Boards Reconciliation Inconsistent ex

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  • #115148
    • Total Posts: 2

    My ex broke up with me in October and except for him liking my social media posts we stopped talking really after about November. I was in his town in March and we bumped into each other and agreed to go for coffee and catch up the next day. We did and straight after he messaged to ask to do it again soon. Since then we’ve been messaging but he takes 2/3 days to reply to our fb conversation. I keep trying to end the conversation or suggest catching up when he’s less busy but he’s insistent we keep chatting and always asks lots of questions when he does reply. In the mean time he’ll still reply to pretty much every one of my instagram stories (i post maybe every other day) and it just seems very inconsistent. Like I’d take slow replies as a sign he doesn’t want to talk but then why keep initiating chats on instagram and stuff? Just feels inconsistent and I can’t really work out what he’s thinking

    • Total Posts: 2868

    @sammy29 It’s been about 7 months since he broke up with you. That’s plenty of time for him to have tried to make amends and reconcile. You should know that long distant relationships are very difficult to maintain! Sooner or later most people give up trying.. How far apart are you?

    Does he still have a girlfriend?? He might just be bored/lonely and that’s why he chats with you on Facebook or Instagram. I suggest you avoid the social media sites for a while and see if he initiates contact.

    How long was the relationship and what reasons did he give you for the breakup??

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