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  • #44599
    • Total Posts: 434

    I also am thinking I may not say anything even after 30 days of nc unless he has reached out. That would probably be for the best to just forget the days and work on me until he says anything if he ever does and work on moving forward w my life.
    I’m not even sure if I still have a chance at this point though

    • Total Posts: 261

    First of all I think it is good idea at this point to give him space. You have contacted him now so just let him be once the 30 days is gone and wait bit longer. Let him show you he is ready and he wants you. You see what you just did I wrote I dont believe you have a chance IF YOU GET BACK TOGETHER RIGHT NOW NOT FOREVER. But you latched on the part where I said no chance in hell if you get back together right now. You totally skipped the reasons or the word NOW and got yourself thinking we have no chance ever just like I wrote. No one knows about forever no one knows future. Reason why I said it would not work NOW is that you are not there neither of you in your personal development. I did not say forever or anything like that I just said that the issues you both still need to work on are there at this moment and if you get back together I would within couple of months you would be back exactly where before and broke up again. I know you want to contact him but if you really want him back that show of controlling him needs to stop. Do you still have a chance we dont know because it depends on his ability to work past the negative feelings and his anger so only person who can answer that is him not anyone in here we cannot give you that guarantee and neither can your friends. I think your Roomie could be bit frustrated because trying to support you in your hour of need you ask everyday same question that she does not have an answer. Personally I think there is very good chance he will come back to you but my wish for you is that you are in better place to have that fulfilling relationship. I said trust in yourself if your heart and gut says he will come back then trust on that, put this aside and continue the work on you.

    • Total Posts: 261

    Okay you really need to give him the space. People tell you that and I get your need to send him that message but yet again it was about your need and power play (even if you think it was not but really it is you want a reaction from him and you are pushing for it.) Dragongirl and I told you that these messages are pushing him further away from you and the responsibility and decision to send them is in your hands. I think it is good for now go back to nc and leave him to alone for now. I also think that it is excellent idea to let him contact you and again his coming back depends on his ability to work through the negatives and no one can say can he do that but him. I told you this about short term satisfaction and you feeding your own fears and need for power (I get that you feel powerless because control at the moment of the fate of your relationship is in his hands and until now you have tried to wrestle it from him). But the problem is that in a relationship there should not be this struggle for power and control if it is healthy relationship and it is because he felt you are trying to control him, which men dont like he took control only way he knew and that was to break with you and if you keep texting he will see it as an attempt of control over him and that pushes him away regardless how much he loves you. So if you really want him back leave him alone until he is ready to be in contact with you. Work on you and stop asking us to give you reassurance on him coming back which we cannot give, trust the feeling inside you and then put it aside and work on you and learn the patience to give others time to heal. Because we are individuals his need for time to heal is different from yours. SO no more obsession do you have a chance or not. If it is meant to be it will happen and if not then something else comes along but you need to concentrate on you.

    • Total Posts: 434

    Ahh. I am still awake and it is almost 2 AM here. Mind is racing.

    Yeah, I agree. I will just let him be at the moment. I need to let go and be okay with the fact I may never have him again. I know he has come back before and I should trust that if he wants to make it work, he will come back. Oh wow. I didn’t read that correctly at all. I guess that was probably the self sabotaging part of my brain that was like twisting your words to self sabotage. I’m not sure why I do that. It probably goes down to trust issues and fear…another thing I should work on. Yeah, I agree about the personal development. I see now I have come aways, however I know there is still more to go. I want to be OK not looking at his social media, not calling his other phone… I want to sit with the unknown and accept it as that, unknown.

    Wow. I did’t even mean to be controlling with that text and I see how it could have come off that way :/
    And yeah, he is the only person who can determine his feelings and memories and willingness to work on things, move past anger, work on himself, etc. Yeah that makes a lot of sense about my roommate. I just obsessively repeat the same questions sometimes… not entirely sure why. Yes, I want a fulfilling relationship no matter who it is with. I noticed with my male coworker I even ws texting him a lot! And same with some female friends! May be related to me deep down *wanting* attention? I need to try and figure out more about that.

    Ex hasn’t responded. Not sure if he was asleep when I sent text or not. I’m fearing a negative response. However I did not say anything else and in the past, I would have. So despite fall back I can still work on other things to improve. P

    • Total Posts: 434

    I know I need to give him space. I know that deep down and in my brain. And oh my gosh, I didn’t even think about a reaction. I think you could be right. When I sent it I was like “so if he tells me to go away then I can just forget him and move on and screw all my progress etc” very negative self talk… trying to act apathetic to something I really care about. Not sure why I did that either.

    Yeah, I wish I didn’t know his contact info by heart. I definitely need to go to NC bc I do not want to push him further away or fall back into texting and texting and texting. I think it is good for now go back to nc and leave him to alone for now.

    Yeah it definitely is short term satisfaction. I think it is just as big for me as the eating disorder. My therapist had said something about codependency and gave me a book and I really need to read it and process it. I guess I have never experienced that. Well, my ex and I didn’t have a power struggle at first… then it kinda changed. And yeah that makes sense that he only knew one way how to take control.

    Yeah, I think he is probably expecting more texts at this momen. He is expecting me to fall back. He is expecting me to not be able to do it and be needy/clingy. I am not going to. I will keep working on myself. I should be my priority right now and taking care of me.

    • Total Posts: 261

    Yes, have you also noticed that every time you slip it happens when Finntoga is sleeping so what is that your late evening time? You are strong in the mornings and during the day but what the heck happens in the evening? And it is for that you need the distractions for. I read this great book called the world beyond your head and it helped me with my concentration of my thoughts so maybe you should try that one as well. But regardless you need to work on getting some distractions instead of just sitting in your room on your computer and your phone and going I love him, I want him now, we belong together… He has to come back to me because I love him so much…checking the websites (school site, instagram) thinking about his phone…Wondering will he come back and then boom text him. Am I correct or completely off? So work on having things ready look at things that interest you that you want to do…Think about what actions do you need to change in your daily life so that you dont have so much time and space o obsess about him and regards you roomie do you just talk about your ex or do you actually talk about what is going on with her so instead of bringing constantly your ex up with people try talking about other things too because it sounds bit like you dominate the conversations with this topic like with that guy who is your friend. I hope I am wrong?.Not to say it is important to talk about it but not like constantly except here in this forum because that what this is for but just so that you dont unintentionally damage your other relationships.
    Just pointing that out because it is easy to see that when you get on subject you go over and over again and I think you kinda made really important self realization about it earlier in your posts as well so good on you for that. You seem to make lots of those and that is great. Just also get them to be the action and then it is fantastic : ).

    • Total Posts: 167

    It’s very obvious that you still have him on a pedestal because you talk about how much you love him/need him/want him. I also wanted to let you know that I notice that sometimes LinkedIn will show people that viewed me that really didn’t. I also have premium LinkedIn and it said my friends viewed me. And I asked four of them what did they need from me (separately) because they viewed my profile and they said, they hadn’t. So I don’t know if that’s a glitch with LinkedIn or what.
    Addressing you sending another message last night: You are smothering your ex and not giving him the space that he needs and it’s really disrespectful to a guy. You are purely thinking of yourself and what you want/desire-and to hell with what your ex feels. The message you sent him is info that he would appreciate knowing when you are back on speaking terms. Right now anything you send is aggravating and annoying him.

    That’s not how love is supposed to be. Have you read about relationship skills? You lack crucial ones and that’s what you need in order to have a successful relationship. Finntoga gave you awesome advice especially about telling yourself that this breakup is not like last time and that your ex does not want to be yours right now. It hurts but you have to say it to yourself until your mind gets the message so that way you give him the space that he needs. Like Finntoga noted, you seem to understand how to apply the advice but not follow through in your weak moments.

    Today is an interesting day for me. I have to write about rebound relationships from the point of view of the person who initiated the breakup. I’m interviewing a lot of different people for this article. Every single ex says that their ex is not the rebound type and they find out that they were indeed having sex with someone to get over the loss of the relationship. I was stunned. Guys use sex as a coping mechanism even when they aren’t the rebound/sleep with someone type. Sleeping with another person is extremely high when the guy has been sex-deprived for a long time. So my question is if your ex slept with someone while you are broken up, would you be able to get over that?

    • Total Posts: 261

    @Dragongirl good question. The answer will tell a lot abut where Brokenhearted truly is with this situation.

    • Total Posts: 434

    Ahh I’m reading your posts now I’ll respond in a little bit but the LinkedIn thing. I know he did view me bc it tells me he viewed me after seeing that I viewed him and before even tho he saw that he wouldn’t view me. So it probably means he is thinking of me and misses me and I understand your point I should not think of that as meaning he ants me back… I know he viewed me though. And I’m a little annoyed he is looking at my stuff and not talking to me :/ is this just part of the process? Like he becomes less angry and l

    • Total Posts: 434

    Ahh I’m reading your posts now I’ll respond in a little bit but the LinkedIn thing. I know he did view me bc it tells me he viewed me after seeing that I viewed him and before even tho he saw that he wouldn’t view me. So it probably means he is thinking of me and misses me and I understand your point I should not think of that as meaning he ants me back… I know he viewed me though. And I’m a little annoyed he is looking at my stuff and not talking to me :/ is this just part of the process? Like he becomes less angry and looks but still not ready to talk?

    • Total Posts: 434

    I guess that just made me anxious bc while I understand the devils advocate stance I still know he did view it and idk why I react physiologically so much to comments like those that I know aren’t true :/

    • Total Posts: 434

    In terms of sex. I have spoken with my ex about this before. I also know he has not done that when rejected previously. That comment also bothered me and I really didn’t like that you said that again. I may not be able to convince you and I have talked to my ex about this thing extensively. I actually had almost accused him of that before bc a friend said a similar comment and then I confronted him. He was incredibly hurt and we talked about assuming the worst in him etc and had a long talk. I could continue about this. I know my ex I just do. I hope you trust my judgment with that and believe me and please do not keep repeating that bc I know at this time it is not true

    • Total Posts: 434

    And no. I don’t know if I would. And I also know he is not doing that right now. And I just don’t appreciate you saying that a second time. Literally a coworker said the same thing last year and he had actually gone like 2 years sleeping w no one, not doing anything w another girl bc he just wanted me despite me rejecting him etc. and also lets think logically do you think he would arrange hook ups over a work cell? I don’t. I know him and he doesn’t go to others at all when upset or frustrated. I don’t need to convince myself he’s not seeing anyone at the moment because I know. Also I would say people who rebound like that are emotionally immature. My old ex did that and I knew he would and w this ex I know he will not. Yeah some girls may just say that and their ex does it but I promise you that in our case, he will not. Also if you go from wanting one person for 3 years you wouldn’t be satisfied w anyone else for a time. Yes he has had sex before and halos does not do it casually or without any sort of feelings. Just wish I had trusted him like this when I was w him.

    And I’m smothering him? 🙁 I wasn’t trying to I thought that I wasn’t since my replies have been spaced out.

    yeah you’re right during the evening I have the hardest time. I guess I can be more aware of that and try putting my phone away from me or turning off service

    • Total Posts: 261

    Oh Brokenhearted, just as I guessed the answer showed where you are with this situation. You still have plenty of work to do because all though you are smart girl and you get this advice we (people here) give you still lack actually applying it. The two things you latched on in Dragongirls post was the sex and the Linkedin viewing. And this where the problem is. She is not saying that is the case she is saying what if and you instantly go into when someone poses a scenario you dont like, you get upset and anxious.
    The problem is you dont know what he is like now that you are broken up and he is not with you because this is clearly not like the last time. You dont know how he feels when he is single and that is what he is. You have no control over it and it is none of your business as harsh and mean that sounds to you and much as you want to say to me and Dragongirl that dont say something like that but we do for your good in mind not to hurt and you cannot tell us what to do or say now if you dont want to hear what we have to say that is a different story all you have to do is tell us not to respond to you and I for one will stop because I am only mailing you now to try to help you because I think you have every chance to both become strong independent you and to get him back when you are ready to be in a relationship that is mature and adult relationship. It is completely valid point from Dragongirl to ask would you be able to accept because that is a possibility . And you cannot compare a situation where you are dating and where he is single, because those are completely different situations. When he was with you I believe he was honest and straight forward and did not cheat on you everything you say about that is right but the situation is different and that is the point that Dragongirl is trying to make you see and understand and more importantly to accept .That is this is different situation and he can do that, no one is saying he did that but again you just jumped because it was not an thought that you are willing to consider. It also shows you still do have him on a pedestal, you think that you can get him back now and that you are not willing to accept with his flaws and all like you stated in the previous mails nor the fact that the control of the future of your relationship right now lays in his hands and reason he has not contacted you is he is not ready. And this is where your inexperience with relationship shows. It is not a bad thing nor negative thing we all have to learn from somewhere , we all have been that in one point so dont take this as I am criticizing you because I am not this has happened to many of us in some point of our lives. But you need to think of also that option because if you refuse the face all eventualities then how would you react if he contacts you, you guys get back together and then you find out that he did in fact slept with someone. This is where relationship skills come to play, can you forgive the other person when they hurt your feelings and this will happen even wheny ou have a happy relationship, are you able to talk about it rationally without making it into an argument? Those are questions what you need to be able to answer.
    Men are not like us they can sleep with someone when he is not in relationship without it having to mean anything to him and that could be a scenario you might need accept if you want to be with him. Of course assuming that would happen and I am not saying it does but he needs to figure out in his way is his love for you stronger than those negative memories and that could include anything that he needs to do work on his feelings about it. You need to figure out what are you willing to accept and that is why you need to think of scenarios that you dont like as well. And I say think not obsess and assume they are happening. But that is just it, if you get upset every time someone says something that you dont like you are not really moving forward of relinquishing the power battle between you. Second thing is listening to everything that people say, now you defended your stance on both Linkedin and this sex thing which was good but you got upset by completely valid if question. If you believe in what you say than stick with it what others say cannot harm you unless you let it. So it is because it is your fear that he moves on to someone else that is talking behind it rather than your believe and trust in him and your relationship. He knew what your stance is in sex before marriage and he has respected it so when he is in relationship with you he will respect and you need to be able to trust him, trust that and not jump on someone just because they said something. If that happens in every thing you will have a hard time with all your relationships. People say lots of things and this is where filtering and listening to yourself comes to play.

    What Dragongirl wanted you to do is to think about it as possible scenario so that what ever happens in future (and none of us know, keep that in mind and dont get upset nor scared) with your relationship with your ex you are prepared for everything and you will be strong and fine no matter what it is get back together or not.

    • Total Posts: 434


    I’m still reading your reply but I just know him and I know he will not. And he hadn’t when we weren’t dating and yes every situation is different and I also know he is not right now. I know him and how he is as a person. Yea nothing is impossible but there are things that are really really unlikely and this is one of them.

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