Boards Reconciliation met up with my ex, what do i do now??

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  • #37065
    • Total Posts: 273

    Keep no contact. He clearly misses you and he will no doubt contact you soon! He’s asking desperate to be honest! This is a good thing for you πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 273

    My ex is still ignoring/being quiet. She uploaded photos of her and her friends to facebook and she looks happy. I’m scared she has moved on already..

    • Total Posts: 711

    Give her time. I know it’s hard. But you have been acting really well. She will miss you for sure! Plus you still have another week till the play. Let’s see what she does

    • Total Posts: 60

    agree with kaila! could u guys help me too!? honest opinions please!

    rebound or no?

    • Total Posts: 273

    so she just replied to me finally.. asking me how i am and telling me shes really down and that shes not ignoring me. so i replied withw hats getting you so down and i know she isnt ignoring me etc. then she told me this.. “i hope you do know. i had fun the other week. i dont want you to feel awkward . i didnt. your one of my best friends you know.. idiot πŸ™‚ i dont know whats getting me down specifically. its just one of those things where every day seems to suck.”

    now what the hell do i do about this..

    • Total Posts: 273

    i need some quick help here >_<

    • Total Posts: 273

    so.. heres how it went.

    My Ex: how are you? πŸ™‚ sorry ive been a bit lame texting back. ive not been in the best mood. ive been feeling down and not very well. ive basically came home and gone straight to sleep every night after work this week. plus ive been on a bit of friend duty this week. with ####’s operation and ####’s cancer getting worse. im not ignoring you.

    Me: im okayish, you know how things can get haha. i actually have a really bad back though! im like an old man. i can tell something is up, i just didnt want to bombard with texts and things and i wanted to give you a bit of space thats all, i had this feeling you needed it. i was tempted to ring you to see if you were okay, its not like you to be the way you have been, whats been getting you down though? and i know your not ignoring me, dont worry about that.

    My ex: i hope you do know. i had fun the other week. i dont want you to feel awkward. i didnt. your one of my best friends you know, idiot! πŸ™‚ i dont know whats getting me down specifically. its just one of those things where every day just seems to suck.

    Me: haha, i may be an idiot… but i do know i had a lot of fun too that night. it wasnt awkward at all and it was really nice. it was really fun.. tons of fun even. and i just missed us spending time together i guess y’know. and i know we are best friends silly. πŸ™‚ but i do have to say.. dont just sit there and feel that way.. ring me. i will cheer you up, you know that! just ring me and i guarantee to make you laugh so you even at least feel better for a little bit okay? πŸ™‚ you do have the best smile, and ill make you use it! dont feel awkward to do that, you shouldnt. and talking to get things off your chest about how your feeling is good and i would listen to it all. you can tell me anything. and id never be too busy for that. no matter the time, even early hours haha. promise? plus if you are free soon, we can go on a road trip somewhere being as the weather is nicer now πŸ™‚ that will cheer you up for sure.

    My ex: sorry i took a while to reply there, my sister just killed me in the gym lol so tired.
    I know thanks. ill perk up soon im sure.

    then we just had general chit chat for a little bit!

    what do you all make of this??

    and @phonis i will check this when i get home for you and give my opinion πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 273

    @kaila @amy111 @Gingerone how is it all going your end?? i hope good! keep me updated so i can give you some advice !

    • Total Posts: 425

    Hey thargus! Sounds like your making progress with yours ☺️

    • Total Posts: 425

    Has she spoken to you since?

    Stuff with me hasn’t been so great πŸ™ I’ve really been missing him past week, and i was hoping he would start to feel the same (he might, i don’t know πŸ™ ) I held back contacting him because I didn’t want that worry with my final exams coming up/I was too scared to contact, but he’s been visiting his friends at different universities the past few weekends, and I saw a comment on his facebook saying “heard you had a good night bad boy πŸ˜‰ ” from one of his lad friends…

    I hate to think what he it up to, but it’s really upset me πŸ™ which is so stupid of me! I guess I geared myself up to contact him this afternoon as it’s been 6 weeks since it’s happened…but now I feel a bit like an idiot – there I am still in love with him, and not ready to even think about “getting” with anyone else, and he’s out doing who knows what with whoever πŸ™ i know I shouldn’t get upset as I expected it – I’m hoping this is “grass is greener” syndrome is something he just needs to get out his system…but who knows πŸ™ I think I need to get my emotions back in check again before I contact him :/ I’m booking my holiday to America at the moment though for summer, so at least I’m trying to live my own life without him, however hard! πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 711

    Amy you are so strong. Keep going πŸ™‚ I wish I could go with you! Where are you going?

    Thargus I just think you should stop inviting her and don’t write such long emotional texts. You repeated yourself a lot. You should keep it short and clear.

    As for me I’m scared. For the past week and a half until a few days ago I was feeling really connected to him. He even posted some nostalgic song and some other stuff that is somewhat related to me so I felt my feeling was right.

    Now for the last few days I felt a bit disconnected. Not sure why. I am starting to feel it again but Im not sure anymore if its me causing this or if it really means something. Maybe feeling disconnected was just because I was out doing stuff a lot but we still are very connected? I hope so…

    I amm gonna contact him tomorrow or tuesday. It will be 20 21 days. Any advice? I am thinking of asking about some place we went or something like that. So that way he wont think right away I am contacting him just for the sake of contacting him so I can see how he reacts.

    Please give me some advice..

    • Total Posts: 273

    @amy111 no she hasn’t. though it was only two days ago, and I think I’ve screwed this up a bit.. @kaila is right. I’m going about this this wrong way.. Damnit.
    I was also told shes been put on anti depressants now too and she’s going to sleep from about 5pm when she finishes work till she wakes up in the morning for work again. So in a way Shea locking herself out of everything.. I need to see if shes alright. Its killing me. I’ll talk properly when I’m home though, just two hours left in work!

    • Total Posts: 425

    Kaila-awww I’m really not haha….well not as much as I thought πŸ™ I just found out he’s planning on going interraling in the summer-something that I told him I really REALLY wanted to do and would jokingly hint about it…now I find out he’s doing it without me, it’s a bit of a punch in the stomach πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 273

    @kaila when you contact him, ask him how he is first and then ask him what you said, just try to make it a general conversation. it breaks the ice πŸ™‚ but leave him with something to intrigue and ask you about in the next text πŸ™‚ good luck!

    and @amy111 think of it this way. it would seem weirder to just not go JUST because you were planning on going together or something. seems like hes trying to get your attention by going anyway.. and also trying to show its not a big deal πŸ™‚ it would feel like that also, i feel sick to the stomach. i did today finding out that my ex went to comic con near me that comes up twice a year with her little sister without inviting me. its something we went to all the time.. dunno what to think of it but hey.

    • Total Posts: 425

    @thargus that’s very true – I guess it just upset me due to the fact that he was always like “nahh, that’s not really my thing, don’t want to do it, hmmm maybe…” Bleurgh. Still miss him like crazy.

    Do you know when your next seeing her thargus?

    I agree with thargus, play it cool πŸ™‚

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