Boards Reconciliation Help Please

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  • #32181
    • Total Posts: 45

    Hey man, so just to update you we had a long talk this evening and she didn’t want to give me my stuff back as she wants to use it for a little longer ( my xbox) she also kissed me and I mean a full on kiss not just once but multiple times what are your thoughts?? We straightened everything out but she still said she wants to be friends? I’m confused

    • Total Posts: 300

    You are in such a good position man. Chill out. Take some time for yourself, and don’t chase her. If she texts, take time to reply and be level headed.

    • Total Posts: 45

    Ok man,

    How’s things with you? If you don’t mind me asking?

    • Total Posts: 300

    Lame if I’m honest. It’s been messy.

    She broke up with me over my insecurities, right as I was about to make an effort to change them. Managed to miss two opportunities to see her since basically. I guess I dug my own grave. 3 years, 8 months. 2 and a half years living together.

    She actually essentially offered to come and see me this weekend, but somehow I managed to do my normal bit of asking too many questions, casual ones, but too much too fast. Now I don’t know if she’s coming or not.

    I have a letter and a card to give her, but I think she’s coming to call it a day.

    You can read the first few posts on my thread, you’ll see what I missed.

    So whatever you do, take it slowly.

    • Total Posts: 45

    Oh man, I hope everything turns out good for you man I’m gunna read your first posts if that’s cool.

    What do you reckon I should do then because she said she still wants to be friends and still hang out but I’m worried she might meet other guys at the gym am I just over thinking, she said she still loves me and just needs time to sort herself out and then she stopped talking and just started kissing me and said she misses me already what do I do?

    She did also that there is a possibility that we will get back together she said she is not ruling it out.

    How would you take this?

    • Total Posts: 300

    It’s been a matter of days. Give her space. Read my other posts to you. What you need to see this through is already there, honestly.

    You don’t have to do anything but be cool.

    And process the anger, feel it. She’s fucking you around man! Don’t be a doormat. Stand your ground, but do so by being absent.

    Just let her miss you for a few days, then go and see her.

    • Total Posts: 300

    She kissed you right? Then what are worrying about. Don’t even listen to what she said, she kissed you!

    • Total Posts: 45

    Ok cheers man,

    Yh she did kiss me I didn’t make the move she did.

    So I have looked at your posts I thought the photo thing might be a good idea but Patrick sounds like he has got his head on straight and sounds like a strong kinda guy,

    Has she replied back to you yet? At the end of the day we all make mistakes we are only human don’t beat yourself up about it your still the same guy she fell in love with right?

    • Total Posts: 300

    Let me know what’s new with you dude

    • Total Posts: 45

    Well it’s all kind of confusing really, you know I said she kissed me and stuff and she wants to be friends, I’ve constantly asked for my stuff back from her house but she comes up with an excuse not to give it back.

    We constantly text each other and we are meeting up again on Tuesday to go bowling or go for a drink somewhere,

    I sent her a letter the other day and she sent me a text saying that it was cute so I’m a bit confused as what’s going on as she is hot and cold women are hard to read, she keeps saying she wants to be friends and is not ready to go back into a relationship yet she sends me kisses and stuff at the end of each text message so what should I do? Carry on what I’m doing or just go cold?

    • Total Posts: 300

    Do whatever you feel is best. When you meet on Tuesday, just enjoy her company. Then if the time arises, stand up for what you want. Tell her that you care about her and that you love her, and that friends just isn’t going to cut it for you. Be nice about it though, then walk away. She’s telling you she’s not ready for a relationship, so tell you’re not ready for just friends, because you’re not right? No point in beating around the bush.

    Then again, it’s just an outsider’s point of view. Take the evening as it comes first, but don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself. If you end up saying what you need to, you’ll need to give yourself time, so no contact.

    • Total Posts: 45

    But from your experience what do you think I should do? I’m still crazy in love with her and I think she is with me too otherwise she would kiss me and text me most of the time or am I reading the wrong signals here? What do you think?

    • Total Posts: 300

    Show her that you care about her, but show her you’re a man too. Be strong.

    • Total Posts: 300

    You don’t want to get pushed into the ‘friend zone’. There is no such thing, but you get what I mean. Be kind, but cold?

    • Total Posts: 300

    Don’t overthink it. You know how you feel, tell her and be strong. Don’t beg.

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