Boards Reconciliation HELP ME!!

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  • #45133
    • Total Posts: 261

    Honestly to me it sounds he is now messing with you and playing games. Kids do crap like that. What ever you do not answer. Keep the nc. Make him sweat. You know and I know neither of you is ready for anything yet so DONT answer.

    • Total Posts: 261

    You need to be with a man who behaves like an adult. You also need to work on yourself for you guys to have a long term chance. I know there is a good chance you will not heed this advice and will contact him but I am telling you with voice of experience you start it now before the work is done it does not have long term ability to last. You are both behaving still way too immaturely.

    • Total Posts: 434

    Yeah that’s true… But I’m not sure when he sent that Bc I had deleted snapchat yesterday :/

    • Total Posts: 261

    Still hold on for now no matter how hard it is. Just hold on.

    • Total Posts: 261

    Before deleting snapchat when did you look at it last time? Just before deleting or? And why did you log back onto it?

    • Total Posts: 434

    I actually logged back on it Bc I thought about adding him. It was so bizarre to see he had added me and also sent me a message…

    And I had it briefly yesterday night and then deleted it so he added me between then and now

    • Total Posts: 434

    And ah I had already responded before you had responded and I haven’t said anything else. I def sent it on an impulse -.-

    • Total Posts: 261

    So no time at all really. I am saying last time if you really want to make it work long term you will not contact him now because you guys are not ready you may think you are just because you desperately want him back but you are not. But I also have seen how you are on this advice so I know you will most likely ignore it and contact him regardless is it smart and good for you or not. It is your life and you do what you do. I wish you good luck whatever the case. I need to go to bed now because I have to wake up early and study hard whole day.

    • Total Posts: 434

    Well if he sent that last night then that was before the whole texting thing today… And I haven’t said anything else to him.

    I hope you have a good night sleep ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Total Posts: 261

    I knew it. This is one of the reasons why it will not work long term because you answer instantly which will make you look needy and desperate and you act on impulses so you have no impulse control which means when he does something you dont like and he will all the old behaviors will come back. But like I said your life, live it as you see fit and you do what you need to do but then you will carry responsibility of it as well. I wish you all the best with this.

    • Total Posts: 434

    And well, I assumed I was responding hours after he had sent that…
    And if he hasn’t been the person I thought I was texting them I haven’t reached out for over 30 days but I know you have a point. I need to control myself.
    I am current controlling myself in the sense that I’m not sending anything else

    • Total Posts: 167

    Omg I’m catching up on your posts. So I see you stubbornly insist that your ex won’t sleep with someone and yes you did miss the point. It wasn’t about accepting all possibilities but more about how accepting are you of your ex’s antics when he is single? And so you are still obsessing over your ex’s cell? Why? What do you gain from that? And I’m still trying to understand the situation with his cell and not being him. So far I’m in complete agreement with Finntoga that this relationship is very destined to fail for exactly the reasons she listed.

    • Total Posts: 434

    Yeah I realized I missed the main point and I see that now :/
    We aren’t back together though and I don’t plan on texting again tonight or if he doesn’t.

    I don’t know about the work thing if it was him or not…. And the fact he looked me up on snapchat and added me? Idk what’s going on.
    He didn’t say much so I just ended the conversation despite my temptation to keep sending stuff. Bc he had started it but really wasn’t engaging. And I know we need to mature and work on ourselves. I am now keeping silent though since idk what to think of things and I’m not going to engage in games or any old cycles of me dominating convos so I’m just trying to stay strong

    • Total Posts: 434

    I successfully didn’t reply to him last night. I knew I need to control myself and not respond to every little thing he says. After I didn’t he sent something else. Smh. I haven’t said anything today and don’t plan on it. I’m going to celebrate Mother’s Day with family ๐Ÿ™‚
    I don’t want to engage much w ex right now Bc he doesn’t seem completely not angry. I also want to work more on myself.
    Bc I’m most important. As far as the questions I have I figured I would ask him in person if I ever see him again

    • Total Posts: 434

    Yep. Stopping contact w him. He is less ready than I am to talk. He was snapchatting me and said we are friends until further notice and that he wasn’t gonna say he loves me until he makes sure I’m okay? And then wanted like sexy pictures of me I said no. Well first I said If he sent one. He wouldn’t. I said no even though he said he would delete me . Like I think he is taking it personally but that’s irrational.. We are not together and more space couldn’t hurt. Proud of myself for standing up for myself. He told me no and he needs to accept that I can say no too.

    He also at one point said he thought I would be smoother more affectionate more lovey and more compliant when we started speaking again
    He’s all over the place so I’m doing the best for me and stepping away. He clearly wants to get back with me and has feelings for me but he’s all over the place and acting like a child so I will respect myself and keep working on me. I didn’t blow up though! ๐Ÿ™‚

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