Boards Reconciliation I need help. I keep feeling lower than ever

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  • #38394
    • Total Posts: 94

    So ex and I exchanged a few emails. I was kind of put off by the fact that he didn’t ask me any questions about what I’ve been doing. (3months of nc prior) but said he wanted us to be friends and not be strangers. A few days later I sent him a link to something funny and no response. I don’t know what to do. I’m trying to build our relationship back but I can’t help feeling that he doesn’t want to. Together 5 years.,what the hell??

    And I’m going to be in Germany in a month where he is now..(reason for breakup) and I would love to see him. I want to tell him this over skype but I don’t know when I should try adding him.

    Any advice would be really appreciated. I feel like I’m losing my mind over this

    • Total Posts: 158

    Stop what your doing … Coz its not helping you … What u have to do is helping ur self and be happy … U can watch some videos about how to go over breakup or what to do yo feel better after break up … Dont lose ur power man keep ur head up

    • Total Posts: 94

    I thought he would want to talk to me after not communicating for a few months…but I feel like he doesn’t care

    • Total Posts: 158

    Its the same goes with my ex she just left and never texted which is her friends maade her brain crazy saying random stuff about she have to be free because she spend more time with me than them so they played so bafly with her mind and let her leave me ….

    • Total Posts: 94

    Thank you @jean

    Does anyone else have any other advice? I really feel like he is ignoring me now.

    • Total Posts: 711

    take a look at relationship rewind on google

    • Total Posts: 94

    @kaila I did, I guess I’m at deaths door. Did that relationship rewind help you at all?

    • Total Posts: 944

    honestly, at this point i dont think there are that many other options. if he doesnt want to answer your emails or make an effort to engage in conversation theres only so much you can do. i would wait and then email him a couple weeks before youll be in germany and ask him to meet up and see if hes willing to do that and talk in person. you dont want to flood him with emails if he isnt responding!

    • Total Posts: 711

    did you see the part about the letter to get him to talk to you? no, i need to reread

    • Total Posts: 711

    atea is right

    • Total Posts: 94

    Thank you @atea and @kaila. Yeah I was trying to be friendly and just sent him a link to a German article I thought was funny. So if he doesn’t respond to that I guess it’s ok. The last emails we exchanged he answered me pretty quickly. I need to add him on skype to talk to him about this trip …should I wait a week or so? I’m not planning on sending anymore emails right now and I would prefer to talk to him face to face. Do you guys think this is a bad idea?

    • Total Posts: 711

    I think if he isn’t answering right now he might take that as you pressuring him again. I don’t know if you ever broke up with someone but the more you feel pressured by someone the worse it is.

    Could you read the last updates on my thread and tell me what you think?

    • Total Posts: 944

    i wouldnt call it a “bad idea”, but just dont be shocked or devastated if he doesnt want to add you or skype or doesnt want to talk. based on his lack of responses to your emails, im kind of understanding that maybe its too hard for him to really engage in conversation right now. obviously im no expert but i think if i were in your position i would email him when you are coming and see if he would like to get together. it seems like skyping might scare him off a little right now and he doesnt seem like he really wants to engage in a whole series of conversations.

    • Total Posts: 94

    thank you for the advice. I’m definitely trying to not scare him off but I would really rather talk to him in person about it. I actually got a new skype account so I’ll just casually add him and if he doesn’t add me back I may try an email. He wants to be friends and keep in touch so I’m really hoping he agrees. He had talked to me on skype before so I hope he will again. Idk it’s hard

    • Total Posts: 151

    I know ly88 its very hard and I will pray for your wellbeing,you tried very best and now just have hope and leave it on god,you will be fine.Do some spiritual work and take it easy even tho I can understand your pain very well.
    Don’t text or add him in Skype,may be 1 email in 2 weeks so that communication lines are open.I agree with atea1234 @

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