Boards Reconciliation How to deal with seeing your ex happy with someone new?

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  • #30980
    • Total Posts: 9

    So just after valentine’s and my ex posts loads of love hearts on her twitter. I know she’s seeing someone, started just after we broke up (maybe before who knows).

    Seeing it has just made me feel so terrible and like my situation is hopeless.

    • Total Posts: 158

    Keep away from the things make u upset or no hope … kee9 away from the madness and be who u really are .. soon or later he will findout how much bad decision he made that losing somebody like u .. work on ur self and dont think about them atm 🙂

    • Total Posts: 9

    Tried to stay away but still manage to come across a picture of her in bed with her new guy.. :((

    • Total Posts: 14

    I know just what you mean! I don’t want to hijack your thread but my situation is very similar. Not even two months after we broke up he is already super happy with someone & I don’t know how long they have been seeing each other (He took her for a romantic weekend away for Valentines day. Yet when I questioned him (I broke NC a few times to text him but its always turned into arguments) how long they had been together he said only a few days. You don’t take someone on a romantic trip that you’ve just started seeing). Anyways, even the week before he had been telling me how nothing was good right now & how he would probably have to leave town or go underground to avoid some heavy duty stuff from his past that was catching up to him but while being alone sucked, this way he wouldn’t drag anyone down with him. Plus the reason he broke up with me was that he apparently had no time for anyone because he was working on his career. Now this? Was everything a lie? Even considering that thought makes me physically sick.
    When we met up to exchange keys in the new year, he said he did love me & wanted to be with me but not to hold him to anything, we would see (I was proposing space for a few months and then see how his work load was). He says this new relationship wasn’t expected or planned but in my opinion, if you already love someone and do want to be with them, you just don’t do that. You don’t start something new when you still love someone…..or claim you do.

    No matter how much I try to distract myself, I keep thinking about them together, so happy & his acting like I never existed. He’s blocked me on facebook and said he is done talking to me. I pray that this is just a rebound and he will realize its a mistake but the way they look so happy together breaks my heart. I miss him so much and don’t understand how he could do this to me. I didn’t do anything to deserve the pain I’m going through now, nor the break up itself which was out of the blue. I keep thinking ‘what about me? I thought you loved me?’ & that it should be me with him, not her.
    All of his actions make everything he said, a lie. I don’t know what to believe anymore. I don’t even trust my own judgement. I truly thought he was the one. So did all my family and friends. We were even talking marriage and kids. So for him to turn on me…..I wonder if it was all a lie. And that hurts even more.
    It feels like I’m at a breaking point and cant take much more. I hate him for his lies and manipulations but at the same time I still love him and want to be with him.

    Sorry for that vent but I don’t know if you are feeling some of the same things? I agree with the trying to stay away from things like social media that allow you to snoop on them….I know from experience (& yet I will probably do it again from time to time and then berate myself for it afterwards while I’m crying nonstop) that it will only make you feel worse.
    How long were you together?

    • Total Posts: 9

    We were together 11 months. I was away over Christmas and then after talking normally she just last minute couldn’t see me mid-jan and then broke up with me that weekend. She then started seeing this new guy one or two weeks after. It’s so hard to tell if it’s a rebound or not because she seems so happy with him and they’ve been good friends for a long time before. It’s this that makes me sick with worry every day, even more than being broken-up, the fact that she has someone else and doesn’t need me.
    Tried being friends for a bit after breaking-up but she wouldn’t see me even though we were talking by phone fine so started NC and am now on Day 15.

    • Total Posts: 14

    Ours was 7 months. From reading articles on other parts of this site, as incredibly difficult as it is, the only thing we can do is wait it out and see if it is a rebound or not. I don’t know what a defining line between rebound vs. they’ve moved on is though.
    I know I (you too!) won’t feel this way forever but trying to make it through the now, the most painful part is what I’m having trouble with. I don’t know how they can just move on so quickly. Its as if we meant nothing to them. Or at least it seems that way to me. I’m hoping that unless something was going on behind our backs before the relationships ended (which from the sounds of it may be the case for both of us), their rushing into a new relationship means its a rebound but unfortunately we can only wait and see.

    • Total Posts: 9

    Yeah just need to persevere through all the pain during NC and if they are still together then work on winning your ex back if you still feel that’s what you want.

    • Total Posts: 14

    but if they’re still with their new partner after NC, how do you plan on trying to win them back?

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