Boards Reconciliation Ideas for getting an ex back if now long distance?

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  • #37950
    • Total Posts: 94

    I’m at a lose at what I can do to get my ex back if he’s in another country. We’ve emailed and skyped before but I’m just not sure what else I can do.

    Has anyone had any luck if their ex is long distance now?

    I love him so much I’m just so unsure how to win him back

    • Total Posts: 158

    My ex is an LDR and she kinda really moody and dont want to talk sometimes after 25 days NC i gpt some luck but she still so hard to get i told her i give up on her but later i srnt her a voice mail to unblock me and she did so now i am trying to get her back as a friend and get her as gf later

    • Total Posts: 94

    Yeah I’m also working up to being friends. he said he wanted that so I’m trying to rebuild the connection. The thing is he removed me from his skype contacts a few months ago after an emotional convo we had. But I’ve recently been emailing with him and I want to get back to talking with him on skype. I’m not sure how to do it. Should I ask if we can?or just try to re add him from my account?

    Also I’m going to be in Europe this may in Germany where he is…it could be a chance to see other, should I mention it? :/

    • Total Posts: 158

    I think its good idea … I am also planing to go there to her.. i told her i am gonna be in her city soon she act like she dont want to see me .. I dont really know what to do but not giving up at things i love

    • Total Posts: 94

    Thank you @jeanvalins

    Im trying to think of ways to talk to him about me coming over there. He told me he would be traveling a lot in may…but I want to let him know ill be there just in case he can meet up.

    Should I just add him on Skype and not say anything about it?

    • Total Posts: 158

    Whatever u wanna do is fine but do not look needy coz if u do all ur hard work and all the huge spot u made for NC and stuff will goes in the air so watch out .. Whenever u need help just ask i will be there for you .. Just do not do any mistake for now .. Do not look needy at all .. U can add my email for any help u need .. i got spam from this site and probably cant replay to ur messages fast so here u go

    [email protected]

    • Total Posts: 94

    Any more advice? Please :/

    • Total Posts: 158

    Today My Ex blocked me again … And i dont know what else i should do

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