Boards Reconciliation Girls look here: Using Instagram

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  • #35360
    • Total Posts: 268

    I would like to get some more knowledge on this point.
    I know that my ex looks at all my Instagram posts. And sometimes she also likes them. I would very much like to use this to my advanges.
    So girls: Please help me out here. What kind of posts should your ex boyfriend make to make you jealous or at least very curious about what he is up to? (an ex you dumped)
    A few things that I know and do already:

    • Post pictures when I am haveing fun with m friends. Makeing sure to look happier than ever
    • Sometimes I make posts from maybe a resturant or the movies without mentioning the name of the person I was with. Just “great company”
    • I have always been in great shape, but I have set new goals for myself, and I keep my Instagram updated with the progress

    Anything else from you girls (or guys) are most welcome.

    • Total Posts: 38

    Hmmmm, you’ll have to post pictures of you and another girl. See if she “likes” your picture then. But this other girl must look hot!

    • Total Posts: 21

    yea, definitely pictures of you with attractive girls. also do completely new things, like pick up new hobbies or go out doing an activity, that she would never expect you to do. surprise her about how diverse you are. also, if there were any specific special places you went with her or things you did, definitely post that. for instance, my ex and i loved going out to eat sushi. it was our specific thing we did, our special bonding time. so of course, i posted a picture of me and another guy out to eat sushi. so stuff along those lines. best of luck!

    • Total Posts: 463

    My ex loved nature and there’s a place not far for us I was meaning to take her to visit. Lakes and beautiful sceanary. I’m thinking of going tomorrow for a walk and take some pics. To see if she takes any intrest in my instagram photos I will post. I know she would love to visit there so maybe she might get curious and get in contact. What do u guys think? Is this a bit childish or a good idea?

    • Total Posts: 38

    You both have nothing to lose if you did post any of those pictures. But just be prepared if the reaction isn’t what you would like. Go for it!

    • Total Posts: 463

    I don’t want to make her jealous, coz that’s not what I’m about. I just want to make her think and see that I do want to do these things even when she’s not with me. I want to make her think about me and our relationship

    • Total Posts: 32

    Be aware though, if you want to make someone jealous it can always backfire.

    my ex is attempting to do this right now with me ( hes liking all these girls photos on instagram knowing i will see it) and it almost makes me want to rebound to someone else, but that could be because hes the one that dumped me..

    • Total Posts: 463

    @dwarf no I’m not after making her jealous at all. I just want her to see me doing things she enjoys. When we were first together I did a lot of things she enjoyed and towards the end I was either busy or didn’t fancy it. I was stupid. Now I can see that, I got lazy but I want to show her in back that this is the real me. I’ve posted my hike pics (she enjoys hiking) but nothing as of yet. Even if she doesn’t like them on facebook or instagram at least she will see them and see me making an effort. I miss her so much. She was my world but I forgot that for a while 🙁

    • Total Posts: 268

    @dwarf I agree that jealousy can backfire if your ex finds out.
    But in your case I am not sure that is what your ex is doing. He could be useing his newfound “freedom” to try and pick these girls up. Without any regards to you or your feelings. An pathetic attempt that rarely works.

    • Total Posts: 32

    Thats the thing though i dont think that is what he is doing as he has never been that person, and was completely devastated when we broke up (even though he was the one that broke up with me). He also was in contact with my brother (who has always been so protective of me…and they were friends yes but never close) and told him he didnt know how to move on etc, then he told me that in a text when i asked him if he wanted to hang out and go bowling. He told me he wasnt okay enough to go bowling, and his reasoning was he was scared to see me and other guys talking to me etc….but then he tries to make ME jealous? i think hes trying to gauge right now if I have friendzoned him because we are talking again now like we used to. But who knows. It would be extremely weird for him to still be in contact with me, and want to talk to my little brothers and dad ( which he told my older brother) if he was fucking around…like almost completely fucked.

    • Total Posts: 32

    Subtle jealously i think is good, but anything thats like blatantly obvious is the ones that sting. Like liking the photos etc was SOOO obvious. Like if she uploaded a photo of something like her in a bthing suit, and you liked 6 photos of girls in bathing suits on instagram. Then she KNOWS you’re reacting to it.

    • Total Posts: 463

    I’m really struggling today all I want to do is contact her but I must stay strong. I’m on day 15. She never liked the photos I posted. Something told me she would. But maybe she’s seen them in hopeing.

    • Total Posts: 142

    What do i do @RustyRed if she unfriended me on fb and instagram? It was because of something that happen on instagram that we liked the same thing and she prob thought i was stalking her but i wasnt.

    • Total Posts: 463

    I’m not sure mate maybe you have to play it cool. Wait and see what happens I feel for u. What did u both like? My ex still has me on both, she even has our photos and posts still up. She’s liked a few of my pics lately but I’m not sure. I’m trying to stay off facebook. Only because I tend to look at what she’s up too.

    Why did she unfriend you? Must be more too it

    • Total Posts: 142

    Well first if she wanted to unfriend and unfollow me, she would have in the beginning. It was like the 18th day broken up when she did it. I was on instagram and i saw that she liked a funny pic from the simpsons on a random following. I liked it as well cause i thought it was funny. I then started following that thread. About 5 mins later, i noticed that she unfollowed me and then i went on fb and the same thing too. It was like she saw me like it and thought….”omg hes stalking me” when i wasnt at all. She could be doing it to so we both dont see each others stuff but i dont have a good feeling thats it.

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