Boards Reconciliation I think it's really over between us. Time to move on.

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    My ex and I have been together for a little over a year, but sadly we broke up almost 5 months ago. We broke up because I was feeling ignored, unappreciated, and his father did not want us to be together. When I broke up with him, he didn’t fight for me. He just watched me leave. I didn’t think that he cared at all. We didn’t contact each other until I reached out to him about a week ago.

    Here’s how it went:
    Me: Hey
    Him: Who’s this?
    Me: (My name). Are you (his name)?
    Him: Yes
    Me: Oh ok. How are you?
    Him: Good. What about you?
    Me: That’s good. I’m good as well.
    Me: I decided to reach out cause I thought of you. I understand if you’re still mad at me.
    Him: Yeah, I understand.
    Me: And also I wanted to tell you that I miss you. You can ignore if you want. I just want to be honest.
    Him: It’s cool.
    Me: Okay cool.

    I reached out to him again 3 days later with the “elephant in the room” approach:
    Me: Hey, good afternoon.
    Him: Hey
    Me: How’s your summer going?
    Him: Good. What about you?
    Me: That’s good. It’s going great, thank you. There’s something that I want to say.
    Him: Then by all means say it
    Me: I want to apologize for what happened between us. I realized from that moment I overreacted. I should’ve communicated better about what was troubling me. I was dealing with a lot and kept most of it to myself. Also, I felt ignored and unappreciated. So when the “incident” happened, I reached my breaking point. Honestly, I thought me breaking up with you was what you wanted. When you said nothing when I walked away, that was my confirmation. Even though the circumstances were very tough, I cared about you and still do. Honestly, I still want to be with you. But I can understand if you don’t. I acknowledged what happened and had learned it. Sorry if I had hurt you.
    Him: I see
    Me: Yeah, so that’s all I have to say. Have a good evening.
    Him: I need time
    Me: Ok, I understand. Sorry for bothering you.
    Him: You didn’t.

    Of course I expected him to respond vaguely so it’s okay. I was hurt, but I can understand why he acted that way. I broke up with him but I don’t know how he truly feels.

    But now after reaching out to him I feel pretty relieved. The fact that he responded vaguely and stated he needs time, I realized that he doesn’t want to be with me anymore and that was my “closure”. Honestly, I still want to be with him. Because what we had was amazing despite of our demise. The good literally outweighed the bad. I think it was just bad timing because he had a lot going on with school and other extracurricular activities that being with me was hard to do at the moment. I don’t want to continue what we left off, cause I want to start anew and leave the past behind. Maybe we’ll meet again someday, but for now I’ll move on and work on myself.

    • Total Posts: 2868

    @sweetlildove – I know you’re heartbroken and I know you will think of him everyday. Why didn’t his father want you to be together and what was the “incident”? Try very hard to push the thoughts of him out of your mind more each day and do things you enjoy such as spending time with family and friends. I pray you will someday find the happiness you seek, whether with him or someone else..

    • Total Posts: 9

    Hey there,

    I’m doing better now, and thank you. 🙂 His father didn’t like me for no reason. According to him I’m not good enough for his son. The “incident” was my ex being immature on Snapchat by disrespecting me. He hid his story from me so I made a catfish account and asked if he had a girlfriend. He said no which prompt me to break up with him. He told me he knew that was me because I would do something like that and he told me when something similar happened before but it was a spam.

    I know it seems silly that I still want to be with him after all of this but I was just simply confused with a lot. Cause he didn’t post anything incriminating nor has he cheated. He actually gave me the pass word to his phone and allowed me to go through his social media. Nothing was deleted or anything. But now I realize he just didn’t want to be with me anymore.

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