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  • #46757
    • Total Posts: 1218

    Samuel I really need your help 🙁

    • Total Posts: 1218

    I wish I knew how to get him to talk to me. He talked to me Monday, it’s odd for him not to talk all month. It’s been almost a month since he called it off. He sent me 2 random things the week after and hasn’t talked since Monday. It’s weird that he hasn’t sent anything on snapchat. it bothers me. idk what to do. I still don’t understand why he called it off. I just want him mine again. I know deep down he will come back and that he still wants me. I just don’t know what going on…someone please help

    • Total Posts: 711

    Confused girl Samuel probably got bored of helping you because you just take take take and don’t give. As I have told you more than a month ago, until you change your ways, it’s not gonna work. You are too obsessed. And it’s always all about you. It’s clear in this thread. I guess your ex is sending stupid crap to leave you hanging for him.

    Advice? Realize ASAP what you are doing. Go see a psychologist. Get your head straight. Gain some perspective. Do voluntary work. Get out of your own head and bubble. This is not healthy for you. And will nothing will ever work until you learn to calm down and get out of your own head, see things from a far, gain perspective, focus on studying/working/whatever. Trust me

    • Total Posts: 1218

    Or maybe he just hasn’t been getting on?…

    • Total Posts: 1218

    And yes, I realize “it’s all about me”. We’re all selfish at times. I know I need help. So please, don’t lecture me, I know you’re trying to help, but don’t tell me what I should do. It’s my life. Maybe I don’t have a friend to just rant to and I come here? My best friend just moved 16 hours away and I barely get to talk to her. So maybe I come here to bitch about shit. so please, don’t lecture me about how selfish I’m being or how I need help

    • Total Posts: 2

    You have 1500 posts on this site. You didn’t follow any of the steps that Kevin has said, you’re basically sitting here all days obsessing about your ex. And things aren’t going to change if you keep doing this. Kaila told you how it is, get out, go out with friends, do something new. Sitting here all day wont make your ex come back. Sorry but that’s just how it is.

    • Total Posts: 1218

    Okay, I am not going fight with any of you. And sometimes the written steps don’t all always work or apply.

    • Total Posts: 711

    You just keep on ignoring things. You are in denial. Samuel said it himself, he was always here to help and wasnt getting the same back. I said its a possibility, not that it is for sure. It was just a way for me to show you how much you are obsessed and in your own bubble and head. And it’s not about being selfish sometimes. I was selfish maybe a total of 3-5 days on this site. The rest I took but gave back too. You take take take all the time. So that really is very telling of how you are handling this situation. You can always come here to rant yes, didn’t say the opposite. But when you start giving and taking, thats when you can tell you started getting your head straight.

    Helping others is good. Giving support, advice. It really helps not only others but ourselves cause we are thinking of other people, getting out of our problems, and learn from others experiences. I can now be more useful to other people that go thru a break up cause this site gave me some knowledge about a whole array of situations, not just my own.

    Anyway, important thing is, yes I’m trying to help you, no I’m not lecturing you. I’m suggesting you stuff you should consider so that you can be more happy in your life and deal with it better. Not telling you what you should do. Ultimately hun, if you are just in denial and refuse to consider these things, it’s only bad for you, you are only hurting yourself

    • Total Posts: 1

    Please can you guyz help me in my situation,@Matter of the heart need help,Under the name Flo. Its in No Reply column. Please I’m desperate I need an advice from you.I know you can help me.

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