Boards No Contact Rule It's been two months. She just contacted me

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  • #59580
    • Total Posts: 1

    Hey bro I’m new here and this thread gave me alot of faith. Appreciate it.

    • Total Posts: 9

    Well my ex is still here, things have taken a bit of a turn today though. I’m not sure what to say about it because my emotions are taking control… Im just mad. Not sure if my anger is justified or just paranoia about things.

    I don’t think we have dealt with our issues. We have ignored them instead of dealing with them. I don’t think we have done it in the right way… I guess I didn’t read enough on this subject to deal with it in the right way.

    So yeah, mistakes have been made and maybe they’re mistakes that I can’t fix. None of us have cheated (on my side at least, she tells me she hasn’t and I do believe her) but I just feel that she has changed a lot. She has become someone different, and I’m not sure that this new person fits with me. I’d love it to work… Seriously. I’d honestly give everything I own for it to work… But it seems that my brain won’t get over things and my new distrust in our relationship makes me too paranoid.

    I’ll keep you updated depending on what happens… I suspect I’ll be pretty depressed if things go bad though. I already feel it tbh.

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