Boards Reconciliation She (19F) needs time for herself after 10 month relationship with me (20M)

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    Hi everyone, first of all I want to apologise in case I make any English mistakes, it’s not my first language. That being said, I’ll describe my situation chronically.

    For this we have to go back to HER youth where she was a speedskater at international level (at age 11-14). This was her life, her passion and that’s what she identified herself as: a professional speedskater. One day she was hit by a bus and she couldn’t skate again and she developed an anorexic disorder because then she felt she had something to be good at again (not eating), which she now knows is a f*cked up thought, but she told me when you’re anorexic you’re not thinking straight. After years of therapy she finally overwon her disorder in the fall of 2013 (when she was 18), she moved out of the city (let’s call it A-town) to start college in a city 100km away (let’s call that B-town).

    Now with this introduction in mind, we fastforward a few months to march 2014 when we first met and started dating. I now live in A-town where I go to university and we saw each other in the weekends where she would come home to her parents. We had this amazing connection and after a two months we made it official. She didn’t told me about her past until june and I was shocked to hear it but glad she trusted me enough to share this with. Months went by and we were happy and eventually the puppy love phase wore off and we had a few little arguments (mainly about her doing partydrugs which I didn’t really like and some minor trust issues from my side) but we worked it out and managed. Our relationship was steady (for how I experienced it) until the end of january this year where I felt she was suddenly distant and I felt something was wrong.

    A week later it all came out during an argument what was really bothering her. She felt that the relationship confined her in what she wants to do. She told me she didn’t feel she had time for herself because she wants to do so much at the same time, she has her college, work, sports and own social life in B-town from monday-friday. Then she felt that she needs to come to A-town to see me. I’ve been to B-town a few times in the weekends but I always thought she also came to A-town for her parents, dogs and friends in this city. I always make time so we can see each other in weekends and she feels she can’t always come true to my expectations and feels this is unfair for me. Also because of her anorexia tying her down in the past, she now feels that she can’t really live life fully with the relationship tying her down. She feels like she hasn’t explored life herself. It’s not about other guys (which was my initial thought) but more the fact that she always has to consider me in every decision (where she goes in the weekends, where to spend money on etc). Imo she could still explore life with me by her side but she disagreed about this. Besides this there was a bigger problem, which is that she has a lot of issues with her self. She’s not sure about who she is, what she wants etc. She told me that she can’t let me love her if she doesn’t love herself and all that.. I suggested that we had a (no contact) break for a week and see what she felt like then.

    After that week of no contact she told me she felt her head was a bit clearer and that she can’t continue the relationship. We talked for hours and she said she still wanted me in her life but I told her I can’t do that with all the feelings I still have for her. She then asked me if I wanted to e-mail about our feelings and I did this for two days but I ended this as well because I told her it’s making me lose my sanity and if this is what she truly wants that I need to avoid all contact to move on.. Interesting side note her is that in those e-mails she mentioned that she felt I was the perfect partner for her and she feels like I’m her soulmate but I just came too early in her life and that maybe one day we would work again.

    So going to the present, that break-up was 11 days go and I feel confused and in doubt. Ofcourse I want to respect her wish and give her the time/space she needs. I miss her like hell but I realise that forcing things now won’t work for either of us. I’m also trying to work on myself and become happy again without her.

    But the problem is that we broke up on good terms, we still love each other and care a lot about each other and we’re not angry at each other what so ever, so accepting this feels impossible right now. I know she still cares because she asked my mum how I am dealing with it and sometimes sends me snapchats. I’m in doubt whether I should keep hope and contact her again in a few weeks (maybe wait until her birthday in April and then just ask her how her life is etc.) or really should rule out any possibilites to get back together so I could truly move on.. Also, since I know she is very indecisive and not knowing what she wants I feel that this can work out eventually when she has sorted everything out for herself but I don’t think it’s healthy for me to clinge on to that hope.

    There is one thing I should add here and that is that we have different future plans for where we want to live. I don’t really care where that is, as long it’s relatively close to where I grew up so I can see my friends and family. We sometimes talked about the future and she told me she loves the city I grew up and could picture herself living there for a few years, but her ultimate dream is to live in Berlin (which is about 500km away from A-town). She told me she would like to study a year abroad there and if she likes it there as much as she expects now, wants to stay there.. Now with her indecisiveness I’m not sure she will think about this the same way in a year from now, she shifts from interests rather quickly and this is about the only thing she seems sure she wants. For myself I don’t know if I want to live in Berlin or not, I like the city a lot and we’ve spend a week there on vacation which was great, but for now I can’t really picture myself living there.

    So yeah thats basically it. Some of my friends who know her say that we are a really good couple together and they believe that we will work again and advise me to just focus on myself right now and let her figure it out for a few months while others advise me to completely let her go so the healing process can start now already and not after a few months in case she decides that she needs more time then.

    I’m curious about what you guys think about my situation, if you need anymore info feel free to ask. Thanks in advance.

    TL;DR My (now ex)girlfriend has issues with herself and I don’t know how to move on/what to do now.

    • Total Posts: 59

    I experienced a somewhat similar situation myself and can tell you she will need time to heal. After my breakup, it took me 2-3 months to go from a suicidally depressed person with no self-esteem to a confident and motivated person who appreciated me for me. During that time I realized 100% for sure that I want my ex back, and am now working towards that goal.

    Also, she doesn’t think you two can be together now because you seem too needy, whether you actually are or not. She feels like she HAS to come see you every weekend, even if she’s too busy. Unless you can convince her that she doesn’t need to look after you since you’re an independent and confident person, she won’t be happy with you now. The NC will give you a chance to become this person if you aren’t already, and to show her you don’t need her to be happy. I bet if she felt free to do anything in the relationship instead of having certain obligations, she would be comfortable dating you again.

    • Total Posts: 8

    Thank you for your reaction. I’m going to give her time and continue the NC for now while I work on being happy myself.

    However I’m concerned if (and when) I should initiate contact. Should I send her a short happy birthday text without asking or saying anything personal (6 weeks from now) and just see if and how she replies?

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    • Total Posts: 59

    I’ve heard some stories of people who sent a “Happy Birthday” text during NC and got a positive reaction, but don’t say any more than that.

    • Total Posts: 8

    Hey everybody.

    Something interesting has happened today, she sent me a message on facebook asking me how I am and she told me she doesn’t really know if she feels better this way. We had a brief talk after which I mentioned that I liked to talk to her again but if she’s not ready for commitment that I respect that but that I want her to respect my wish for no contact because otherwise I can’t move on (I definitely can’t be friends while still having feelings).

    She said she completely understands this but still asked if she’s allowed to occasionally ask how I’m doing and we can have a little talk like this. I told her I’d think about it because I really don’t know right now. I want to see if my mood and thoughts in the next few days are heavily affected by this talk or not before I make this decision.

    I’m wondering what your perspective is on this development.. I want to be into a relationship with her again, but only if she’s fixed her own issues and not just because she misses me (because clearly she still cares) because I’m afraid then this will happen again in the future.

    On the one hand I feel like I’m being really hard on her if I tell her not to contact me at all, but I think it’s better for my own processing now as well as hers because she then can have more time to fix her own issues etc. But then again maybe she will eventually get over me if I forbid her to contact me occasionally? Ugh, please someone share your thoughts about this

    • Total Posts: 59

    I think you’re completely right in seeing how it affects your mood. If you don’t feel confused or upset in the next few days, this can be a great way to become friends/partners after you feel ready. If not, continue NC. If she can’t handle not contacting you, that’s a sign that she has also not healed yet.

    • Total Posts: 8

    Thanks for your reaction tighem.

    It won’t upset me, but I’m worried that if we talk occasionally she will get all in my head again and I start to clinge to the hope that we will get back together and I don’t think that’s too healthy for me. But yeah.. she definitely hasn’t healed right now, she told me she isn’t really sure how she feels now etc.

    But I did really enjoyed the short talk, so did she and I feel that if we occasionally keep in touch, I can try to focus on my life and we can just see what comes of it and if I feel it’s killing me I’ll just tell her and then we proceed with complete NC.

    But yeah.. I’ll give it some more time before I’m making this decision.

    • Total Posts: 59

    Sounds good to me

    • Total Posts: 8

    Okay so I just saw a picture on Facebook of her in a club with some guy and it looks like they just kissed, his face is touching hers and her arm is around his neck and everything.. I feel furious and sick to my stomach.. I mean I knew this was going to eventually happen but it hasn’t even been 3 weeks since we broke up and when you see it in front of you.. ugh. The picture is taken at a party, that happened (4 days) BEFORE she contacted me on fb.

    She told me about this party when we had that brief talk sunday and told me there was an annoying guy who she just gave her number so he would leave but by the looks of it, she is really enjoying herself on the picture, no idea if it’s the same guy, but still I feel betrayed.

    So what should I do? I felt I was ready to tell her that’s it’s fine that we could talk occasionally but right now I just want to tell her how fucking much this hurts and stay the hell away from me and block her on everything…

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