Boards Reconciliation Can we reconcile?

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  • #70992
    • Total Posts: 35

    Hey Patricia, how is the situation going now? I think it’s a great step that he misses you and did want to see you. It seems as if you both are quiet busy with your life so maybe it’s just not the best timing? I’m sure everything is going to work out 🙂

    • Total Posts: 9

    Actualy, is truly remarcable your activity on the website here. You are the type of person that helps the others and leave her on the last place.
    Try change your way of clothing if you are not a dress person try to pay him a visit in a dress- or the other way around.
    Signs are good for you.
    Try to do some hair colour change – something like that.
    I m sure you re awesome and need to be a little bit different. To shock his ideea of you.
    The beauty is in the eye of the beholder- so diÄşfferent it means beauty.
    I m a model, and actualy that worked a little bit against me, making my ex to have a low self esteem, and a lot of jealousy crises.after i quited he fell out of love with me -due to the fact i didn t shine so much.
    So get better not worse, let him get wraped in work, u ll shine anyway – even in a sport outfit.
    And go pay him a visit.
    Thank you for kindness and reply even on my crazy situation.

    • Total Posts: 7

    Hey Patricia – I really appreciate your reply to my thread so I wanted to read yours and see how things are going for you now? Very interested!

    • Total Posts: 2868

    @dwayneswampson He broke up with me late December 2015. Afterwards, we talked about our issues and misunderstandings (through emails and phone calls). Then in April 2016, we met at a restaurant for lunch. It was casual and pleasant, but more of a “catch up” type meeting. We continued to occasionally send emails to each other and discussed more feelings.. Three months later he invited me to play miniature golf and then go to dinner. We were both nervous and attracted to each other. I’m glad to report that we’ve been together in a romantic relationship ever since!

    • Total Posts: 29

    @patricia12 I am happy for you! I feel like your story resonates a lot with mine and just gives me that little hope that I can get back with my ex too. I know I need to be patient. Thank you for giving us an update.

    • Total Posts: 2868

    @xicana17 Thank you:) We are very happy..

    Yes, patience is important, but pressuring or nagging a guy will only serve to drive him further away. Most guys hate drama and want a fun, happy, and calm relationship with a woman. You two were together for a long time and have a lot of history. With time, the bad memories will fade to the background and allow the more pleasant memories to emerge..

    Stay strong and try to have a positive outlook:)

    • Total Posts: 7

    @patricia12 I am so so so happy to hear your story had a happy ending. You seem like such a genuine and helpful person and its so great to see people like that get what they deserve.

    seeing your progression through this post is very inspiring to me. It seems like you did a great job of managing the pain of the breakup and giving yourself the self-compassion to move forward with improving yourself and your life.

    I think you are dead on with your advice about not nagging to get back together and I am pleased to see your strategy pay off. When did you start feeling a spark again? Like was it slow over time with seeing him because you both weren’t trying so hard, like did you have to go through quite a bit of uncertainty and awkwardness about your feelings again? I also see your steps of discussing your mistakes to be huge in the process of forgiveness and moving on and your held together, calm approach to working on that seems like it really worked out. Any more info on how things started to fall back in place is helpful, as I am really happy to hear it and its very inspiring for my own quest to work on myself and hopefully fix things with my ex. Wishing you the best!

    • Total Posts: 2868

    @dwayneswampson After we worked through some of our issues by email and phone calls, we met for lunch. We both felt a little nervous as we hadn’t seen each other in about 4 months. After this, we continued to discuss a few more things, including mutual forgiveness. Then he invited me to miniature golf and we both felt a spark of attraction. So I would say it was a rather slow process and yes, calm discussions proved to be helpful in understanding each other better which led to improved interactions .. I would also say we both had the desire to reunite if we could come to an understanding about how to improve communications and also gain insight as our needs and desires.

    Thank you for your good wishes:)

    • Total Posts: 2868

    @dwayneswampson I want to add that neither of us dated others during our time apart as we never lost our love and respect for each other.

    It never would have worked out if only one of us wanted to try to reconcile.

    • Total Posts: 52

    @patricia12 Very happy to hear about the update to your story. Wishing you both a very happy and long life together with the best of memories!

    • Total Posts: 4

    “Sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck!” Dalai Lama.
    Boy! This is so true! I’ve spent 3 years crying over my ex, thinking he was my perfect match. Guess what: he was not!
    After crying my heart out, I’ve started re-considering the entire question and loving MYSELF first. I started loving the little child in me. And that changed my whole world. When I least expected, I met the most wonderful soul on earth, the kindest, sweetest, most caring man in the world! We laugh a lot and enjoy any and every single moment together. We’re meant to be together for the rest of our life! I’m so happy I couldn’t get my ex back! So don’t focus too much on what you’ve lost, focus on loving yourself and everyone around you! The rest will come easy! Lots of blessings everyone!

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