Boards No Contact Rule Is feeling like you should give up normal?

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  • #54125
    • Total Posts: 117

    Moonbunny if u feel ur ex is ready to meet u fen u should go to meet ur ex!!!
    I really think jst for a casual meetng
    And see if they r happy

    • Total Posts: 7

    Hey girls.

    So sad to hear how some of you are feeling but also so impressed by how strong you’re being in accepting it’s over. It’s such a huge thing to come to terms with fully. I’m halfway there.

    My ex contacted me today. I replied, but kept it short and sweet. I’m surprised at how I feel. I thought I’d be over the moon and want to keep talking to him, but actually I just feel relieved that he doesn’t hate me, and I don’t mind if I don’t talk to him for another 2 weeks now. Maybe this means I’ve grown and I’m moving on? Who knows. At least it’s amicable I guess.


    • Total Posts: 76

    That’s okay @moonbunny I’m trying to spend less time on here as well. The more I think about my ex, the more sad I become… so coming on here sort of delays my progress. Unfortunately I dream about him every night D: I wish I could stop that from happening! As I can stop thinking about him during the day, but it’s incredibly difficult to control my dreams. Then when I wake up, my whole mind and heart is filled with him. I think for the most part I have moved on… but I still think about him and miss him. Just yesterday my dog was growling and I thought I head music outside my window ;_; just another fantasy of mine.
    I realize that it’s very unlikely that my ex will be a part of my future now. I’d still like to speak to him some time in the future, and if he contacts me then I’d be happy to try and at least be friends. But at the moment I’m talking too much and I feel like I’d be too bitter and maybe nasty to him. So I think my best plan is not to talk to him at all. I don’t think that he will forget about me over time, as our connection is strong. And if he does forget about me, that just goes to show that it wasn’t as strong as I believed. I’m just letting him live his life now, I don’t want to stop him from being happy.
    I live in New Zealand Moonbunny – so not TOO far away. Although to be honest, I’m far away from everyone here! I’m going to talk to my councilor on Monday and hopefully we can actually put a plan for my travels into place. I really do just want to get out of here, especially the town where I live. My ex lives just round the corner from me… I haven’t been to the supermarket in over 2 months now.
    Yeah that’s a really hard decision to make. Like, I think it’s wonderful that he’s speaking to you and that you’re in a positive relationship. I wish I had not talked to my ex when I found out about his new gf because until then we hadn’t really argued about the break-up or anything. Then when I talked to him, it only hurt me more and more. and I felt so pathetic asking him for a hug. That will be something that I regret for a long time. So I don’t know what to suggest – I know that you’re a hardworking person who believes in fate and I know that you’re likely to give you and your ex another shot. I’m just worried that he may not want to same thing as you and that you’ll get hurt. I guess you’ll have to decide whether it is worth risking your somewhat friendly relationship that you have now for something 100x better or 100x worse :/
    Also I believe that our break-ups will be for a reason. It may be to make us more strong for a future relationship with them, OR more likely it’s so that we find someone even better suited for us! I admit that my ex was my first love and that’s probably why I feel such a strong connection to him. Maybe he felt the same way, I may never know. So for now, I need to stop thinking of him and maybe even try to find someone else. I’m not interested in anyone right now, but that doesn’t mean that I won’t be ever.
    Sri! I promise that everything will be okay. I know that your ex is still in your heart, mine is still there too. But you need to start living your own life and stop thinking about him. If you’re just sitting around thinking about him & crying that will definitely not help you at all – trust me. For some reason, I admitted to my ex that I had just sat in bed and cried and thought about him for two months. It was silly to do that, and even sillier to admit it to him. He said that it wasn’t his problem and that everyone deals with things in different ways (like him entering a new relationship). Hopefully we will all find someone better than our exes. And if not, I’m sure that we will find a way to be happy with ourselves and our lives anyway. You are strong and I know that you can get through this!
    @hangers – I’m very proud of you and so glad that things are good between you and your ex. Maybe not wanting to talk to him for a while is a sign of moving on, I guess time will tell! You’re a very strong person as well :’)

    • Total Posts: 107

    hey yo! wow where are you planning to go babe? πŸ˜€ Hope everything will go well when you meet your councillor. I’m making up my plans to go Japan and live at my friend’s place. I’m going to see my idol in Tokyo Dome omg. It still feel so unreal haha. But then I have to focus on my studies first for now.

    Nah I’m not hoping anything anymore. I’ll see if I should ask him out to catch up after exam. Just catching up on each other’s life on a friendly manner. And if it really feels like we both would know but if it only come from me and if I really talk to him about this I will only end up hurting myself. I will not let that happen again, he had hurt me enough and enough is enough. I believe he still cared for me I know. Maybe he thought my life would be better without me too that’s why he’s just ‘letting me be’ like I’m ‘letting him be’ ? I don’t know. I’m just too tired to care anymore. I guess I’m somehow starting to immunr to the pain. Although sometimes it still hurts because I really would give us another shot. And I believe he too agrees that we had an awesome relationship. I just hope somehow he’ll always
    remember me that’s all.

    We should continue moving on our life and see where life take us babe. ‘Do you love yourself enough to get through this?’ I learned this from you hehe! I received a missed call from my ex’s dad this morning LOL. But I bet he must have pressed it accidentally haha . I really miss hanging out with his family though. And it’s really not easy building so much together . I hope my ex realises that. :/

    Stay strong babe! <3

    • Total Posts: 76

    I hoping to go to the UK. My dad is from there so I have a passport and citizenship. I really hope that I can save enough to go. Maybe I will be able to say goodbye to my ex properly before I leave. Although, I should try not to make every aspect of my life about HIM. It sounds so exciting to go to Japan! I have a few friends there too that I would love to visit.
    I’m sure that catching up in a friendly manner will be good for you. I always think that once people become friends, the path to getting back together could become smoother. But I guess that’s just my opinion and obviously every situation is different. I also may have watched too many movies! I’m tired of it all too. I know that I gave it all a good go to try and get back together and there’s nothing more that I can do now. Now, it’s all up to him. If he wants to be in contact with me, then he knows where I am. I’m sure your ex will always remember you! There’s no way that he could forget you. You were his first love and people never forget that.
    Ahh I love that phrase to say to myself. It always really helps me to get through any difficult situation I’m in. I have to thank my friend for that one! I wonder why his dad called you!! Might have been a butt dial! πŸ˜› I miss my exes family too. Especially his little brothers </3 I feel like I may never see them again, which just adds to the loss. It really is a grieving process.. like I’ve lost them all. But then I may see them around and they’ll haunt me after I’ve accepted the fact that they’re gone. Idk. Hopefully one day I will see one of them and it will be happy. I feel as though the two young ones may not remember me as they get older, as they’re only 10 and 7 years old. Maybe they will remember, but I feel like I will be less memorable for them. He has another brother who is nearly 15 and is one of my best friends, so I know he won’t forget me at least.
    We can do this moonbunny!! You’ve shown such strength and you’re only getting more and more beneficial to my grieving process <3 I don’t know what I’d do without you.

    • Total Posts: 13

    Scatteredtracks, looking back on how you handled your bf smoking weed-what advice would you give someone going through a similar situation? I am asking because my best friend has entered a relationship with a guy that smokes weed all the time. I don’t have a problem if my bf smokes but she does! Was it worth throwing away the entire relationship just because he smoked a harmless plant? If you could do it all over again, would you have loved him unconditionally and accepted he likes to smoke weed? Or are you happier now that he isn’t in your life anymore? My best friend could learn from your experience!

    • Total Posts: 76

    Oh my god yes, please tell her not to make a big deal out of it!! It truly is, like you said, a harmless plant. I have so many regrets after making a huge fuss about him smoking weed again. I’m not even 100% why I was so against it – only that I felt left out. But honestly, they just need to be honest with each other. She should let her boyfriend know that she is uncomfortable with it, but that’s all. If he respects her, then he won’t smoke it in the same room with her or pressure her into trying it if that’s not something she wants to do. My ex smoked weed in the beginning of our relationship. Then he stopped because he thought it would make me happy. That was a big mistake on his part! He should have stopped for himself, not for me. Now it’s like he blames me for making him stop – when I never even asked him to! So if her boyfriend ever decides to quit, he should make sure that’s what HE really wants for himself. I really hope things can work out for your best friend! I have so many regrets and I wish that I COULD go back and just love my ex no matter what. I think I’ve learnt to accept the weed now, but now it’s too late.

    • Total Posts: 13

    Scatteredtracks thank you so much for your advice and insights!!I hope one day you get another chance with your ex. I am going to share your wisdom with my best friend who was completely at a loss of what to do. Your words will help her a lot so I thank you again for taking the time to help her out!!

    • Total Posts: 107

    My dear scatteredtracks! I am back! πŸ˜€ So sorry for being MIA for so long I’ve been focusing so much on moving on πŸ™‚ I miss you hehe <3 How did your travel plan go babe? Which part of UK are you heading to? πŸ˜€ I hope my Japan plan will go well too ^^

    How are you these days? For me I’ve been studying and Youtube-ing a lot these days. This place used to be the place I hangout the most as I’m desperate to get him back but not anymore now πŸ™‚ I mean of course I really feel that it’s such a waste that my ex chose to give up on us.. because we have really build a lot together. That day I saw a pic of both me and my ex’s friends (a couple, and we used to hangout together) They are still going strong and they made me think a lot about me and him :/ I know you must have been going on a rough patch now .. but you must always stay strong! One day you’ll look back and realise it’s really your ex’s lost. He gave up on someone who won’t gave up on him.. And if he really can move on so fast.. he don’t deserve you. Be thankful that it happened now instead of after you guys got married.. that would be much more terrible right? ;/ That’s how I feel now too, if he don’t know how to appreciate me and chose to leave, then I’ll be glad that he left now instead of after we got married!

    So that’s why we have to continue focus on moving on. If we stay strong a little longer for ourselves we’ll surely finally be clear of which way we’re heading to soon. Life will get better only if we make a choice to change for ourselves. It’s so hard I know.. But I’m confident to say that this breakup, had change me for the better, I became stronger and more attractive inside out . I’m no longer that stupid doormat or someone who would always wait for him like he thought I would =.=

    Anyway there have been just a little bit of progress (or not) for me and my ex. I saw pics of golden retrievers that day ( me and my ex’s favourite dog) and I tagged him in the pic without hesitation as I really wasn’t expecting anything. I just think they are so cute and want to share with him. Then after a few minutes he tagged me in a dog video tooo and the next day, he tagged me in some cute stuff in FB too. I was kinda happy as at least, I still crossed his mind. By that I’m already satisfied for now. Maybe I’ll ask him our for coffee after exam .. or not. I’ll see how it goes πŸ™‚

    oh yeah! I’ll ask Kevin for your email okay! Hope I can find you in FB soon ! ;D

    • Total Posts: 76

    Aw yay! I’m glad to see you here. I’ve missed you!! Please ask Kevin for my email? I don’t really know how that works but hopefully you will be able to find my picture!! I was going to put my name on here but then I realized that anyone could add me and say that they’re you πŸ™ So I’ll just wait.
    I’ve been working really hard on coming here less too. I still check maybe once a day just to see if you’ve replied and I sometimes comment on a few things as well because I really want things to work out for people better than they have for me.
    I guess I’m glad that my ex (I just wrote bf ;___; maybe I still of him in that way, it’s just automatic for my brain). and I broke up before we had actually moved in together. I was going to move in with him soon and I guess it’s good that he it happened before all my stuff were in there as it would have just made everything so much harder! Maybe he never really loved me, but I know that he did. It truly does feel like he has moved on but I guess I’m not going to know for ages. I have to look at it this way and feel like he has. Otherwise I just hope that this is his way of dealing with it and numbing his emotions. He is not the type of person to sleep around, which I know is why he is in a relationship with someone. Maybe they will only be together for a little while. Only time will tell. Maybe if things fall apart for him in that respect he might realize that he has lost me. Hopefully then I will be far away and couldn’t care less, but unfortunately I know that I will always care what he is up to.
    I found out today that my ex is actually moving. I have no idea where he is moving to – just that it’s with other people. I only know because he has messaged my mum as he has my grandad’s old fridge and was asking if we wanted it back. I don’t really know how I feel about the situation. I don’t know if I’m really sad about it or if I’m sort of relieved that he won’t be around the corner. If he still has the same job then he will only be moving somewhere around the area. It’s likely he may have quit his job and be moving into the city to do drugs more every night -_- I’m not sure but I really hope that’s not the case. I worry about him. I know it’s not really my place to worry and that he wouldn’t want me to worry about him but I do. I still love him so much tbh. That’s not going to stop. If he isn’t round the corner then I know that I won’t be able to run round to his house if I’m ever in a crisis. I know that it’s not recommended but I know he would be here for me and it’s just comforting to know that he would be there. Now I have no idea where he is going to live. He may be moving in with his gf which I feel is way too fast but I can’t judge. I hope things don’t work out between them which is really mean. I just hope that he isn’t moving 6 hours away or anything…. I’ve been kinda hoping that before I leave the country that I could say goodbye to him πŸ™ but if he is far away then I will never get the chance. I don’t know how I feel about it it’s cutting me up a bit. My sister’s bf may be going to get the fridge off him but I’m not sure. My ex might tell him where he’s moving but I’m not sure I will want to know. I can’t remember if I said everything that I wanted to say about this! Haha. I wish I could text and ask him where he is moving but I don’t want to be nosy and I have vowed myself to silence. :((( If anyone has any thoughts on what I should do next then that would be great.

    • Total Posts: 76

    Also @moonbunny I haven’t got any concrete plans yet. I have to pay off my student loan and then save for a ticket etc. I’m probably going to live some where with my family not sure where yet though. I’m so glad that your ex tagged you in a video as well! That’s so cute!! I wish I was having as much success as you!! My ex and I aren’t even friends on Facebook πŸ™ I’ve kinda given up hope now as it feels like he has completely moved on. My mum is questioning if he HAS moved on. But it definitely feels that way. Idk. I guess I won’t know for a very long time. All I know is that I hope in a few years, or even 10 years time that we can sit down and talk it all through. Because I know that I was his very first love. And he was mine. It’s just hard to accept the fact that we may not be the love of each other’s lives… I certainly miss him and I hope he thinks of me and doesn’t forget me like it feels he will. Love you moon bunny <3 thank you for being here for me.

    • Total Posts: 76

    All I really want is for him to hold me in his arms for a really, really long time. That’s the only thing that will help me get through this :'(

    • Total Posts: 107

    Argh Kevin still haven’t reply to my email asking for your email adress >< It’s okay I’ll wait for awhile more before asking again..Aww I’m so sorry for keeping you waiting babe πŸ™ I’ll check here once a day again now! ^^ Yesterday night has been a bit sad for me as I’ve thought things through again and wonder how good it is if we get to try to make things work one more time. I end up hearing songs with lyrics that hit right through my heart and was crying a lot too . Before I head to bed I saw my ex tagged me in another doggy video. Maybe it really don’t mean anything to him but at least I’m glad that he thought of me. As we’re on good terms I guess. Sometimes I even feel our breakup was something that happen too sudden. Of course we have our problems but everything was getting better and better. Before the breakup, I went on a trip with his family and we end up seeing each other too often ( I stayed at his place for about a week? ) And met each other everyday too before that because of the dog we rescued. Then we end up having misunderstandings and stuffs like that . I remembered my friend told me ‘Too much glue hurts’. I guess that may be the main problem that led to our breakup, we spent too much together and the way I’m always there for him make me feel like a doormat now. :/

    I know you really love your ex babe πŸ™ I really do too. I am his first love too and so is he my first love. That’s the thing about guys. They don’t want to settle down so early. They want to know what are the other options out there. Yes your ex may have moved on at this moment but it doesn’t mean it’s permanent. I feel it’s his way of dealing with the breakup.. He thought he can mend his heart by jumping into a new relationship. The fact is it is not a healthy way at all. It’s like adding salt to the wound and eating Anesthetic after. D: The wound would have worsen after the medicine effect fade away. We have no idea what will happen it the future but I guess the sure thing is we must keep moving on for ourselves. For now I feel you should just let things be and let his new relationship run its course.. the relationship he thought is gonna be better. But no one is sure is that yet. Maybe someday when we’re older and better we can meet them again and talk about things, and fall in love again with the new us. This reminds me so much of Kodaline’s song ‘ Moving On ‘ . You definitely should check it out! :’)

    Woo when are you leaving to UK? πŸ˜‰ I feel it’s definitely a great thing to do to take a break at a new place! Oh are you gonna stay there permanently? They say we’ll surely grow up a lot by gaining new perspective and experience life differently when we go to somewhere new/foreign. I hope your plan will go on well <3 Also I feel it’s not necessary to say goodbye to your ex too πŸ™ I mean I know one part of your heart want to just say a goodbye to him even it doesn’t mean anything but at the same time if you just leave this place full of memories and not leaving any words it’s like a sign to him that: ‘ Dude, you really have lost her this time ‘ It just feels this way to me. Take is as a break from everything when you head there. Also there’s one thing I realised after coming so far, that is it’s better to hurt by knowing the truth by living in blindfold as the hurt will double. So it’s okay if you find out where he is moving to or who is he moving to. Even though it hurts to know at this very moment, but at least you can take this as a motivation to move on, because you know he isn’t worth your time anymore because he don’t deserve you, he really DON’T.

    I miss my ex a lot to I must say πŸ™ But it’s the memories of him that I miss. He is no longer the old him now. So is your ex. Remember we always agree that our old relationship is dead and that we must first move on then maybe if it’s meant to be then we’ll surely find a way together again better and stronger than ever? So yeah we must always remember this! πŸ™‚ Anyway my exam is getting nearer and nearer and I have so much to study still… so I’ll go revise abit for now! Let’s stay strong together again as we got each other’s back! ^o^ Love you too scatteredtracks! <3 Good night! Talk to you tomorrow!

    • Total Posts: 76

    Aw it’s okay moonbunny! You don’t have to rush back here for me!!! I know that you’re trying not to think about your ex and this is definitely a space that will bring back thinking of him. And I think it’s really important that you do cry and think of him sometimes but I don’t want to hinder the process of moving on for you. So just come on here when it feels right and when you’re in a headspace where you might think of him?? I think it’s wonderful that he is tagging you in videos. At least he is thinking of you, and in a positive light as well. I still feel as though my ex hates me :'(
    I felt as though things had been getting better in my relationship just before we broke up as well? Like I’ve said before, he got me chocolate hearts and picked me up from work. And we had an absolutely perfect weekend the weekend before our argument that tore us apart. It just seems like he is focused on that argument and he doesn’t care about any of the good times that we had before that. Maybe one day he will finally see past the negativity. I can only hope so.
    I personally don’t think that my ex is moving on in a healthy way. And if he is now moving in with his girlfriend then I don’t know what to say? But it all seems very rushed and like they’ll find out things that they don’t like about each other because you can’t know someone that well in just a few weeks or months. I honestly don’t know how long they’ve been together now (Which I guess is a good thing). He has been throwing himself into drugs and alcohol as well – which is never a healthy thing to do. So I worry for him and I feel as though he is screwing up his life. But there is nothing I can do to change his mind. He wants to go out and have this ‘crazy’ lifestyle and live his life without anything tying him to me. And all I can do is let him do that. If we are truly meant to be together then we will be together again in the future – and I will be stronger because of this heartbreak. Either that or I will find someone that’s far more worth my time. I know that my ex is really problematic and has his issues but love is blind and sometimes during our relationship I couldn’t see past the love filter and into who he really was. Maybe he wasn’t “good” for me, and I’ve been thinking more and more that we will probably never be together again – but I really hope that one day we can at least talk and maybe be friends. He is one of the most honest people I know and I would like to think that we could just have a raw and honest conversation without it affecting us emotionally once we have both got passed the hurt of the past. He will always be a part of my heart and I really value our time that we had together. He has made me the person that I am today. I am ten times more confident than what I was before we starting going out, so I definitely owe him for that. I hope he knows that he truly affected my life in a good way and I hope that he thinks the same about me. I will never regret the time that we spent together. And while I hope that our time isn’t completely up, I’m starting to accept the fact that he may be.
    I’m trying to just relax and be cool and not speak to him about moving. I have to be cool like the Fonz (Kevin said this in one of his emails). Then if I hear from him in the future that will be great! And if not, hopefully I will have moved on and will be strong enough to live without him in my life. I got to go shopping yesterday so that was really nice (Unfortunately I heard about him moving AFTER I finished shopping so it wasn’t retail therapy!) But I had a nice day out with my mum at least. I truly do feel like I am moving on with my life more and more. I’ve now accepted the fact that we will not be together soon. Or maybe even ever. I’m trying to keep him out of my mind, but when things remind me of him then I try and smile and think of how lucky I was to have such a true and pure love. Some people never get to experience that feeling so I truly feel grateful. I will definitely listen to the Kodaline song! I love that band so I’m sure I’ll really like it πŸ™‚
    I’m not leaving for about a year or so. I’ve got to save up all my money. I’m going to try and live there πŸ™‚ I realize that you are right about not saying goodbye! Maybe if I leave without saying goodbye to him he will realize that he has really lost me for good. I will move back to this country one day though. I’m going to live overseas only for a couple of years (Well I guess we’ll see what happens – I might fall in love with someone else over there). Time will tell if I contact him before I leave. As I said, I’m not leaving for a year or so. He could contact me in this time. I saw a picture on facebook that said something about someone’s ex texting them and they were like ‘Not today Satan.’ Which really sucks because I don’t feel that way about my ex and I would be really happy if he ever contacted me again :/ But I hate to think that he thinks of me as ‘Satan’. I don’t know. I don’t want to make him feel uncomfortable if I contact him. But then again, he might not want to contact me as he will think I’m getting my hopes up about getting back together. So I don’t know. Maybe I will never contact him again in my life. But that just seems so impossible right now!!
    I don’t know any more about where he is moving, but I think it’s in the same area still. As he moved yesterday but he is helping my sister’s bf move this fridge on next Saturday. So he must be close still. I think he may even be still in the same town. If he tells my sister’s bf then that’s cool, and if he doesn’t say anything it’s probably because he doesn’t want me to know and I have to respect that as well. It’s just so weird to think that I won’t be able to picture him in his little house that he was living in. That was going to be the house that we lived in together :'( It’s also weird, because that fridge was the only thing that he had left to connect us. He has no pictures or letters or anything that I’ve given him to remind him of me. The fridge was the only thing left (I think). I did give him some notes that he tried to give me when I picked up my stuff from his house. But I think he will have thrown them away. Especially as he has moved and will have sorted out his drawers and everything. I don’t know. I still don’t know how I feel about him moving. I guess I don’t feel anything. I shouldn’t have to feel anything. Maybe that’s why I’m so confused. Because I kind of don’t care. I’m just curious where he is moving and I was hoping that he wasn’t 6 hours away which I don’t think he is so that has given me a bit of peace of mind.
    I think that it’s the memories of my ex that I miss too. He isn’t the same person now that I fell in love with. I’m still in love with the past time. The one that was so sweet to me. He has been so polite to my mum about her picking up this fridge etc. which is good. That’s just what he’s like though. Which is why I was so sad and confused when he said nasty things to me. I really want him to feel as though he has lost me. Maybe he will ask how I am to my sister’s bf. I know that if he doesn’t then he will at least be wondering. But now that is the last thing that he had connecting us together. He’s not even going to be living at a house that I’ve been to. It’s very strange. I find it so hard to imagine how he finds it easy to make such big changes in his life so quickly. I wish it seemed as though I was moving on as much as him. I haven’t made such big changes but maybe I have in my mindset and way of thinking. It’s just that he doesn’t know that and he can’t see that. Maybe he will never see that. I don’t know if he will ever give me a chance in the future to see that I have really changed and that I know I can live without him, but still want him? Who knows. Time is the only healer and the only thing that will bring answers to me now. Oh my dear! Please keep focusing on your exam and your study! I don’t want you to be on here when you’re meant to be studying. Don’t worry about me :’) I’m feeling a bit better. It is really nice to hear from you but I won’t die if I have to wait a few days for your reply. It would make me feel much better to know that you are studying to pass your exam! It is wonderful to have you hear moonbunny! I can’t wait until you get my email! πŸ™‚ <3

    • Total Posts: 117

    Hey moonbunny i waitedso much for ur request :/but i didnt get any so i again changed my privacy settings

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