Boards Reconciliation In love with a girl that hates me

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    I chose that title because that’s how it feels. I started dating her in July and everything went great, we had a lot of fun and got intimate very quickly. Were i was ready for sex she just wanted to keep it to some touching, i actually respected her for that.

    end of july she went on a holiday, i wanted to ask her to be my gf. i haven’t met her daughter by then but ok. she got back and texted me, sorry i like you but we cant be together. fast forward: 7 weeks of playing the hot and cold game with me at work, blocking me from social media. Apperantly she got into a relationship with someone during her holiday, in a matter of 2 weeks. but i got the feeling she wasnt in love. so 1 day i confronted her at her home, and told her i know you still like me. we ended up having sex unprotected 4 times the next 5 days. she cheated with me on her bf, and eventually got pregnant from me and miscarried.

    the way she viewed me started to change, and not for the good. i was the same guy but she changed, got impatient, massive mood swings and told me several times we should stop seieng each other but got back anyway. than some other guy comes over, sleeps at her place, and she told me he would come, and stay over. ofc i dont like her its normal.

    during christmas / newyear she went on a holiday again, and suddenly other guys start posting on her fb wall, and she got into a fight with me about something trivial as she does normal. she is childish, cant talk to her, she blocked me from social media, later adds me on fb again. then she came back tried talking to her, she shuts down and acts nasty. than found out the moment she got back, she started seeing another guy, 3 years younger then her, give me a break, im 3 years older than her, she needs a grown up men, she is a single mother.

    than i posted some nasty stuff, she responds tells me to get it off, or she calls the police ( for what? no idea ). she deblocks me from all social media,wow. we called for 45 minutes, not a real conversation, her just spitting fire and only letting me talk when i would raise my voice. i told her i know you still like me she hang up. she also told during that phone call, it was over for her, more than once ( clearly emotional ) and later even says something vague like, maybe in 6 months ( seeing me ) .. i think she is in a rebound relationship, and she is also very secretive to who she is seeing. i dont like that at more open.

    now she tells me not to write her, which i will, ill do 30 day NC than contact her by sending a letter, and sending her a t shirt from me she really liked.

    btw the day after our phone call, i walked through town with a pretty attractive girl, she is just a friend, and we crossed paths. she was there with her daughter & cousin. i said Hi, and she ignored me. the girl i was with told me, oooh she doesn’t like this one little bit. her face , she looked shocked and upset, because i was always so available to her.

    How should i pick up from here, and how to handle the NC rule, can i post pics from me having a good time , and changing my appearance on fb? I want her back but only if she wants to change, so she doesnt block me from social media, acts this way when she sees me with a girl, while she is the one jumping from 1 guy to the next, and could this be a rebound relationship. I dont like to play games but this is all i have left

    • Total Posts: 2

    some help would be welcome, why does she behave like this, and if she really couldnt care less, she could also just delete me from all social media, yet even when she was spitting fire on the phone telling me 20 000 times that it was over for her she made this vague comment about trying again in 6 months time. and why ignore me, when im walking around through town with another girl, those arent the signs of a girl who doesnt care, im going for the 30 day NC rule, 1.because she asked me to stop writing her ( what ever that means ) 2. she has this idea in her mind that im a dangerous person ( which im not, quit the opposite ) 3. ive noticed im only pushing her away further when ever i try to talk to her ( emotionally she has the age of a 5 year old ) . i know she is seeing someone else, but she is secretive about it. she straight away started dating, after all that has happened , with someone younger than her. i just hope she wont do anything stupid….do i have a chance ? she told me several times before she thought it was better not te see each other, but eventually gave in and we remained intimate. She is the one making it so hard, not me. all i ask for in return is her to be exclusive with me. so based on her behavior, the fact she goes for a rebound relationship with someone younger than her ( seemingly she cant handle adult men ) , and our history do i have a chance ? i dont think she will contact me in 30 days, she is to ignorant for that, she has guys running after her all the time.

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