Boards Reconciliation Found a note meant for me.

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  • #33483
    • Total Posts: 944

    I think she’s confused. She misses you and loves you of course but she clearly ended the relationship for a reason and it hasn’t been that much time. Why did she tell you she wanted to end things? Also im sure she feels extremely guilty over hurting you. She knows how much you love her and how devastated you must be and I can imagine that’s weighing on her. Your response was good. Keep just being honest. No reason to play games. Let her sort out her feelings and do whatever you can to make yourself happy in the meantime!

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    Nick. Leave her alone tonight. Maybe she told him ti go out so she could concentrate. You don’t know. You are still am over the place so you need time to chill. If she shows signs towards you then in you go.

    Ryan. She had Sex with someone else. Crap Yes. But nobody died. Get over it. After going through the months that the rest here have gone through I’m going to go against the general thinking here.
    she ended it for a reason. Maybe she wanted to see what’s out there. Note she feels like shit. I’ll be shot on here for saying this but get back in there. Forgive. Hang out. Make her feel bad. But tell her not to do that again.

    Atea. I was at the psychologist today. Here is her take:
    My ex doesn’t love this other guy. Several things like texting me whilst with him and meeting me. The way she spoke about him.
    Next is that she definitely does not want me out of her life. But why? The shrink says it’s either because she wants the friends thing or because she is deciding whether to start again with me. And couldn’t dump him because she hadn’t even seen me. And such a decision would take several meetings. I asked for her honest opinion and shrink said she would side on the wants me back but also isnt sure.

    So options. She said to definitely not go nc. We are talking and if I disappear now for a few months then there is no going back. I have to keep doing it my way. Try to meet. Don’t be surprised if she hesitates about meeting. She is tired from work and her emotions will be all over the place.
    On the third or fourth meeting try something. Try to hold hands or kiss etc. Then I’ll know.
    Shrink says that the fear of rejection may well be holding her back. She is not sure what I want. But do not ask her. Never ask she said because you are asking the head and not the heart.

    • Total Posts: 944

    patrick, i agree with your psychologist. she definitely does not love the other guy. if she did she would not be still talking to you or making plans to see you. she is just using him to fill a void. i also agree that she doesnt want you out of your life but am not sure if she wants you back or wants to be friends. i tend to think she is scared of getting hurt again. it sounds like you had some personal problems towards the end of the relationship and my guess is she has a fear of history repeating itself. i think hanging out with her and slowly showing the positive changes will give you some answers.

    i don’t think you should go nc unless she explicitly tells you she just wants you as a friend. that would be your cue. but for now just go with it and see what happens. but i do still worry about the other guy being in the picture. i think eventually you are going to have to tell her if she wants to work on your relationship, she needs to end things. she also broke up with you so might feel guilty asking for a second chance. I’m not really sure where her head is at. i think she is definitely open to something but its not so clear what exactly. the only thing i disagree with is going in for a kiss while she’s dating someone. I’m very anti cheating. maybe a hand hold or a discussion but i think thats disrespectful of the new guy.

    its definitely too soon to ask now but i do think eventually youre going to have to have a heart to hear with her to see how she’s feeling. my last piece of advice is not to push to hard. make sure she’s contacting you equally as much as youre contacting her.

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    Thanks atea. I’m not into cheating either. I’m fact I hate it.
    As for the end of our relationship, basically over some months I fell apart. Depression and drinking heavily. She couldn’t handle it. It didn’t even feel like a break up. We tried to make it work again and I fell apart again.

    The psychologist said that you should get a good impression from meeting her. My impression was so positive I thought the job was done.
    She text this evening. She tried to sleep and couldn’t after work. Said that she was meeting a good friend this evening. hoped my session with the psychologist went well.

    Surprised actually that she said what she is doing. And I believe her because she wouldn’t bother making up a lie. She would just say no.

    Anyway. You are right. She will have to get rid of him if things change with him. The psychologist thinks that she will do that anyway probably.
    It’s that fear of me falling again thats scaring her. I just have to show her me.

    By the way, why don’t you make contact again? What’s the problem? Fear of rejection?

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    Actually @atea1234 too right I’ll try to get her to cheat on him.

    I hate cheating but in this case I’ll love it.
    Because when I was still together with her he was trying to get with her. Writing on Facebook. Acting all cool. So I will try that. And someday I will tell him. And love telling him. And I’ll do more than just tell him.
    Just thought I’d say that

    • Total Posts: 944

    Patrick, be better than that guy! Cheating is not the answer.

    If you do reconcile then you need to wipe the slate clean and build a new relationship based on love, respect, and maturity. I don’t believe instigating her cheating on her new guy will do that. Be stronger than that. If things are progressing well between you two tell her she needs to end the other relationship. Don’t cheat. Even if you hate this guy it’s not the right way.

    • Total Posts: 52

    First off Patrick don’t have her cheat on him. She won’t want to get back together until she realizes herself that the new guy is all wrong. And don’t confront him either. Girls like the mature response to things so you just have to play it cool.

    And a little update from my story. So, last night she texted me saying she missed me so much and wanted to see me. She and her other guy have ended things and she is so not attracted to him anymore and after they had sex he stopped texting her. She got played by a player. And you have no idea how badly I want to confront him for taking advantage of a vulnerable girl. But, that won’t help anything you just have to accept what’s in the past is in the past. So, we met up and she said she realized how big of a mistake she made and how she realizes she wants me back. So we’re deciding to take it slow and just hang out for now, but we did make out last night. It just goes to show how much NC really does make the other person miss you. And rebound relationships work themselves out by themselves so you just have to be cool during it, which is extremely hard.

    • Total Posts: 944

    ryan, happy for you! just make sure you take things slow and are getting back for the right reasons. every relationship is different just do what feels right for you!

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    Well done Ryan. Delighted for you. Take it real slow. Enjoy it. She seems to have learned a lesson.
    Good luck to you both

    • Total Posts: 87

    Ok. So I talked with her last night. I apologized for the harshness of the note. I told her I wrote it our of anger and frustration. She asked what it was about and I said that I didnt want to really say. I told her that some of the stuff I had written i.e. “there is no future for us” was simply not true and was not my place to decide. She said she figured I was just having a bad day. She asked why I didnt respond to her text and I just told her because I was still angry/upset and then it just got to a point where I didnt know if responding was a good idea or not.

    She said several times that I am being very confusing with wanting to talk one week and then the next not. She said she is trying to give me space and I am just confusing (I am very confused by her actions and just everything in general). I told her that she has been one of my oldest friends and that I value our friendship and dont want her to disappear. She said she didnt want me to disappear either.

    We talked just about some topics that we both agree on about how it is stupid to go and get wasted and stuff like that. Overall we had a good conversation. She seemed to be getting emotional at some points during our talk and even mentioned that she wrote a note to me but it wasnt written right yet. whatever that means lol

    After we finished talking we both went into our rooms for a while and once I got ready for bed and was in bed, I sent her a text that said “I hate that I feel like I am bothering you. I want to work on our friendship but I want to take it slow (because I definitely showed too much last night). I really do miss talking with you. I have not idea where you are with all of this. It is very hard for me to see. I think thats why I have been so confused. I am very sorry for that btw lol”

    She replied back, “No I like talking I just needed to work on that project too and I couldnt do both. I wanted to start at like 9 but I ended up talking to you and kiera and my dad so it just didnt happen.”

    I replied back, (I sent this kinda at the same time she sent her text) “Sorry that again is me being inconsiderate without knowing. We can figure everything out at a later time. Focus on your race! Do really well. Know that I am very proud of you! Remember the verses I have given to you.”

    She replied back, “I have it (the verse) taped on my desk and I remember it (it has to do with working hard to get a prize). its not a problem, dont worry about it! I enjoyed talking too.”

    I said back, “if you enjoy it, pursue it. I am not going to be needy for it. I do want to and enjoy talking but it goes both ways. Anyways, I am going to sleep. Goodnight chelsey”

    Her last text was, “I do to, you know how it is when I need to get stuff done though. Anyways night nick!”

    Her responses were very general. I do know how it is she has pretty much been puting everything else in front of me for the past year of our relationship and she didnt have the time to give. Time is her love language, its how she felt loved was when she was given time by me. Well she didnt have time last semester for me to even give any of mine to her you know? Anyways, you guys were probably right. I shouldnt have talked to her. I honestly thought about her and didnt want the note to be affecting her negatively in any way before her races this weekend, so I wanted to tell her so if it was bothering her she could know that I didnt mean some of the things that I said and that I was sorry about it.

    So I went to her race today because she mentioned yesterday that neither her mom or dad were coming. This is a big deal to her and so I wanted to be there to support her seeing as I have been there for her the past 5 years. I sent her a text right before her race (I knew she wouldn’t get it until after her race so it wouldnt mess with her at all)

    I said, “your dad may not be here. your mom may not be here. your best friend is here though. I am proud of you no matter the outcome of this race. you work so hard. you deserve the best result. Good luck”

    She had a pretty bad race and didnt medal (she did last year). She never responded to this last text. I know that she was going to be hanging out with her girl friends tonight or at least that is what she said. I dont know. I really dont. I am confused. As I always am. She told me several times that she really hopes that I have made the progress the last not said because that makes her happy I said that I did and that the one I left with the ring was just out of being upset.

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    Hello nick.

    It sounds to me that maybe you are trying too hard. Texting twice before she can answer etc. I know that drove my ex crazy.

    Think this is one for atea to answer.

    But I would maybe ease up with the trying to prove to her how much better you are. It just sounds a little bit pushy to me.
    As for apologising for the letter, i would have said that I was bit angry when writing it. But you more or less told her you still wanted her.

    To summarise; you have made some contact. That is good. Don’t force that contact. Let her reply. Give her time to reply. Don’t always text first. Be nice but not annoyingly nice. And don’tbe explaining yourself or apologising

    • Total Posts: 87

    I kept it a one to one texting ratio. I havent sent her another text anyways. I will let her reply before I talk to her again. I know I showed way too much for right now though. I dont know what to do next. Her actions do not match he words. I think that anything she could be feeling for me or missing me or anything is masked by the fact that she has this other guy. I know I need to be patient and just let it run its course.

    • Total Posts: 944

    Hi nick,
    Sorry if this comes off as harsh – I tend to be a very blunt person and im not a fan of sugar coAting things or false hope. The bottom line is her words and actions both show that she doesn’t want to be with you right now. Im not sure if it’s her exact reasoning – it might be that she is really into the new guy or it might be she just outgrew your relationship and he’s just been a rebound. She probably doesn’t even know herself. What you’re doing is making yourself look needy and weak to her. You’re showing her that your emotions are all over the place. In my honest opinion, she wants time and space to figure things out but she’s a nice person and feels guilty for hurting you so she tries to be responsive. Girls like guys who are independent and strong and im afraid you’re behaving like a doormat.

    Don’t beat yourself up over this. About 2.5 months after my breakup so about where you are in yours now, I asked my ex to meet up for brunch. It was nice and we had a nice time catching up and reminiscing but when I brought up the relationship he told me he wasn’t ready to reconcile, wasn’t sure what he wanted, and was happy having some space right now. I was really crushed. He offered to talk and meet up occasionally so we didn’t lose touch altogether but I knew I couldn’t handle it. I was incredibly emotional and distraught after I saw him that day as im sure you are now. Plus I was embarrassed at the way I behaved in front of him – crying, trying to remind how how great we were together. You have to remind yourself that Chelsey has the same memories you have and knows how your relationship was. She hasn’t forgotten but for right now she has decided that she doesn’t want to be in it anymore. That is he right. You cannot be friends with her and that is a fact. It is impossible to be friends with someone you are in love with. Maybe down the line in the future if you’ve both moved on and haven’t reconciled then you can form a friendship but you are honestly probably years away from that. What you’re essentially doing is allowing her to have her cake and eat it too entirely. So she gets to date and sleep with this other guy but know confidently that if it doesn’t work out with him that she has you to fall back on? That you’re still going to go to her races to support her even though she’s made it clear she doesn’t want to be with you and wants someone else?

    What you need to do is toughen up. It was about at the 3 month mark that I told myself I had to. There’s really no other choice. She will never come back to you if she sees you waiting around in the background and is able to have you as a friend. She’ll only ever really know if she’s ok with losing you if you cut yourself out of her life and force her to decide if she was happier with or without you and that will most likely take her a couple of months to figure out. This will be te most painful thing you’ve ever had to do but you will be a stronger person because of it. I cut my ex out of my life completely about 5 weeks ago and this is the first time I’ve felt truly happy about myself since the breakup. Im not focused on what he wants and what he’s thinking because right now that’s irrelevant to my life and over analyzing gets me nowhere. and im proud of myself for realizing I deserve more than some mixed signals while he goes off to date other girls. I refuse to make any kind of contact with him. If he’s truly ok and happy not having me in his life after a few months then sadly he’s not the one for me. But if a few months from now he realizes he was happier having me in his life then I will feel he came back truly on his own without my influence and that’s truthfully the only way reconciling will ever work successfully. Im focused on me and moving on and what makes me happy right now. Maybe I’ll make contact some months from now or maybe he will but you have to live in the now and for right now it’s clear she doesn’t want you.

    You can’t be friends with her and you have to stay in Nc so that she doesn’t see how emotional you are. Telling her you can’t be friends one day and showing up at her race another and telling her you want to work on your friendship just shows your grasping for any straws to be in her life but the truth is you won’t be happy settling for anything less than a relationship with her and so you need to respect yourself to walk away from right now to give yourself time to heal and show her you are a strong, independent guy who loves her enough to respect her decision.

    Im sorry and I know this isn’t what you want to hear but believe me I went through exactly what you’re going through right now and you truly won’t make any progress unless you can let go. You have to let go for right now. It doesn’t mean you won’t have a chance in the future. In fact, letting go now gives you more of a chance in the future. Show her you don’t need her to be happy. You can do this! If you want any tips on how to survive Nc or how I’ve made myself happier feel free to ask but this is your only choice right now. If you don’t cut her off now then you are only prolonging either moving on reconciling. You can choose to do it now or later but it’s going to happen eventually. Don’t torture yourself. Focus on the positives you still have in your life and give her and yourself the time and space you both need to heal and evaluate properly. It’s the only way. You can initiate contact again in a few months when you are stronger and less emotional. Hang in there – you can do this.

    • Total Posts: 87

    I am going to go workout right now. I need to clear my head. Thanks for your response, I admire the bluntness. I honestly just feel like it is hopeless.

    • Total Posts: 944

    working out always helps. a lot of people in this site might give me a lot of heat for this but i almost feel like reaching a point of feeling more or less “hopeless” is important. because i believe the true way to get an ex back is to move on and be happy on your own and then try down the line to reconnect. i believe first you need to look after yourself and do what makes you happy and not think so much only about what may ruin your chances. you should always have hope that you will be happy and things will work out how they’re meant to but you shouldn’t revolve your life around how to “increase chances”.

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