Boards Reconciliation After the NC I texted him again..

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    • Total Posts: 9

    Hi all.

    First of all, I apologize for my bad english/grammar, it’s not my native language.

    After 45-50 days of NC I contacted my ex a week ago (he’s a stubborn one). He replied with that he was speechless that I contacted him and he wanted to contact me but he was a bit scared of how I would react if he would. He wanted to send me flowers some day (if I didn’t contacted him). But yea, that’s what he says now :)..

    He said a multiple times that he tought about me almost every day and how I was doing and that, if I didn’t noticed it the last day we met, I had him ‘super in love’ and that the break-up was one of this ‘toughest decisions’ in life. He said that he can’t turn all his emotions off and that he thinks more with his brains now than with his heart. He doesn’t want to have such a hard time (break-up) again if we ever get back together.

    Today I asked what his point was with that message (what I wrote above). Well.. he said something what I actually didn’t expected:
    “Basically, don’t get your hopes up, that’s what I meant. I’m happy that we can talk with eachother and laugh and such, but nothing more, I’ve not been in a ’emotional rollercoaster’ like “let’s try it again” since we are talking again.”
    Why would he say something like this when he said 2 days ago something like “I think about you almost every day (multiple times), you had me so in love, if we ever get back together.”

    I don’t know what I should think now.. I’m really confused and the little hope I had.. is actually shattered now. I didn’t respond to his text yet.


    • Total Posts: 9

    Oh, and he said that the reason behind sending flowers was that he wanted to let me know that he’s still thinking of me. I’m 21 and he is almost 26. The reason of the break-up is that we’re having different religions (family issues, not ours) and the distance between the cities, he wanted to see me more often. Our relationship was secret for my parents, because it would cause trouble and more.

    • Total Posts: 209

    Hey Zahra,

    I’m in the same situation as you, my ex and I come from different religions and with everything that’s happening in the world my family isn’t exactly thrilled so I keep him on the hush hush from my family now since we did break up 🙁 … Also, we live in different states and now though talking to each other I haven’t seen him in 4 months and won’t be able to until I move back to the city where he resides which isn’t until next year. My guy seems similar to yours one day he’s hot the next cold and we are much older than you and your ex so assume your ex is afraid of the relationship rather than doesn’t want it because you’re surrounded with negativity from family and religion and politics which adds stress to the relationship too… How about you do NC and follow Kevin’s steps. The time away from each other will clear your head and make you both approach your situation better. Good luck

    • Total Posts: 9

    Hi Rihanna,

    Thank you for replying to my post.

    Well, I confronted my parents with it after the break-up, because they kept asking me why I was so depressed. After a long discussion they said that they couldn’t stop me from what I want, even if they don’t like it that way. It was too late, but I told my ex what they said (a month ago) and he was happy about it, but he kept the decision he made (after he thought about it again for almost 2 weeks..). He said that the feelings were also fading and such. After that moment, we chose to not conctact each other for a while, it was better for both of us.

    But now I have to do NC again even if I already went through it? Will it actually help me, because wouldn’t it be weird for him that I become silent again out of nowhere (and without responding to his text)?

    • Total Posts: 9


    I reacted to his message with “Okay, I got your point” and then he said “Can you find yourself in what I said? I mean, you know my personality, I’m social and nice to people, I don’t want you to think that I’m acting with a ‘he wants me back’ behaviour or something. I don’t want to give you false hope and that’s why I’m this open with you”.

    I said “a bit”, then he asked “no hard feelings?”. I replied with “why?”. Then he said “just asking”.

    Lol, this guy is weird and gives me a real headache. I didn’t replied yet. But he wouldn’t ask that question out of nowhere, would he?

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