Boards Reconciliation HELP ME!!

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  • #45104
    • Total Posts: 434

    So now I don’t even know if the number I thought was his work cell is the correct number… I had been doing an imessage with the associated email address…
    I said “My friend Megan wanted margies ayer. Remember when you brought me here you said they had normal food too but We still mostly ate ice cream? Lol lunch of champions. How are you?

    The person said- “I don’t know who Morgan or Margie are. I don’t know who you are and I told you that I believe you’re messaging the wrong number.

    I said, “I know I’m not. It’s connected to your email address, Leo…”

    They said “My name is not Leo. I don’t know why my number is with an email.”
    “Please refrain from messaging this number.”

    I said “Your work email is connected to this number as its your work cell. I really don’t know why you’re acting like this.

    They said, “Again, I am not whoever you think I am. I will block your number at this point. Good luck finding your friend.”

    I said, “May I ask who this is then?”

    They said, “If it helps, I just bought this phone and got this number a few weeks ago.”

    I said, “I don’t know. Why would it be connected to his email address? He started the beginning of February. ” “I’ve just come too far to react like I used to. And on the off chance you are Leo it would be nice if you told me. I understand anger and frustration and all and I just want the truth.” “It is literally an email that is new for him and connected to work. And after telling this number I left my job he looked at my LinkedIn. So if this is you Leo please just say so. I don’t want to be on bad terms.” Then I sent a screenshot and said “This is literally what I have been texting. His (maybe your) work email so that’s why it is hard to believe it’s the wrong number.”

    So I have no idea. I dont think he would continue on like that if it was him… I also dont think he would lie about buying the phone a few weeks ago. I just don’t know why his email from work would be linked to the wrong number… that makes no sense so that’s what makes me think it *is* him but I honestly have no idea now.

    • Total Posts: 261

    So you texted again? It does not matter if it is his number or not the point is you texted again. It does not matter is it him or not because he would contact you if he wanted to. You keep showing no respect to his wishes which is right now he cannot be with you and regardless was it him or not you piss of the person who it was so if it was him it looked like you still stalk him and if it was stranger it looked weird and stalkish to him. This is what Dragongirl and I have been telling you about respecting his wishes and he will contact you in a way that you know that he wants you back he is not there yet and you read too much into him looking at your Linkedin. Fine you don’t want to listen that is your decision but I am not saying this again.

    • Total Posts: 434

    @finntoga yeah that makes sense. I just don’t know if it was him.

    • Total Posts: 261

    It makes no difference if it is him or not. Again you are not concentrating on the right thing here nor accepting the the fact he does not want to be with you at this moment. You have to accept that all these actions you are doing shows you have not changed, the only thing you have done is stop blowing his phone with dozens of messages but that does not change the fact that you refuse to respect that right now he does not want to be with you and will that ever change no one knows.You need to respect other peoples wishes even if it is not what you want.

    Now is it is him you showed him that you don’t care about his specific wish to leave him alone for now and if it is not his phone then it is not. He asked you not to contact his phone and you repeatedly have gone against that now if the phone is not his then he does not know but the person who has it is not best pleased either. So stop it. Just stop.

    • Total Posts: 434

    And you’re right my response shows me I’m not ready it’s just that now I have no clue. If it was him he was being an a**hole and if it’s not…then God definitely did me a favor there.

    • Total Posts: 434

    And yeah he asked not to contact work communication so doing that was a huge mistake on my part.

    • Total Posts: 261

    The question you need to ask yourself is do you want to work on yourself to get into a situation where you dont self-destruct your relationships or not? The decision and choice is your, because it is starting look like you rather mess it up for yourself than do the hard work and make sure any of your future relationships would work. It is up to you. Who and what matters to you most? You or him? another try with him/someone else or your personal development and ability to have healthy relationship in the future. The answer tho both of those should be you. If it is not you need seriously to work more on yourself for your own sake.

    • Total Posts: 261

    If it was him and he was being an a-hole than that should be another sign he does not want to be with you right now so I hope you respect that for now.

    • Total Posts: 434

    Yes. I do. I no longer want to sabotage my relationships by my own fears. Sometimes I just think I’m hopeless and mess things up. I don’t know if that was him or not. If that was him, that was a really jerky thing to do and he would be changing for the worse. I matter to me the most. I need to start living like that at least. I am starting to slowly pick up the pieces at the very least.

    Thank you for being so patient and supportive ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Total Posts: 261

    I want you to succeed on working yourself and eventually getting him back. If it was him then it was very childish way to behave but also anger can make people behave silly way and the fact that you constantly contacted that work phone was a no no. If it is not him then you had lucky escape but I hope you learnt a lesson. If you think are hopeless do you really think that all the people who have tried to advice here would be doing this if we thought so? Give at least me some credit because I am not an idiot and I work full time study part time and I would not put my time that is at the moment very precious to me to a person I dont believe in. But it does not matter if I believe in you, it is you who need to believe in you and see your own worth. So think it like this any person in this planet is lucky to have you. Think of the good qualities you have : honesty, loyalty, kindness, caring. Now not everyone is like that and those qualities are really important to have so start the work from their instead of saying I am worthless bc no one is worthless.

    • Total Posts: 434

    @finntoga. Thanks for saying that. at this point I’m really hurt and upset. I sent a friendly email bc if it WASNT him I would want to reach out at this point. I am not contacting any more though unless he does. I am going to try and start to let go. If that was him I feel like that was so rude and incredibly unnecessary especially when i hadnt been saying anything bad to him. I had texted him back and then a couple different times. :/ I hope I will get him back but if that was him, do I really want to??? I mean it has been a month! Why would he still act like that. Also his phone bill was not paid for 30 days so now the number is not working. He has 30 more days to get it working again. I don’t know. Perhaps he is trying to completely shut me out of his life. Have nothing to do with me. He acted that angry after over a month? If that was him at least .. that is so rude to do and he also would have been LYING. And if it IS him and that was his work phone yes I do get frustration but come on, that’s incredibly rude of him. So I did do a no no but why would he act like that back. Some of the phraseology sounded a lot like him. And I’m pretty sure no other phone would be connected to his random work email. I hope it is not him and i had lucky escape but now it is like I don’t know and won’t know. I just feel it might be him but part of me feels it isn’t. If it is him I’m appalled by his behavior. Thank you for saying that ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m glad I seem worthy to you. I definitely don’t deserve to be treated how he just treated me if that was him. Yes he said that about work phone and he needs to work through his anger and frustration bc that isn’t okay. Lying and treating me like that and saying you’re blocking my number? Also the person has not removed the email from the phone as of yet so unless they are new to iphone and don’t know how to… it is my ex. I’m so mad. I don’t know what to think. So upset. I am so glad you believe in me and still do ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Total Posts: 434

    And if he never comes back to his personal number which is not not even a working number, I will feel like he just wanted nothing to do w me ever again so he changed that and that’s just so hurtful. I’m pretty sure he’s using work phone though but I’m still very upset

    • Total Posts: 261

    Tobe honest if it is a stranger and if that was me I would have blocked you after the first time I said who is this so and I certainly would not continue conversation and the fact if he bought it few weeks ago he must be then getting emails from other sources as well so you would think who ever it was would not associate the number with email so my suspicion is that it is your ex and behaving very immature manner. Of course I dont know for sure but like I said it is not just you, because then he would also get your exes work emails and not to do something about it even if you dont know how it is relatively easy to find out how. If it him is which we cannot know and there is no point wasting time on. You need to prioritize you and this is also one of the points we tried to make that people change when they break up and behave in a way you would not expect from someone and that is just it that you dont know how he has changed this time apart. So I am glad you see finally this the right way, you are worth of decent treatment but I am also sorry that you are hurt and upset but use these negative feelings and turn them for positive which is for your benefit. Remember that you are beautiful soul and you are worth hell a of a lot and use it to work on you. Become fabulous and then he needs to do some serious work if he wants you to take him back instead of him you : ).

    • Total Posts: 434


    Yeah, I agree. However, the phone wouldn’t receive all emails. it would only receive the Imessages that were Sent directly to the email address. Does that make sense? So then it’s a more limited amount and I would be a little more likely to be the only one. But I would have blocked the number after the first time or definitely after a few as well. So he wouldn’t be getting emails, they’re just imessages but I sent the imessage to the phone linked w his email. And you would think the person would unlink it if it’s not him/her.

    And yeah I have a suspicion it is him behaving very immaturely as well. If it is him would his reaction mean I have 0 chance? It has been a month since breakup and he seems so mad and I gave so much space at first then have been much better than I was in the past.

    And yeah that’s true. It’s not worth wasting any more time. The personal cell annoys me too because it’s officially off however I think he still has 30 days to save the number/account. If he doesn’t then I will take it a bit personally bc that would mean he wants nothing to do w me and hated me so much that he changed his number.

    I know I need to prioritize me. And if it is him he clearly isn’t working through anything at this point. He is being an immature child. If it is him does that still mean he has deep feelings or does he just hate me or not care about me at all, etc.

    I’ll try to turn them into positive. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, I emailed his personal email. I’m just going to leave it now. I’m going to focus on me. I literally have no personal cell to contact him and that work cell phone, I don’t even know. I am just upset. how could he treat me like that. And yeah that’s true. I hope he eventually wants me to take HIM back but at this point, I don’t know… like if it is him why must he lie and be so immature lying and making up stories it isn’t him.

    • Total Posts: 434

    I just got on snapchat and had gotten a snap from him saying hello

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