Boards Reconciliation Being back isn't as easy as it seems

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  • #44279
    • Total Posts: 312

    Did I ever say that it was your fault or your responsibility that I’m not back with my ex at the moment? No, I didn’t. You’re putting words in other people’s mouths because, in all honesty, it doesn’t sound like you want to hear what some of us have to say. And that’s fine. I’m sure this is a trying time for you.

    No one, myself included, is saying that you should be a doormat. No matter how badly any of us want our exes back, that’s not the route we should take, and I commend you for voicing your feelings in a productive way to him. It sounds like you’re making progress and that things are genuinely moving forward.

    The only point we’re all trying to make is the one ellie96 just stated. You said you don’t want to be a door mat and want things to improve, so the relationship is going to change and be different. If you broke up and you’re coming into this from a place of starting slow/starting over, it’s not going to benefit you at all to worry or doubt him/you/your coupleness because things aren’t quite as intimate as they used to be. You said that the break up originally occurred because you have insecurities, a tendency to constantly bring issues up, and generally want to be around him most of the time. Instead of overanalyzing the fact that things are different too much, just try to keep working on these things. But by all means draw the line and talk to him or step back if he’s not treating you fairly, because there’s obviously a huge difference between just starting over and not necessarily getting to do or say all that you want right away and someone just flat out being a disrespectful partner to you.

    • Total Posts: 657

    I’m not getting in this guys! I respect everyone’s opinion, and I respect and have sympathy for Kaila. So let’s all just relax!

    As you can tell, I don’t like it when people don’t get along πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 312

    I’m just completely missing the part where she thinks I’m not on her side or telling her I think she’s doing something wrong… I am in no way upset or have any issue with her. I just think it’s important to remember what you did say: this is a reboot of the relationship so thinks unfortunately can’t be as intense or intimate from the beginning, and she’ll save herself a lot of stress if she just tries to breathe and accept this.

    • Total Posts: 657

    @between1standa I see where you are coming from. Just understand that right now she is hurt and vulnerable. We all get like that sometimes because the truth becomes hard to hear.

    However, things will work out for her, and I know you agree with that. I know you’re just trying to help!

    • Total Posts: 312

    I completely understand that. To some extent, everyone on this website is hurt and vulnerable. I definitely am. That’s why we’re here. Things are just going to work out in the long run and I don’t want to see her hurt herself more by stressing about something unnecessarily.

    • Total Posts: 711

    between, I didn’t talk about ellie or “all” or anyone else. I talked only to you. You started by saying I was defending myself. I wasn’t. I actually had just realized I didn’t know how to start slow as I don’t have that experience even with him. Then you proceeded to tell me I wasn’t valuing this chance that you would kill for. I know how it is to see people worry way too much and almost screw up when they get back. I had my share of telling people “you need to calm down right now!” here on this site. One person I didn’t say that to, was ellie, for example. What is going on with her isn’t a case of her worrying too much.

    Other than that you are being pretty helpful. I’m ok with hearing people tell me their opinions. I’m not ok with people blow up on me assuming I’m ungrateful or defending myself. If everyone would come here and dismiss my situation because I was back and i should just be happy for it, I wouldn’t really have any true and constructive criticism. So that’s what I meant really. Cause I don’t see where I’m not valuing this opportunity.

    The truth is in fact we went REALLY fast the first time we got together, so I can’t go back even our own beginning. I could just paste what I said here, because it’s what it is, I have no reason to defend myself

    Anyway thank you both for trying to be understanding and for caring πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 711


    Just found this quote. I understand now it’s gonna take time though πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 657

    Everyone just relax! We can all get through it! Time is on our side!

    Mr. A.
    • Total Posts: 14

    Very nice quote kaila! What I was trying to say in short was start slowly, it takes time to get back to your previous level in the relationship. πŸ˜‰

    • Total Posts: 711

    Hey Mr. A πŸ™‚ Yeah, we aren’t in a long distance relationship, in fact he lives 5 minutes away from me. Here I took distance has not being together half of the week x) It’s something I am learning. It’s so stupid that I’m learning to deal with not being together everyday at 24 ahah. But what matters is I know this is good for me, for him, and for our relationship together. And I MUST keep that in mind, cause before I knew it, but i wanted to be with him so I brushed it off. Not this time.

    I have an update. We talked face to face and it was great. That situation of that night out, I realized everytime I remembered it it hurt my feelings. So I was honest and said I was surprised by how he didn’t try to know if I was ok, or if I needed a ride. That he has always been really caring all the time and now he wasn’t showing that. That I know it’s not gonna be like that right away, and that I don’t want him to be always around me to help me or whatever. Just that I was surprised and that I’m not mad but it made me feel we weren’t together after all. I talked about other stuff but it was all solved already so I just touched base on it and explained my reasoning (about thinking he didnt want to talk for example). Also I said I felt alone, like he wanted to just live his life and that I was left to deal with whatever feelings I had. And that he has to put some effort in. That I also chose to give us an opportunity, it wasn’t only him. And it’s true. And that I know I hurt him and that he is afraid and wants to see how things go before letting me in a bit more and that it’s ok. That in time we’ll get there and will start to get more comfortable communicating too.

    He said that the other day when he told me he wanted to sleep by himself, he felt bad and felt like he did in the past. That it wasn’t my fault but that he did feel that and he was afraid of my reaction. He also said that he was alone for a really short period in between his ex and me, that he wanted to be by himself for a long time but that he saw that it was worth it to invest in something with me so he did (i’m like wow at that xD someone insecure like me, if you are too, you understand). And now that he was by himself again for 4 months, it felt really great. He could be free, do what he wanted when he wanted, not have to tell anyone. And that now he is trying. That he wants his freedom and to feel good with himself, and I have to feel good too and have my freedom. And that we both have to try, he doesn’t think that one should paddle and the other just look at the sea. So he basically said that he will put effort too, I’m not in this alone πŸ™‚

    I said that we would talk about things, he could tell me just what he needed and I would too. That if I ever am too nervous, for him to tell me maybe we should talk later, and that I would regain my sanity and talk calmly then. Also we talked about how he got nervous the other day on the phone. He said sorry about that (and about that night out too btw) and we agreed that we are gonna be understanding if one or the other gets nervous or says something sometimes without thinking it thru.

    So yeah I feel great and I’m proud I talked about things so calmly. I really did! Everything I said was said in a calm way, I didn’t get angry at any point, I just EXPLAINED my feelings, instead of showing them πŸ™‚ Something I wanted to have always done, but I could rarely achieve. And I really hope I can achieve this 80/90% of the time at least. It’s totally and learning curve and I’m really proud and grateful about him wanting to try, wanting to communicate, being understanding, not making excuses about his mistakes and saying I’m worthy of him fighting, and that he is back after this whole time, after knowing my flaws so well. It’s just unreal.

    Thank you all! I hope this is useful to some of you in any way and that it’s not just a depressing read. I will keep on this forum cause I know I will keep having difficulties, and I want to keep helping people. Thank you for believing in me, supporting me and all that

    • Total Posts: 312

    That is so wonderful to hear! Communication is everything and it sounds like you guys are now on the right track! Congratulations, I’m jealous πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 657

    That is wonderful to hear πŸ™‚ aww I’m so happy for you!

    • Total Posts: 711

    Also I told him that in time he would feel more ok with telling me if he wants time for himself after he starts seeing that now I’m ok with that. That I understand since I always over reacted and created a problem out of nothing, he now is afraid of telling me things and what he feels, but I want to change that, I will try to be calm and listen to him and he can tell me if I’m not doing that and all.

    I know it’s not that relevant to have to write, but this is also for myself to have a record of a talk that went really well so that later I can go back to see how good of a job we have done with communicating this time πŸ™‚

    Thank you my lovely ladies, I’m so happy you guys are happy for me! I wish both of you all the luck in the world! Ellie I think I need to answer to your post, I will take a look right now

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