Boards Reconciliation Feeling hopeless

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  • #33378
    • Total Posts: 26

    @Tighem I don’t know buddy. Women can fall for strangest of guys lol. You never know.

    – Yeah man absolutely. But there’s nothing i can do. And to be honest, with each passing hour, my feeling of indifference is growing stronger. I think by the end of my NC period i probably won’t even be going after her again. Though it’s too early to say that but based on what has happened with me in the past i think it is the likely scenario. At this point i am like, if she isn’t ready to forgive my mistakes, i deserve a much better and a much smarter woman.

    Maybe i will miss her like crazy some days or every day at some hour but this feeling of missing her is subsiding with each passing moment which i am feeling good about. Mornings are rough sometimes but i work close to 14 hours a day which makes it easy for me to focus on other things. I am actually looking forward to move to a new place and make new friends. Because i think that’s where i missed her the most. I had no social life outside her because i moved to a different location and had no friends outside the company where i work. Now i am going to live in a student townhouse where college going crowd parties all the time and i am hopeful i am going to like the change and meet new people and form more social networks.

    • Total Posts: 26

    Also, the good thing with you is that your ex is trying to reach out to you. She has realized her mistake right away which ensures your relationship would be much more tender than before because you have also introspected where you have gone wrong. With me, there’s no such luck which is resulting into indifference from my side. Right now, she must be in the honeymoon phase with her rebound where he would be ultra cool and the best boyfriend ever. With time, probably she’ll realize what wrong she did and i don’t know what my frame of mind would be.

    • Total Posts: 52

    Hey everyone. I’m gonna be honest and I’m pretty drunk right now. I made out with some chick tonight at a bar, she wanted more but I definitely wouldn’t. It didn’t’ change anything. Physical activity doesn’t matter at all. I still want my ex back.
    Just thought I’d let y’all know whats going through a drunk guys mind that just hooked up with another girl hoping to forget the one they love

    • Total Posts: 26

    Your ex is indeed lucky to have you. She’ll be back with you don’t worry. She is already feeling bad about what happened between her and her partner so she is feeling guilty right now. If she just stays alone for a week, she’ll be itching to get back with you.

    • Total Posts: 26

    As I said, yesterday, at times of the day I am going to miss my ex very much. That’s that time of the day for me. Waking up and not having her besides me is making me sad. It’s good that I am already at work. I usually feel better in the evenings. It’s the mornings and noon which kills me.

    • Total Posts: 26

    @ryan Congratulations buddy! Looks like you have got your ex back. I am happy for you. The situation for me today was rough. Real rough. All that was in my mind was just to call her and hear her beautiful voice but only i know how i stopped myself. I am going to return all her belongings at my place on Tuesday. I hope that doesn’t count as breaking NC. I just hope situation normalizes for me because this trauma of a break up is just too much to handle for me right now. Feeling so crushed!

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