Boards Reconciliation I want to get back with the love of my life

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  • #1665
    • Total Posts: 9

    awww thank you so much for the comment guilia, That really helps me.

    I will text him perhaps next week, but I also keep Fingers crossed that he texte me.

    I just try not to lose hope.

    So I hope you both work out again from the bottom of my heart.

    I meditate a lot to sort my thoughts and do a lot of Yoga to clear my mind.

    And I believe everything will fall into place.

    • Total Posts: 82

    You are welcome !

    I actually texted him because I knows he likes girls who are determinate,full of suggestions,fun,strongwilled ecc…
    I was all those things in the past…and then puff…life happended and I lost those traits that attracted him before, so I know where I need to work.

    I agree that the most difficult part is to show him that…because to do that you actually need to spend a lot of time with him, so the suggestion to a false friendship is logical,because if you make clear that you are not trying to seduce him,but you just wanna have fun and hang out to have fun like friends, he will let down his guard and starts to enjoy the time together.

    In my case we always hang out mostly as a group because he values friendship a great deal, never touch his friends! =D
    So I’ll tell him that I would like to hang out with everyone, because is just unfair ..I mean those are my friends too.
    Then I’ll just focus on having fun and suggest lot of activities for everyone to do together, so I can spend a lot of time with him in a group…..he’ll see how I’ve changed, and that new me will seduce him without me tying too hard ( because he must feel that he is him to seduce you and not the contrary!! )

    Just think about yourself and be positive, if you are at peace with yourself and optimistic that automatically shows that on your face making you more attractive.

    Best of luck!

    • Total Posts: 9

    he texted me today if we want to go for a coffee next week or something like that as he also found a bit more of my things. I still have his key, he did not ask for it back yet.

    I have not answered yet (he texted me a couple of hours ago) and I’m not sure when I want to text back. Any suggestions?

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