Boards Reconciliation I'm just curious…is this a good sign?

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  • #33671
    • Total Posts: 158

    Do not flirt back dont be easy to get aten

    • Total Posts: 132

    Yes it makes sense. Idk do think it’s time to ask him out or is too soon? Second though, yeah don’t be easy let him bite.

    • Total Posts: 1218

    That was one of our problems. But in my defense, I was losing my sanity. My grandpa passed away in August (he was there for me when it happened) and then I hurt my best friend literally a month later (and that really killed me, she was my other half before he was) but our problems are solved. I didn’t speak my mind, I was easy to him, and other shit I can’t remember nor want to think about. But yeah, I thought my reply was good enough

    And I want to talk to him. But idk. I feel that he should text me first. I need help

    • Total Posts: 158

    Soon or later he might not talk to her again so what she have to do is kinda be away from whag he is doing coz now he thing he can get her whenever he want .., let him be the one who ask u back .. not u

    • Total Posts: 1218

    Why are you referring her to me?

    • Total Posts: 158

    Sorry just cat was saying things and i dont think it gonna work that way coz it happened before to so many girls … there ex back firsting with them and after that leaving them so dont be an easy goal

    • Total Posts: 1218

    What do you mean?

    • Total Posts: 158

    When ur ex back to flirt with u all of sudden … its two things

    1- He think he still have u as a 2nd choice
    2- He want u back which is never happened that way

    so all u have to do is avoid any stuff like this coz it gonna give u pain which is u worked so hard to not be with it … so just say short things do not flirt back … show him that u are ok without em so he will think more how to get u back …

    • Total Posts: 1218

    I think he does want me back though lol

    • Total Posts: 132

    No no, Confused Girl,
    I know you really want him back but don’t fall for it, Let him chase you. I know it’s tempting but you can’t accept this bait.

    • Total Posts: 1218

    Oh I’ve been acting rather uninterested, a little interested. I’m not the one who’s texting first and snapchatting random and stupid things and sending selfies. I just got a good feeling that he text me fora good reason the other night

    • Total Posts: 536

    Hey @confusedgirl you’re right on the track and yes this is a good sign though.

    • Total Posts: 1218

    We talked Sunday and then he snapped me all week, one day 2 selfies within an hour, another 7 snaps in a day. I didn’t reply to him all week and I apoligized the other night and he just kinda text me out of the blue

    • Total Posts: 158

    I hope so . I have told u what to do in case

    • Total Posts: 1218

    To not flirt?

    And I almost feel like just telling him to text me. I mean did text me out of the blue

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