laying in bed looking on my phone haha, i will reply asap with a complete opinion @kaila

    • Total Posts: 711

    thank you! πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 273

    so after her not replying for a few days to my question, i went to the gym as usual and attended a boxing class. nothing out of the ordinary for me! but can you guess who was there..? She was. with her sister and mother too. it was a LITTLE awkward at first to see it, and i had to look twice to make sure it was her.. i was so shocked to see her there.
    in fact, i was happy to see her there. her sister got called up to the personal trainer to have a 1v1, but then She was left on her own, so i went over and got some pads and we trained together. in fact we trained together through it all. the awkwardness went, we laughed a ton. had so much fun. she even beat me up. and tried to take a shot at me sneakily whenever she got the chance. her sister also tried lol but my ex and i were very motivating towards each other, it was great. we talked for a bit and her sister and mother walked off now and again and always peering back to look at us talking for some reason..? but.. it was just so.. nice. so nice being able to be like that with her, it was great you know. it was slightly flirty too. but at the end we were talking more, and just as we were all about to go i went to the changing rooms and i heard my name being called. she called me back and spoke to me just like this. imagine this in your heads if you can lol “Um.. do you um.. wait i cant that day.. um.. shall we go for that coffee and spend the day out on friday after i finish work?”
    of course i said yes! she was quite hesitant and nervous to even ask, but she knew she had to because she left the text unanswered when i asked her about it.
    this just proves to me she was very nervous about it. so on friday, i am picking her up from work and we are going for coffee or some place and just going out for the day to to try and work things out it seems and to be honest with one another!

    This whole scenario was weird though i have to say.. i was really on the verge of just giving up and writing a letter to say how i felt. then that happened. she NEVER goes to the gym. ever. shes trying to improve herself though and encourage herself and things, so her sister obviously dragged her along but still.. that was very coincidental. her sister would know i would be there.. but my ex wouldn’t i dont think!

    what do you all think?

    • Total Posts: 711

    It seems great to me! πŸ™‚ When you mentioned the gym I remembered that might also be a way for me to bump into him although he never really goes now -.-‘ argh x)

    BUT I might go to the coffee shop he always goes to TODAY. And where he was last time when I didn’t saw him lol

    Just enjoy yourself until friday. You are keeping so positive. I wish it was like that for me. And thank you for writting on my thread, reading it, giving your opinion and support. I’m gonna answer in a bit over there, just want to relax a bit or now

    • Total Posts: 273

    trust me i have a huge lack of confidence lol im trying to get myself to increase it. and of course ill keep replying to it!

    i just rang her as well because she put on facebook something about her job, i messaged her and she was very upset, i seemed to calm her down and cheer her up a bit and also help her make a very important decision about the job, i hope i did the right thing.. i don’t know but i just hope i didnt make myself too available if that made any sense?

    • Total Posts: 273

    @kaila do it though, it might be a good idea to go there and “bump” into him, to break the ice rather than by text.

    but @amy111 and @KD1988 what do you think about all this also?

    • Total Posts: 750

    @thargus I think it sounds really positive mate! The fact you have got her to ask you as well is absolutely brilliant. I think you will be one of the success stories πŸ™‚
    I think just enjoy Friday for what it is, try not to think too much about it and just see what happens!

    • Total Posts: 273

    i really really hope so.. its what i would want more than anything. can i ask you to link your own threads here so i can read and reply to your active ones?

    • Total Posts: 273

    also i have to ask, do you think i should of rang her? or am i just over thinking that now?

    • Total Posts: 711

    argh I feel bad. i went there he didn’t go. but his friend passed by me exactly when me and my guy friend were talking about my ex and i said “dont talk about it now please” and I didnt even greet his friend and sure as hell we saw each other im sure he noticed. this doesnt help my case at all. he will think what a bitch why doesnt she greet me. and my ex will think the same -.-‘

    • Total Posts: 273

    I dont think so, he is bound to know it may be like that and very awkward at the moment so just remember that! Dont jump to the conclusion of the worst!

    • Total Posts: 273

    And look at it this way, you had the courage to even go there. So there is a step forward on its own

    • Total Posts: 750

    @Thargus yeah think you are overthinking that. You seem at a stage where it is okay to make contact so I wouldn’t worry about that.

    There’s not much going on with me really at the moment so I won’t bore you with it lol. Mixed signals and a bit of game playing (from him) so no contact for me again after thinking I was making progress!

    • Total Posts: 273

    Well! You know why people play games don’t you? The only reason is… Because he’s unsure. Which also means he still has feelings. If he didn’t, there would be no games, nothing like this, and he would of moved on by now.
    That is why people play games, because they are unsure and to keep the other person in close distance until they figure out what to do. It is unfair! But people do it naturally and its hard. Just keep that in mind πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 273

    And okay, I guess I started overthinking AFTER the phonecall. She did say thanks for ringing her though and that it was nice. I need to stop overthinking completely but its difficult!

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