Boards No Contact Rule Is feeling like you should give up normal?

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    (I meant half as happy as he made me! Obviously haha)

    • Total Posts: 76

    I just spoke to my friend about it and he didn’t deny that they were together but I’m sure it doesn’t mean anything ://// *gulp* there are a few friends that I think would say something if he was with her, but maybe they’re keeping it from me so I don’t get hurt. I’m not sure. At the moment I’m just assuming things completely.

    • Total Posts: 117

    I also asked my ex after nc if he was ating anyone or has a crush to which he said no
    I am really not sure if he was honest!!!!!
    when i talk to him he gets excited but after sometime when begins to realise the connection he becomes distinct
    today when i reminded him of a great time we had he responded in a positive way
    But he became someone different after tha.i dont know if i shoild stop it or continue like this
    I love him a lot so i knw i cant be his friend
    I’ll end up everything at once so really dont know if i should try or not
    I want to know how he feels
    If he is avaialble to get commited to me again.
    Sometimes i feel that he wants that to but his ego is coming in his way
    And sometimes i feel that he seriously has no feelings for me

    • Total Posts: 107

    Yeah that’s exactly what I did too πŸ™ I feel as I became insecure, he started to do things to make me happy. I was just desperately want to spend time with him and it end up making me feel like he’s forcing himself to do so. It was always like that at all! I used to be very cheerful and confident with myself.. I just suddenly grew into someone he didn’t even know. But I guess it wasn’t completely my fault or his fault too. He didn’t try to understand me enough and I was on the other hand putting a lot of pressure on him that he will surely understand and depending on him for my happiness. I didn’t realise this while we’re in a relationship but now I do.

    It’s great though that this distance made us start seeing a lot of things more clearly πŸ™‚ If only we could turn back time.. but sadly life doesn’t work that way haha πŸ˜›
    Ohh what breed is your dog? I LOVEEE DOGS! πŸ˜€ Reminds me of a stray dog that me and my ex rescued together :/ He loves dogs too like I do.

    Omg it must have sucked to see that girl.. I got the exact same feeling. My ex has a huge crush on this girl for YEARS before he met me. And that day I accidentally went into his account and saw that he texted her and basically had a conversation with her. He was trying to make contact with someone that he havent talk to in so long but he cannot make an effort to talk with me?? She has a bf btw..but I guess maybe that’s what your ex have done too :/ Not sure if they’re in a relationship or not but they definitely did contact each other? I wonder if my ex is trying to date someone or whatsoever.. well I wished him ALL THE BEST for finding someone who would love him like I do =.=

    Don’t worry to much alright. :/ It’ll probably be a rebound anyway. But if they can replace us so fast with someone else then they seriously don’t deserve us at all. We should stop assuming things that are out of our control. Moreover it’ll only hurt us and slow down our healing process. I too believe we still have a connection, but sometimes I’m just clueless on what to think or hope. And hey you definitely did made him the happiest guy alive before my dear! Trust me your ex did appreciate everything you both shared together or else he wont even want to say to talk on new years. We just have to let them be and time will prove everything. Of course we must keep moving on! πŸ™‚

    Go hear some nice music if you want! ‘Moving On – Kodaline ‘ is on my playlist now haha. It speaks to my heart..

    • Total Posts: 76

    sri – I have no idea how your ex is feeling :(( I wish I could say that you should just ask him but sometimes that’s way too scary and you may not want to hear what he has to say. I really wish I could contact my ex. It’s not even just because I’m doing no contact, I just feel like he doesn’t really want to hear from me? If he did, then he would contact me, surely? I’m still feeling as though I should probably give up and move on, but I don’t want to because I love him so much and I don’t want to just give up on him. But if he wants me to, then I will. I’m just not sure what he wants!!!! Every morning I check my phone and get disappointed that he hasn’t text me :/ I think it’s starting to become a problem. It’s not that I expect him to, I’d just really like it idk.

    Moonbunny – I agree. It’s kind of lame that we both realize these things AFTER our relationships are over πŸ™ I wish I had seen these things while we were still together and I could’ve worked on the things that were making him feel drained and unhappy.
    My dog is a cairn terrier like Toto from the Wizard of Oz πŸ™‚ She’s sooo cute. It’s her birthday on Monday so she’ll be 1 year old!! My ex really liked her as well. When he came to talk to me last he was sad that she wasn’t at home.
    I know that my ex has hung out with the girl I saw. I have no idea if they’re in a relationship or not. They probably aren’t. But I got scared thinking of what he may have said about me. Or if she would’ve seen me and then told him that he was right to dump me or something :/ I don’t know. It was mostly a shock to see her. She was the last person in the world I wanted to see. LOL that’s how I feel as well. I feel like no one will love him in quite the same way as me. Then again, maybe that’s what he needs.
    If he is with her it may be a rebound but we have been broken up for 2 months now so I’m not really sure. I’ve just felt so down this morning and I’m not really sure why. Sometimes I stress that I’m the only one that feels a connection between us and for him, it is all gone. I seriously cannot wait until it’s finally October and I will hopefully be able to hang out with him. I miss him so much, even just seeing him would be nice. Although I’ve been avoiding places that he goes in our town because I don’t want to see him in public somewhere… I might burst into tears!
    Oooh I really like some of Kodaline’s songs so I’ll definitely have to listen to that πŸ™‚ Music has really helped me. I just wish I could see in my future and know that everything is alright. Whether I’m with my ex, single or with someone else. I just want to be happy :(((((((( Right now, I feel as though I can’t be happy without him and I know that I have to get to a point where I am. I’m going to try and think about him less, as my councillor said that is just like scratching at the open wound :/

    • Total Posts: 107

    Hey scatteredtracks ! πŸ™‚ Awww I wished I could see your puppy and give her a hug! Hehe. I love dogs so much but I never get to have one as I’m living in a apartment :/

    I have the exact feeling as you! I’m terrified if my ex is in a relationship or not. And whether if it’s gonna be a rebound since we broken up for more than 2 months already. ;( Yeah I loved him too much maybe that’s even why he left.. shyt. But he used to show me so much love too.. But ever since we started college everything start tp change.. I’ll remember those times always. πŸ™ And I’ll assume it’s just because of change of environment and we would still love each other . And maybe we just need time apart to grow up.. Somehow I’m not sure if he feels theres still a connection between us. Feelings are not definite so I hope that we still cross their mind even maybe at the most random times of the day or during midnight when the world is quite.

    I believe I would always love him too.. even if life really tore us apart and I’m with someone else he’ll still always have a special place in my heart. Yeah I wished I could just see into the future , I’m tired of struggling like this anymore! πŸ™ I have to focus on my studies now at the moment but I just don’t have the motivation.. I’m running out of time D: Your 30 days NC ends in October? I’m planning to contact him too in October. But I’m feeling anxious today that he may have moved on? Although it likely won’t happen but I’m so heartbroken if he’s giving another girl his attention.. Argh I really felt like I’m scratching an open wound. πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 117

    I messed up.moonbunny
    I asked him about relationship but he said he doenst want any relationship
    But he wants to talk

    • Total Posts: 117

    I think i should give up now
    I will end everything now !!!!!

    • Total Posts: 76

    I know that my ex did truly love me. Even weeks before the break up he was so sweet. He came to pick me up from work with some little chocolate hearts for me πŸ™ It makes me sad to remember that now but it was so cute at the time. He told me to stop covering up my face because it was beautiful the night we had our last argument and it kind of makes me smile to think about how much he loved me and how sweet he was – how hard he tried to make me happy. But I’m smiling with tears in my eyes because it just doesn’t make sense that he could stop loving me so abruptly?
    I read some where that as soon as you put your ex out of your mind and focus on making your life and your happiness better, the sooner they will come back, if they’re your true love. So I’m going to try harder than ever to stop thinking about him. I’m going to come on here once a day and use that as my only time to think about my ex. The rest of the day I’m going to focus on moving forward and feeling happier. I still want to come on here, so that’s why I’ll use that as my time to think about him.
    My NC finishes at the end of this month, but I’m going to leave it for a bit. Last time I did no contact my ex actually contacting me on the last day. So it’d be interesting to see if he does that again. If he does then I’ll think that it’s fate or that he’s doing some sort of No Contact thing as well to give me space! Imagine if that happened!! I need to stop getting ahead of myself and fantasising about these things though.
    Yeah I know it’s so hard thinking that they might be with someone else. We just have to hope that they haven’t. I mean, we’re amazing people and there’s no way they could just forget about us so easily! Two months is still not that long.
    Sri – What are you giving up on? What has your ex said during the talk? I hope you’re okay. Both moonbunny and I are here if you need anything.

    • Total Posts: 117

    I talked to him about relationship…!!he said he is not ready for any kind of relationship right now..he wants to talk to me but not about relationship..whenever i try to remind him of good memories he builds up his defences….thats why became irritated and asked him what was stopping him ..he said he is not interested in relationship anymore !! I dont know how can he stop loving me all of a sudden !!
    We were together for 5 years..he made me feel like i wasted my time and emotions on someone who is not strong enough to handle these emotions..if i am a mess he is also the same..thr difference is he wants to hide everything from himself..and i am suffering to handle my emotions…
    I have tried so i just dont know what to do !! I feel like giving up..15 days of no contact his answer was same..2months of nc..his answer was same..i dont know why the hell i am trying so much when he cant even think about me

    • Total Posts: 76

    Aw honey. Maybe he doesn’t want to talk about the relationship because it’s just too painful. 5 years is a long time and I feel like 2 months is not enough time to get over that hurt. I don’t really know what to suggest because I know you are devastated. Perhaps just keep having time to yourself and cease contact with him for now. Then maybe he will come to you and talk about the relationship when he is ready. I’m really sorry that you’re so sad <3 I wish I could cheer you up some how my dear!

    • Total Posts: 117

    Yaaa :'(
    It feels like someone ripped my heart !!

    • Total Posts: 117

    Do you think i still have a chance??

    • Total Posts: 76

    I honestly don’t know. You may do. But I don’t want to say ‘yes’ and get your hopes up. I think for now, you can only take one day at a time. And hope that if you and your ex are really meant to be, then you will be. I’m sorry! <3

    • Total Posts: 107

    Hello there scatteredtracks! Wow your post today had given me a lot of motivation hehe πŸ™‚ Yeah I also believed that my ex truly loved me. I still remembered all those memories clearly .. when he always ride / drove all the way ( we live 45 mins apart ) just to see me. We would cook together and cuddle all day talking about everything. And he used to tell me I looked best with my pyjamas and wearing my specs πŸ™ I miss clingling to him like a teddy bear and he always loved it too. We really connect in every way . I don’t believe all these bonds would break easily. I don’t know how he just stopped loving too. But I’m sure they didn’t just stop, but something is definitely blocking their view. Or just plainly, life somehow got in the way. :/

    ‘When you start truly moving on with your life that’s when they will come back if their your true love ‘ – This is exactly true! I just saw a video by Matthew Hussey in Youtube. ( Go search him up he gives awesome advices ) And I agree on one of his video on what is the reason men stop chasing. The main reason is because we ourselves stopped doing what we were supposed to do for ourselves. To chase our own personal dreams. When two people been together for too long they became evolved with one another. We got too comfortable with each other. They somehow became our priority and we unintentionally depend on them too much . This may not be the main problem but it definitely play a part in what leading to the break up.

    So to say it specifically, our best bet to get them back is actually move on. I agree on what you said, we should not let our mind linger on what may happen or what should have happened but live in the moment instead. We’ll never know what may happen in the future . We must start living for ourselves. Because even if we get to get back together in the future, the same problem would only happen again if nothing has changed.

    It would suck if they’re with someone else. But if that’s the case, then they don’t deserve our love at all. They freaking DON’T. If they could forget about us so quickly it’s ideal than it happen NOW then for it to happen after we got married!

    I am a high-value woman. I have my qualities and I won’t lower it for someone who didn’t even plan to stay. I’m planning to contact him in October too after my exam . But I’ll see how it goes maybe a little longer. He is my first serious relationship. So am I to him, I admit that act immature too sometimes during the so nomatter what happen in the future for us I feel this temporary or not temporary distance is needed for both of us to realise things and grow as a human. I bet its the same to for you and him.

    Let this forum be that one time when we let our mind think of them. πŸ™‚

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