Boards Reconciliation Help Please

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  • #33104
    • Total Posts: 45

    Ok buddy, well I will deffo update you about everything on Tuesday I guess

    • Total Posts: 300

    Please do mate, you’ll do great. Emails let me know when you post here, hit me up!

    • Total Posts: 45

    Yh same as me, so what’s going on with you guys then are you calling it a day or is it a lot more complicated than that? Where are you emailing me from btw just curious that’s all

    • Total Posts: 45

    Yo Charlie it’s craig here,

    So I’m starting to get nervous about Tuesday buddy we are still texting almost everyday and giving 3 xxx after each text but there is still something inside me that’s like why she still talking to me if she didn’t want to be with me any suggestions??

    • Total Posts: 300

    Take your mind off it man. The place you’re in now mentally won’t do you any favours. You have to accept that it’s over. Even if it isn’t. Work from there.

    She still texts me three kisses too. Unfortunately it doesn’t necessarily mean anything. Try not to look for any signs in anything outside of meeting in person. She’s still meeting you. Great.

    As I say, you should give her a chance to miss you. Meet her, then just take a few days for yourself. Nothing will happen in those few days. Rationalise it.

    Do you feel like dating anyone right now? No. Nor will she.

    • Total Posts: 45

    Yh I suppose your right buddy only thing, is that she is bipolar her mother texts me and asks how I am and says she wants us back together as I make her happy only thing is that I don’t want her mother getting involved as she might think that I am telling her mum to do these things when I’m not what do you think?

    • Total Posts: 52

    Man, if you’ve got her mother on your side you should be fine. Daughters trust their mother’s opinion more than anyone else’s. And it won’t come off like you are using her mom to get her back. No mom would do that to her daughter.

    • Total Posts: 45

    Cheers man, Yh her family and I get on really well they are great people just don’t want her mum pushing you know I might have a quick chat with her just to give her time i think

    • Total Posts: 52

    Yeah man I understand. When my ex and I broke up (we’re currently slowly getting back together) I sent her mom a text saying how sorry I was for everything and how much she meant to me and how I know I messed up the best thing that has ever happened to me. Then when my ex saw her mom recently her mom cried to her about that text and basically had my back without me even asking. So if her family loves you and they want you back together that’s HUGE.

    • Total Posts: 26

    Hey Ryan, do you think I should text my ex’s mom as well? She liked me and I was thinking of doing that even before I read this text. You know just that I deeply care about her and I am sorry about what happened. I don’t know if that’s a good idea or not just seeking your opinion!

    • Total Posts: 52

    How long ago did you guys break up?

    • Total Posts: 26

    3 weeks ago!

    • Total Posts: 45

    Hey Charlie,

    I’ve been reading your threads to Patrick mate I’ve seen that your having a tough time keep your head up man your a smart guy and down to earth I’m sure you will figure this out.

    Sorry I’m not great at giving advice, but I’m good at being supportive so im here bud if you need a chat.

    Now remember I said I would let you know how Tuesday went so here goes,
    So we met up I picked her up from her house and we went bowling and out for dinner we had a great day talking laughing just like it used to be so it comes to the end of the night and she invited me back to her house.

    We talked for abit about how we are doing and what we have been up to I kinda dropped a bollock and said that I missed her and us and how we used to be and she went a bit wierd so I changed the convo, all of a sudden out of no where she kissed me and things went fast quickly we ended up sleeping together and she told me she still loves me and has feelings for me.

    After I left I got a text message saying she made a mistake and shouldn’t of done what we did she said she ment everything she said she was just confused still if she wants to be with me so I’m a bit like wtf you know, she text me today but I’ve ignored her as I’m thinking to myself was I just a beauty call you know, what shall I do or what’s your outsiders opinion cheers bud

    • Total Posts: 300

    No contact. One week. See what happens, but actually do it this time. Why can’t you do no contact? You sound pissed off. Stand your ground.

    • Total Posts: 45

    I am a bit Yh because why would she sleep with me then say it was a mistake odd don’t you think?

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