Boards No Contact Rule I think I made a mistake

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  • #33164
    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    You be strong Mr Cat from one cat to another… u r not alone. We going thru it too… I began going to church and stepping up my workouts.. u may find after its over u may amaze yourself and won’t want her anyway…That’s what I hope happens to me… I won’t be Needy after him so he cant walk on me. I’m taking my power back and SO YOU TAKE YOUR POWER BACK. LET’S NOT CAVE IN AGAIN.

    • Total Posts: 132

    Thank you for the kind words @cat womann. I just want to meet with her and talk somewhere but she doesn’t even want to see me. She says her feelings towards me will start “rushing back” if she sees me, it’s not fair. She’s been so cold, distant, and hateful towards me you would think I locked her in a cage and beat her for 4 years the way she describes our relationship. We weren’t the greatest couple, and we didclack a few communication issues, but it’s nothing we haven’t fixed before. I’m in therapy over my anger issues, I told her and she said, “wtf you want a cookie”?. This whole thing makes me sad, and it makes me want to completely give up, but I can’t do that.

    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    That’s a mean thing for her to say… that’s y u need space from her toxic hateful messages. Since ya share a child together she needs to reach u for things she will be forced to come see you if u change your number…lol. then play it cool as if you have a new chick yourself… act like your busy and she’s holding u up from something listen to her and then be like ok I gotta go. Smell killer good too.. all the time.. you’ll never know when she’s gonna pop up.Tell her your phones broke. Lol maybe so changing your number would help u stop the impulse to contact her. but maybe u could get a free phone give her that number when u tell her you’re getting a new phone. after NC if she improves her behavior give her your new number main number. If u meet someone new give them your main numbe Then u can check that special phone from your ex as needed.

    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    Always wear killer colonge. That’s what grabs any womans attention.. trust me and look your best like a celebrity.. I am killing my workouts. He’s going to eat his heart out if he sees me again.

    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    I’m going to try not to visit her since this is giving this dork more time for me to think bout him… I will come here on days I may cave in and I hope somebody here supports me… I wish u all the best Mr cat22.. I’m going to focus on recreating a normal day of doing things to make me happy and being my own dj in my car and only listen to upbeat music…

    • Total Posts: 132

    No Cat Womann we don’t have a child together, and i’m glad we don’t, that would of made this 20x more messy than it already is lol. I’m just going to focus on school, my job, and therapy. I’ll probably contact her when I finish school this May, but it all depends on how I feel.

    • Total Posts: 1

    Hi all,
    I just broke the NC today. It’s only 7days into NC and I already broke it. Went to find her instead. She gave me the stuff I left at her place. We had another talk, about the stuff that we didn’t do correctly. I told her that I really miss her and want her back. Guess I broke it again eh? Yet, she tells me that she is completely over it now and we are now just friends and nothing more. She told me to stop worrying about getting back together Becuz she won’t. And she told me that I am not suitable for her as my relationship with her was a pain in the butt sometime. She was acting like she was a buddy of mine, brushing shoulders but won’t accept hug from me.
    She even said that someone told her that she won’t be getting married until really late in her life and that she hasn’t met the person for her yet. She probably found out that there are some stuff that I cannot offer her…I am trying but it’s hard.
    I am just wondering what should i be doin. She obviously has a thing for me perhaps but hasn’t displayed it or just doesn’t like me anymore. Should I continue with the NC? Or should I just carry on from being friends?
    I just really want her back even though everyone was saying that she was ugly and bad academically. Plus, she really had nothing for me to be that attracted about. I am not sure…but I really want to have a shot at her.

    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    I know I said I wasn’t going to come here but oh well its not such a bad thing to come here.. this is a support system… Ed I know this is one of the most hardest things u. R doing in your life…. BUT.. u gotta give yourself time to feel better and time for her to miss u. I’m on day 3 and I know it hurts. I said I wasn’t going to cry about it but I did briefly yesterday.. I’m soo glad he doesn’t have my main number.That would be torture. I’m focused on losing weight and school work too.I feel better today tho. SO Edward I would do what the author tells us to do…Right now do I feel I could do 30 days….idk but that’s just how I feel right now but I sure as hell am going him to miss me. I want him to miss me and maybe worry about me.. I want him to imagine all kinds of senarios about me and time creates a lot of thinking.

    • Total Posts: 132

    9/10 times I doubt your ex ever contacts you when they miss you though. Especially my ex, she said she wouldn’t contact me even if she misses me, she’s a stubborn one.

    I relapsed today and took a look at my exes twitter page. She’s hasn’t written anything in days. Seems like she hasn’t been home :/

    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    Mr Cat I don’t know anything about twitter.. but if u look at her page does that mean she can tell who visits her page? I admit I called my other phone to see if I had any messages today from him.. he never leaves messages even when we were on good terms…I can check that anywhere but I can’t check the texts… but I guess I did a form of relapsing too… Someday we will be able to get mad at them soo much about their stupid behavior that we can focus on someone new… I’ve had a man at work notice me.. he’s never noticed me b4. But I have been losing weight.. I’m not intrested in him at all but it sure is a boost to my day anyway.. and I did dress up to show off my changing figure..

    • Total Posts: 132

    No Cat Womann she doesn’t know who visits her page, and I have her blocked. On twitter you can still view someone’s tweets even though they’re blocked, but she can’t view mine unless she goes on another name.
    And congrats on the weight lost, I lost weight too but it was from being depressed over this chick. Maybe one day we will focus on someone new and realize how much time we wasted on these people. However, focusing on someone else doesn’t seem enticing for me at the moment lol. Sadly she’s the only diamond in my eye :\

    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    MR Cat22 Sigh thanks for the compliment.. and Its not a relapse if you didn’t contact her.. YOu were STRONG NOT TO MAKE THE CALL NOT TO TEXT HER.. THAT’S AWESOME… YOU’RE AWESOME. yeah I don’t want to date anyone either.. but oh well. Were getting stronger everyday… I. Think you still have a good chance with her… she can say she won’t miss you all she wants but life happens and I think she will notice after 2 weeks you’re not kissing her A.. and I think she needs to know you’re not a door mat in this relationship. So what if you had some insecure issue and anger issues. Work on them.. Never hit a woman.. choose to walk away when things get heated or whatever they say in your therapy class. But the begging like I did… it makes us look weak.

    • Total Posts: 132

    Cat Womann look at the latest tread I posted up a few minutes ago and tell me what you think?

    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    Today has been a great day people literally couldn’t keep there hands off me lol.. the man at work initiated a side hug so I did lol and an older man brushed my cheek on my face as you would do a kid and said I had great skin.. lo. Yeah its been a good day. I was trying to say that I sure as hell am going 2 weeks in NC. I want him to worry.. were in a long distance relationship and he was suppose to visit here cause he’s got kids here and I’m here.. we don’t have kids together… but he would never say when he was coming which bothered me b4 the split. I will check the texts after 2 weeks.but I don’t plan to call.. I will ask for advice if he’s giving a date of his arrival… maybe I could tell him I don’t want to talk until he gets here? Anybody do u think that’s wise? Mr Cat22?

    cat womann
    • Total Posts: 54

    MR Cat22 you didn’t ask a question… but I read that u looked at her page.. I don’t think that’s 2 bad.. at least u already went Thru 2 weeks of NC… but in your case after 2 weeks she still is being stubborn so I guess the answer u r saying to me is to still stay in no Contact. Hmmm that’s a tough pill to swallow:-\

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