Boards No Contact Rule Is feeling like you should give up normal?

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  • #53654
    • Total Posts: 117

    We all are feeling the same thing !!
    I dont really know what to do….i have tried alot and he has hurt me alot..i mean who does that after living with a person for 5yrs. . How can u jst throw me out of your life and dont even bother to ask how the hell i am handling this situation…i think he is the meanest person on this planet because he thought for himself..he never though about me…and he stil doesnt…i feel like i should just give up on him…its not that i am not moving on..but m talking about moving on completely…and if i move on seriously…i will never let him back in my life like he did !!! If he can be so hard on me then why cant i ????

    • Total Posts: 117

    Guys should i do nc again for 30 days or should i do mini no contacts??and try to rebuild attraction?.

    • Total Posts: 76

    Sri – I think you should do a no contact for as long as you feel necessary. Once you feel like you are emotionally ready to talk to your ex again, then stop the NC? I know that’s really hard, but you still need some time for yourself and to give him some space. I know that you will get through this <3 This feeling of hopelessness is no fun at all. But you can do it. Like you said, five years couldn’t possibly mean nothing.
    I’m thinking about not even meeting my ex at New Year’s now. I’m not sure :/ Sometimes I feel hopeful but other times (like today) I just feel like there’s no point and he will just hurt me again. While there are things that I want to say, I still feel like they won’t make any difference and it’s healthier for me to just forget about him. Although I really don’t want to do that.
    I’ve thought about just saying that I don’t want to speak at New Year’s and to have a nice life etc. But then again, if I have ANY chance then… I’m kinda blowing it??? I’m still not ready to talk to him in October, so hopefully I will be then. Because I was really looking forward to hanging out, if he agrees. Then again, maybe that’s not the healthiest option for me :s I’m just not sure anymore. I keep feeling like my ex would ask me how I am feeeling if he really cared. But then again, maybe he is trying to give me space to realize that I don’t need him etcetc because I know that he made that point when we spoke :/ I just don’t know.

    • Total Posts: 117

    I think you should try scattered tracks!! We are already much more they can hurt us???its been days we have lived without them….even after trying so many times they dont have the guts the accept their feelings then they are week..not we…..atleast we have the guts to try..we are not week dear …we are so strong that we are ready to accept rejection in hope of getting our love back…they are week who aee giving up on us so many times!!!!!
    And since we are humans. We will get tired of trying and will move in completely …..but that will be the last stage of our feelings…..

    • Total Posts: 117

    I am so glad that i met women like you guys!!!! So strong and sensible!!!
    I am really proud of and have respect for you!! Whatever we are doing is not easy…and we are not perfect.. i myself learn after doing mistake…i broke my first no contact in 15 days…but my second no contact was succesful…i ruined my chances by asking my ex…but this time things will change because i learn from my mistake..i am not perfect and no one is !!

    • Total Posts: 117

    Guys r u on fb??? I really want to adf you guys on facebook!! If you feel comfortable

    • Total Posts: 76

    I’m glad that you’re feeling a b it more positive. I guess I will still see how I’m feeling in October or even at/after New Year’s. I know that my feelings for him won’t change. If anything, seeing him in October will just make me love him more :/ but hopefully it’ll be a nice, positive experience where we can just hang out as friends and have a good time. I have to keep focusing on the now instead of thinking what may/may not happen. I just hope that this is all worht it and if he doesn’t want to be with me by New Year’s then I will be able to move on and won’t be left devastated once again :(((( Because I truly don’t think he is willing to give me another chance. Perhaps he just said he would talk to me at New Year’s so I wouldn’t be too sad.
    Aw thank you!! I’m so glad I’ve been able to talk to you and moonbunny too! I would like to add you on facebook, but I don’t feel comfortable putting my name on the forums for anyone to see. But if you put yours up, then I’ll add you and let you know it’s me??

    • Total Posts: 76

    I have to go away for the night now and my sister’s boyfriend is coming which I am really unhappy about. We see him EVERY SINGLE DAY at my house and my ex was never invited to come along anywhere with my family becuase my mum found him too talkative and excited about everything :/ which is not fair and I just don’t know why my sister’s boyfriend is being treated like a member of the family when my ex was never treated that way for the two years that we were together. My sister has been with bf for less than two months U GH .

    • Total Posts: 117

    Yeah you can add me search [email protected] on fb
    Nd for me i font know how much time my ex needs…still dont know how to rebuild attraction

    • Total Posts: 117

    Dont feel bad currently your bf is not with you he not with donr get upset

    • Total Posts: 76

    I’m trying not to feel too bad about anything. It just feels weird and I know that he truly did love me, a lot. I just hope he doesn’t forget that. Then when I see him again I could rebuild the attraction again but idk how to do that either πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 117

    Even i dont know how to do that..lets see what happens!!! Hope for the best

    • Total Posts: 107

    Hey guys great to be able to talk to you guys again. I’ve missed you all! πŸ™‚
    I slept the whole afternoon again as I got insomnia the night before.. Now I’m having a headache argh. Oh scatteredtracks! Weird that I actually have this feeling too.. I started to don’t have any hopes that me and my ex can get back together any sooner and thinking of just moving on. But I’m also wondering if I act like that, would I missed any chance? :/ What if they just thought we we’re really moving on already and they never crossed our minds again so they are trying their best to move on too while initially, they did thought of having us back? πŸ™

    Sometimes this kinda question just bugs me so much. But it’s not like I will have answer. I’m planning to ask him to hangout too after my exam in October. But I’m not sure how and should I too. I was thinking if he cared enough he would have contacted me by then, even just wishing me good luck like I wished him last week. I just don’t know too so I’m planning to go NC for myself until I’m emotionally ready. I feel better already though, I’m no longer desperate that we must get back together, or even miss him like crazy anymore. Its just that memories still haunt me a lot.

    Hey it’s really not fair that your sister get to bring her bf but you don’t.. I’m sure it’ll also remind you so much of him right? πŸ™ Stay strong girl. We all in this together things will get better soon we just need to held on for ourselves a lil longer. <3

    Sri, you are a brave warrior dear! πŸ™‚ Anyway, 5 years is really a long time. I don’t think he’ll just forget about everything. But I guess he’s just still not emotionally ready. I’ve been with my ex for more than 3 years too and they were all good times. But he also didn’t ask how I am or things like that recently. So I’m abit hurt on the inside knowing he can just don’t care. Or maybe they did , they just hate dealing with emotions. How ‘manly’ that made them -_-

    I feel that you having that mindset that you are planning to move on is actually a good thing. And do NC till you’re emotionally ready like scatteredtracks said. You deserve so much more than all this pain dear. πŸ™ If he truly love you, he will come back, really he will. But if you two are not meant to be someone else will come along and prove to us why it didn’t work out with them. But that isn’t our main concern now. Our main concern is to realised, we didn’t deserve all this pain. And the future is unpredictable but nothing would change if WE didn’t change. We just have to stay strong and hold ona little longer. Hope NC will guide us to feel more emotionally ready πŸ™‚ I’ll add you up in fb Sri!

    Also guys, now I’m worried if I did the wrong move. When I last meet up with my ex, everything went okay. later that night I send him a long ass msg, telling him I accept his decision and know that this is the best for both if us. He replied instantly with a long ass msg too, telling me the same. That he never regret we happened, that I brought out the best in him, ans he will never be who he is now without me. And he even said we can hangout as best friends since we know each other so well and he would be there for me when I need him. Did I just make it clear that I want to move on? πŸ™ When In actually still wanting him back? But I kept telling myself that this would work for the long term. Because we both need some growing up. But from that day onwards he stopped initiating contact with me. Maybe before that he was just feeling guilty so he actually try to care, but now since he knows I’m moving on tpo he planned to do the same? Oh no. πŸ™ But anyway I’ll just try to look at the bright side. And trust in fate. And stay strong together with you both <3

    • Total Posts: 117

    Yeahhh today was not so hard but still….i miss him
    And yeah i so badly want to get back in shape so that i can wear all kind of sexy clothes…not for him….but because i want to look hot and sexy….i dnt know when that they will come

    • Total Posts: 107

    I do too sri. But he seemed like a distant memory now..
    I wanna get beautiful too. On the inside and outside too.
    And just..hope for the best I guess.
    How to do you in fb? :/

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