Boards Reconciliation A bit stuck….

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    • Total Posts: 69

    Yeah awkward and fine are two words I hate, I still use fine but awkward just hate it all together.

    Nah I either put my head in the sand or bottle it all up and let it out in one go. But when I don’t understand something it drives me crazy and I can never settle until I understand everything. I am very attention to detail and love everything to be perfect but only for the things I care about, if not I will lose attention and forget about it.

    Yeah 30 days doesn’t seem long enough it just seems like 30 days for you to pray for them to text you. If not you text them and start the cycle over and over again.

    Also! Stay strong you!!!!!

    • Total Posts: 894

    yeah those words suck. lol I understand what your saying. my husband is like that in the way that he bottles everything inside and then lets it out when he cant anymore and its not pretty at all. yeah I think it should be like 3 months full no contact at the least but I guess he says 30 because it already seems overwhelming when thinking we just broke up and 30 days lol and then after words you start understanding as to why 30 days lol. thanks, you also stay strong. what do you think of what I wrote lastly and why did he decline my call? ugh lol thanks

    • Total Posts: 69

    Just wish she never broke while so many things are coming up like her birthday, Xmas and all those things. This time of the year is meant to be spent with someone having an awesome time together, not like this.

    Just read you comment on the fact that 2 weeks before you two split that your farther passed away. I can someone feel your pain with that but not fully. Really sorry for your loss! x

    Not told anyone on here yet, but 2 weeks after we split my nan passed away. Which drove me to the edge. I had no clue what to do, I just wanted some comfort so I fell to my ex for it but she didn’t want any of it and just ignored me completely. Which to be honest I may never forgive her for that. Because she never spoke to me I got worse and worse and just cried everyday. Now I feel bad for trying to put my problem onto her, which I never wanted to do I just wanted some comfort, someone to talk to. I told her about my nan while we where together she said all the right things to comfort me then. But when I really needed her she wasn’t there :'(

    • Total Posts: 894

    yes I understand you. it sucks, I suggest to try to stay busy with family and friends during this time of year. I wish I had my husband but you see how hes acting and well I’ve lost so many things all I want is him and cant even get that. :-/ that sucks sorry for your loss as well. and thanks. πŸ™‚ my husband was there for me my dad and family during this time but left me after words so you could only imagine. this sucks for you but if you feel you cant forgive her for that moment do you still want her back? also I understand that you were going through a difficult time in your life but if you want her back dont you think you should try to forgive her? :-/ its a hard situation all around. :-/ just something to think about. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 69

    I know I want her, I don’t need her. Girls that I have met never ticked all the boxes like her. I would like to say perfect but If she was perfect she would be with me now. But she was unique, never met anyone quite like her. Simply put a 1 in a million girl. Its hard to explain the feeling but I am sure you understand what I mean.

    I am really stuck on what to do I am thinking give it 2 more weeks and send another text. If no reply, this is the risky part. Her birthday is coming up a month after that so I was thinking of contacting her mom to see how she is have a little chat and see if its ok to send her a present. I told her to watch this film “Crazy, Stupid, Love” but she uses Netflix and its not on there. So I was thinking of getting that for her.

    But I feel that its way to risky/stupid and could kill all my chances. Arhhhhh! Rage! hahaha

    • Total Posts: 894

    haha I get you, lol. I guess we all feel the same way about someone. πŸ™‚ yeah I dont think you should send it to her. if you want test the waters and ask her mom how things are. I think with a simple happy birthday text should be more then enough for her. you need to becareful how you play your next move,or else it can backfire on you really bad. your doing great dont mess it up. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 69

    I feel somewhat embarrassed still because I met her mom and aunts on the first day we met (hen night). Then I go to a wedding and meet the entire family even the side she hates. Everyone there assumed I was her boyfriend. Then this….. arhhhh wtf…. Just doesn’t make sense nothing clicks. She never even met anyone from my side and they where really excited to meet her!

    Its just those last words her mom said to me “We will see you again!” In a really strong determined tone.

    ffs at least I have my dissertation to keep me busy.

    • Total Posts: 894

    why dont be. even better you dont have to worry about meeting them later on and what not. πŸ™‚ lol were you her bf at the time? and why did they assume? lol oh that sucks that no one got to meet her. hopefully you to get back together and then they can meet her. πŸ™‚ why did her mom say that and when? before or after the break up? seems like she really liked you. im glad keep busy. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 69

    True, it felt so weird meeting them on the day we met. I was thinking “Bloody hell meeting the family already haha” We were not official at the time but a few nights before I did have this feeling and it crossed my mind that I was he bf. Never had that feeling, never even thought about being her bf before then.

    Yeah my mom was really happy for me and my nan πŸ™‚ my mom wouldn’t shut up about it lol.

    What’s so random is her mom also had a dream of me and her together…. wtf…. But this could be anything just random.
    I assume she liked me and she approved of me. She said it just before I left the wedding she saw me and her talking and knew something was up because she looked upset. I then walked over to her mom and said “I’m off now” She never asked why or anything she just said “We will see you again!”.

    • Total Posts: 69

    I’m really stuck now, no idea what to do nothing seems the right thing to do. Everything I think of could have a huge negative effect….

    • Total Posts: 84

    At some point, you just have to pick something and go with it. I ended up telling my ex that I was in love with her before we started no contact, but after we broke up. And that could push her away, but also, I knew if I never told her that I would regret for the rest of my life. It could be a huge negative, but if it is, then it is. I did fall in love with her. So I was just saying the truth.

    I have since started no contact. I don’t know what will happen in the future, but I know that I am making the best decisions I can make at the time.

    As long as you aren’t hurting anyone on purpose including yourself, then you should just make the best choice you can. Ultimately, this will work out one way or another.

    • Total Posts: 69

    @Sunshine11 thanks very much, what you have said has clicked into my head. My whole view on this has changed completely. Its the leap of faith, one step.

    Its hard to make a decision when two options seem to have in a sense the same value and could be beneficial or negative in the same way. I feel at this moment my mind is way to cluttered with choices and I cannot decide on a fixed plan, so to speak.

    But many thanks once again.

    • Total Posts: 227

    I too hate this feeling of limbo…wanting to talk and hear from them, but not being able to even contact them. This suxs…Feeling stuck…but, you just have to force yourself to go outside, take a walk, go out with friends and what not…just pass time until you become strong enough to work on yourself…good luck, get your head out of the gutter and do “something” that doesn’t involve your ex.

    • Total Posts: 69

    I have improved my self a lot. Always going out and keeping my self busy. It’s just certain things that bring up memories. As soon as I get her off my mind something will remind me of her. Wherever I go there is something there that will remind me off her. I know this probably sounds crazy but. Here is an example, she always loved painting/drawing lions faces. Since I have been back at uni I have never seen so many lions faces all in random places. On lamppost, in toilets, side of bins, even the floor (A big drawing). There is many other things as well. Its just crazy, I know its all psychological but omg…..

    • Total Posts: 894

    @Nick Hey friend πŸ™‚ I understand you the same thing was happening with me when I go places to try to distract my self. someone told me to play a mind game with myself and when I think of him automatically to change my thoughts, Ive tried but not sure if it helps. I think you need to push through this and keep yourself even more busy and when a thought pops up just say oh well and keep going and think of some thing that you like or like to do. hope this helps. πŸ™‚

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