Boards Reconciliation I'm just curious…is this a good sign?

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  • #33638
    • Total Posts: 1218

    The other night, I apologized to my ex for not replying to any of his snapchats (because I feel like a bitch about it). He opened it, no reply. But minutes later he text me (it was a short conversation, he was working). I feel he must’ve text me for a good reason, but idk

    • Total Posts: 158

    Thats cool .. he find time in his work to replay u ., even its short but thats good sign that he mightncare even a little but that work fine

    • Total Posts: 1218

    I had a feeling it was good. I think he still cares a lot. We’ve text 3 days this month, that a new record since we broke up lol

    • Total Posts: 132

    That’s awesome. How long ago did you guys break up again?

    • Total Posts: 1218

    Late October, we’ve been broken up 4 months today :/

    Is this like really good that he did that?

    • Total Posts: 132

    Can you say exactly what he said to you? Or is that too personal?

    • Total Posts: 158

    Me and my ex have been broke up like 4 months too … and she still so pissed of what i did … i dont get it … even she blocked me like wtf is going on her mind idk

    • Total Posts: 132

    @JeanValins Hey Jean, do you have a link to your story?

    • Total Posts: 1218

    It wasn’t personal

    Him: Hey
    ME: Hey (2 min delayed response)
    Him: What’s going on (he usually says what’s up)
    Me: laying in bed, trying to make my head stop pounding. You?
    Him: Bored as af at work
    Me: No aquatic desk chairs today? lol (snapchat he sent me the night before)

    And then he snapchatted me when he got home from work (he works night shift)
    His score also hasn’t risen much either

    This was also 1 in the morning. And please don’t say it’s disrespectful of him to text me that late. I stay up until 2 in the morning sometimes, so does he when he doesn’t work. It’s just what we do

    • Total Posts: 132

    If he’s talking to you then I think that’s always a good sign (wish my ex would talk to me). Do you guys talk on the phone?

    • Total Posts: 1218

    There isn’t really time too, he sleeps during the day. And plus, I dropped my phone in the sink early this month and it messed up the calling

    • Total Posts: 158

    @MrCat22 I dont think my story will be fixed … so i am just helping others …

    • Total Posts: 1218

    He just sent me a snapchat “SWiggity swooty I’m coming for that booty” just him being weird. IS this a flirt? I replied with my ass? Nah lol

    What is he trying to do? Is he actually trying to get me back? What do I do?

    • Total Posts: 132

    Man, idk what that is but I hear my brother say it sometimes lol. Tell us how he responded after you said that lol

    • Total Posts: 1218

    He didn’t reply. I looked on my phone to see if he text me but didn’t. Probably getting ready for work.

    Oh, I forgot to mention. I did NC for about a month and he sent me 6 snaps one day and I didn’t reply to any of them and he got mad and asked if I was going to I didn’t talk for a month and he hasn’t stopped since we broke up. And recently he’s been doing a lot of things that show that he wants me back. I judge actions over words, and his actions are saying he does. When he text me the other night, I got this feeling that he wouldn’t have text me if he didn’t want me in his life, meaning, that he wants me back. That make sense?

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