Boards Reconciliation Completely devastated, I've lost the will to live

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    Well… In less that 6 hours I’ll meet my ex and I’ll have that “talk” with her. Its strange because she sent a txt to me yesterday saying “Hello Sweetie. I have not forgotten you!!! Come tomorrow after the lunch time whenever you want ^_^”

    I don’t know what will happen, I feel VERY nervous since I’m pretty sure that after today I’ll have to start NS for an undetermined amount of time…

    It’s hard to think that maybe today will be the last day I’ll know something about her..

    • Total Posts: 18

    Ok, I’m back. Here is the Story:

    I went to her house, speak with her and I told her my point of view about the breakup, my feelings during the breakup and that I dont like her behavior. Then… finally I got some answers to my questions about the breakup:

    1º We were together during 5 yeas, the first 4 years were amazing in her opinion… BUT the 5th year I had a new Job and I had a lot of problems with my boss and some companions. She told me today that “She need someone without problems and who can spend 24/7 with her in order to help her with her problems. When I started to have my own problems and I stopped to be able to spend all of my time with her, she started to feel less love to me every day”

    2º Then she meet a guy from a videogame who had not job, so he was able to spend all of his time with her. And she wanted to give a try to him. The funny part is that she started with him just after dumping me, and he dumped her one week later.

    Then, some weeks later, she went to his house and begged him to start again… and he said yes. Unfortunately, they live 220 miles (360 KM) far away one from another, so they can only see each other very few times (A lot of distance, she works) and they are keeping their “distance relationship” using videogames and whatsapp…

    So, for me, Im going to start an STRICT NC and maybe FOREVER. She is 35 years old and this situation is like… childish. I dont know how long will their relationship will last (Who knows, maybe they’ll last forever) but throw away a 5 years old relationship and start one with a guy that far away from you, without a job… and who you met in a videogame…

    I deserve to find a WOMAN with a BRAIN, FFS.

    • Total Posts: 261

    WTF? You are not serious her reason to break up was because you cannot spend 24/7 working on her issues and supporting her?????? That is so immature and childish I mean I get issues due to bad relationships but good luck to her finding someone who has no issues and will concentrate only on her. Has she not heard of relationship being give and take. She just wants to take. Honestly my friend you are better off her because after all you did this is the reason she has not grown up yet.

    You are right you deserve a woman and I am sure you will find someone. I mean I am still astonished that someone throws great relationship over that and gets dumped by the guy and goes and begs him back instead of you?????

    I am glad you are seeing this like this and I wish you all the best in life.

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