Boards Reconciliation Confusing

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  • #38563
    • Total Posts: 14

    My ex boyfriend broke up with me on March 6th. He cried during our talk. He said his reason for breaking up with me was because he fell out of love with me. He also admitted he fell out of love with me because I was too clingy and sensitive. I gave him back the promise ring he gave me. At first he begged for me to keep it, but a few days later he said it had too much meaning, and if he ever fell in love with me again he would give it back. I’ve mentioned in previous posts that nc is very hard as we have a class together and he sits right in front of me. He also walks with me to my third class. I love him dearly and we both had something that was incredible. I was skeptical about love and he had to ask me out nearly five times before I accepted to be his. We were extremely happy. We fought over petty things (as most couples do) but we always managed to work it out. Since we broke up, he always tells me he wants to be friends, he wants me in his life, he’s never met anyone like me. Sometimes he can be sweet and we can smile and laugh, however, other times he can be very cold and say things like
    I dont think about you
    I don’t want a relationship
    I love you but im not in love with you.

    Recently I also found out he deleted me on xbox, i know this is petty but it still hurt. Last night I sent him a goodnight text and he opened it at 2:30 in the morning!

    I cant help but feel like he was thinking about me and read it. He also texted me this morning “good morning”.

    I did the obsessive calling and texting, begging and pleading, showering with affection, everything. He told me he didn’t like this, and if i didn’t stop he wouldn’t want to talk to me at all. So I stopped. Most of the time he will text me first.

    I want him back more than anything.
    What do you guys think?
    Many people have told me that they think we will get back together and he will realize what we had.
    God even gives me many signs that make me hopeful.

    Please help me with this confusing boy!!!

    • Total Posts: 14

    He just texted me and told me he doesn’t remember deleting me. I’m kind of relieved!

    • Total Posts: 268

    You need to treath him like any other guy in your class. Picture him as just a random guy you are not attracted to.
    Ignore him, dont text or stalk him. Reply kindly, but short if he asks you something.
    Then go on with your life. Live it to the fullest. Enjoy your freedom and have fun. Expand your social circle, preferly with new guy friends, improve your looks and remember to post about it every now and the on your social medias. He needs to see how happy you are and how much you are improving.

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