Boards No Contact Rule How long did it take for you ex to get in contact with you?

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  • #47280
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    Just want to have an idea …

    • Total Posts: 26

    About 2 weeks. He texted me to check up on me. I felt like it wasn’t important text to reply to; so I ignored it. After that he started to message me often. The more I ignored it the more he felt anxious wanting to see me and talk to me. He asked me to have dinner with him, I still didn’t reply to it. The second time he asked I kindly rejected it and told him I needed my space and time. I think a few days later he ask if we could meet or have dinner again (see how effective my nc was?lol.)
    I actually kinda miss the NC Stages to be honest. Now that we are back together for almost 2months I feel that he hasn’t tried to make plans for me as much as he did when he tried to get me back. But I’m trying this thing, which is almost like NC. Hopefully it I will have some progress
    How is your Nc so far?

    • Total Posts: 45

    1.5 months.

    I was on a date with a prettier girl and ran into her. Completely ignored her existence that night. I had a text the next morning asking how I was doing. Ever since then she has been driving by my house a lot, texting me occasionally, and all sorts of weirds things. I’m still NC because I know I deserve better than her.

    • Total Posts: 42


    Who broke up with whom?

    • Total Posts: 2

    Two days about two weeks ago. Now I’m starting another “No Contact” period after exchanging some emails with her this morning. She’ll contact me in the next couple of days, and although it seems gut wrenching to me, I’m going to avoid contact with her this time.

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