Boards No Contact Rule Is feeling like you should give up normal?

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  • #53598
    • Total Posts: 117

    I love you guys so much moonbunny and scattered tracks !!!! Thankyu so much i just loved your view…yesterday after talking to my ex i got demotivated. I immidiately wanted the results…even body takes time to build. So relationship will definately take time to ex was scared that fights will happen again if we get together !!! He wants me in his life.. i have to move on…and see if he comes back to me….that means that he really loved me…if he doesnt then i will reserve my feelings for someone who will deserve it !!!! He has hurt me so much but rejecting me 2 times…now i have to move on …..i have to live my life bd this time i am not going to beg him to get commited to me !!
    If he loves me truly he will come …. !!!! guys are dying to get comiited to me after they heard that i am single again !! And he is rejecting me !!

    • Total Posts: 117

    Guys have u watched this movie – my sassy girl
    If not then plz watch this movie kprean version..its awsome trust me πŸ˜€

    • Total Posts: 107

    Yes sri you must stay strong and prove that YOU DONT NEED HIM! ! When he see you moving on and doing so much better and picking yourself up and living your life to the fullest that’s when he’ll come running back. If not, this growing up journey will make the right one finally come to you and let you realise why it didn’t work out with him. Trust me dear! You don’t what to keep lingering around him anymore for now, disappear from his view and work on yourself, he’ll surely wonder where you’ve gone. And go on NC for a bit, don’t initiate any contact with him. If he talk to you then reply him politely, he may be just doing it to confirm that you’ll be always there waiting for him . So don’t let your emotions take control again ! Promise me okay, you must calm your thoughts , you must find yourself again because you are worth it, you deserve to be happy you are beautiful inside out. You DON’T NEED HIS ATTENTION to show your worth because you already are worthy!

    I’ll watch that movie when I’m free. πŸ™‚ Meanwhile I’m just obsessing over BIGBANG’S new songs haha! Their songs guide me through this journey a lot easier. :’)

    Anyway I’m glad me and scatteredtracks can help sri! We are woman too so we know how it hurts that’s why we want to be here for you πŸ™‚ But only YOU can save yourself. So get over hun <3

    • Total Posts: 117

    Yaa but you guys have motivated me so much πŸ™‚ seriously !!
    But i have one doubt this time am i not suppose to initiate contact??

    • Total Posts: 107

    Yeah that’s the purpose of NC. Let him know you can live without him, in a way let him know that you can live without needing to contact him. It’s just temporary! Control..girl!

    • Total Posts: 117

    Ohki moonbunny πŸ™‚ thnkyu so much..

    • Total Posts: 76

    Yeah I think life definitely got in the way. I’ve been thinking about it (even though I said I was going to try and think about it less) but I don’t think my ex will be ready to be in another relationship with me by New Year’s :/ so I might have to let him go. I’m going to talk to him then and if he isn’t keen on working this out together, then I’ll ask if we can try in a few years??? But I’ll try not to wait around with him and get on with my life at the same time. But maybe he’ll always be there for me in the end? I’m not sure. And I can’t assume that he’s going to say no, that’s just what I think may happen at this stage.
    That’s right πŸ™‚ We have to make positive changes or we’ll just end up breaking up again! I was really looking forward to sleeping in this morning, but unfortunately I’ve just had a phone call from a colleague because they need help with the computer (I’m getting a ride down there soon) so I think that’s a sign that I shouldn’t spend all day in bed and should get up and do constructive things.
    Good luck with your exam and everything moonbunny <3 hope you do really well! Can I ask what it is that you’re studying?

    Aww Sri!! You’re welcome πŸ™‚ We love you too and only want the best for you! Hopefully the best is exactly what you want – your ex. I’m so glad that you’ve become motivated again! It is really hard to go through no contact, which is why these boards are so helpful because you can rant about your feelings without having to tell them to your ex! I’ll definitely have to have a look at that movie πŸ™‚ Is it on Youtube or anything? I think that we can all do this together πŸ™‚ Let me know how your no contact and everything is going! I really hope you can stay as motivated as you are now :’) Everything will be okay in the end.

    • Total Posts: 117

    Yeah scattered tracks !!!!!
    right now after watching that movie i seriously realise that i should get someone who will go crazy with me..who will not want all positives ….he will enjoy my negative things too..if a person seriously loves someone they dont just leave you for silly reasons !!
    So i just realises that if he is not coming back..then there is definately someone out there who will love me to the end.. not like my ex who can leave after stupid fights and fall out of love with..i mean seriously is this love?? If i can still love him and accept and forget all the wrongs he did…then why cant he…and if he cant..then he is really not the right one

    • Total Posts: 117

    I feel so guilty by acting needy in front of him and asking hin about relationship
    I asked him about the problems he had durong relationship..i shouldnt have done that on that day!!
    I just ruined my chances ..
    but i am doing this no contact to move on..i have accepted the fact that he is not coming back to me anymore because i acted needy

    • Total Posts: 117

    I did nc for 2 months..i did everything to change my self but at last i acted needy :/

    • Total Posts: 117

    I dony know why but i am feeling very guilty today ..not because of my ex…but because i did this to myself..i ruined my own efforts and hardwork !!

    • Total Posts: 107

    scatteredtracks – Yeap! Sometimes I really want to just stay at bed all day although I really want to rest but sometimes my mind would just wonder about US too much :/ ohh sucks but have a safe journey to work dear! You know, I used to hate being alone because I would feel miserable without him but I’m proud to say that I no longer feel like that because I have so much things to do for my life! πŸ™‚ Life goes on no matter what I shouldn’t spend time lingering on the past and wondering about the ‘what ifs’ but look forward to the future again!

    Yeah I have the exact same feeling! Even when I’m finally ready to work things out with him again he may not be ready any sooner. :/ Of course they don’t have to be 100% ready, but as long as they are willing to fight for this relationship with a more mature mindset, then I’m willing yo give my all too. After all, I miss having someone so close to me to conquer the world together . LOL I’m exaggerating I know haha! But what I mean is, it’s great to always having someone with you , that will always be there for you motivating you and hearing you out even they can’t be with you physically but nothing is better than an emotional support, even if you both are in different paths. Let’s just take this journey as we are just growing up, and it will eventually lead us to true happiness, either it’s with them, or someone better in our destiny.

    I’m that kinda girl that what they call an extroverted introvert. I’m definitely always happy and bubbly and funny on the outside but deep now I feel alone in this big world. Like inside an abandoned forest. That’s why I’ve been loving him too much too I guess, I felt that he knew every part of me so I’m being too vulnerable . :/ Well but I’m looking forward to that one day, when I finally met the one , maybe it really is my ex, or maybe it’s someone else I haven’t even met, it may be in a few months or even years. We just don’t know , right? And we can build a family together with all our hearts and.. have lots of doggies in our house! Haha πŸ™‚ I’m just determined that I’ll find that someone soon, that love me as much as I love them. I just have no idea if it’s still him or not. I’ll just live on with the fact that ‘what is meant to be, will be’. But nothing is gonna change if WE ourselves don’t choose to move on for ourselves.

    I’m having an exam that’s gonna help a lot in the degree I would pursue in, haha. I still have a lot of choices now I used to be in science stream, but now I realised I’m more of an art person. :p How about you?

    sri – Don’t feel bad for yourself dear! You are on the right track now, you deserve someone who truly deserve all your love too. Not someone who just give up on you πŸ™ We are all still struggling but most important thing is, we must know either way, we should continue moving forward and be our better self. The right ones will come along as soon as we start loving life again nomatter it’s our ex or not. stay strong girl <3

    • Total Posts: 117

    I have started to hate him !!
    How can he lose feelings aftr leaving for 5yrs with me !! If i can have feelings for the hell he lost his feelings

    • Total Posts: 107

    Well sri I’m feeling like that too today I don’t know why.. I just hate him for giving up on us.. To walk away, was never my option. We were so perfect together, at least to me. Well life goes on! If we’re meant to be then we’re meant to be. No need to try so hard, just start loving ourselves, that’s the best bet to everything.

    • Total Posts: 76

    I’ve had a pretty down morning today :/ I don’t know why. I just think of little things that niggle away and shouldn’t really matter and I just feel like crying. I miss him a lot and want to talk to him, but I still need to give him space. If I’m going to talk to him and hang out in October I need to be in a different place emotionally and that’s not going to happen if I keep thinking about him and getting weepy UGH. I have to stay away from home tonight and I really, really, really don’t want to. There’s no internet or anything to distract me so I know I will probably just cry myself to sleep. I’m going to a place where my ex used to stay with me so that just makes it even more difficult.
    I wish I could be a better support for you two but I just feel very sad today πŸ™ I don’t want to feel sad or miss him anymore but I do and my heart actually hurts.
    All we can do is try and forget about them and work on ourselves. I’ve thought long and hard about giving up on my ex too. Sometimes I think that would definitely be the healthier option for everyone. But then I don’t know for sure and I need to get some things out in the open still. So we will all just have to see what the future brings <3

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