Boards Reconciliation My ex contacted me

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  • #114364
    • Total Posts: 1


    I’m Andy

    This is my situation and what happened, my head spinning.
    So she broke up with, we had a temporary long distance relationship and she always wanted me to come home this or that weekend, I could not every time.
    She could call me late nights and just didn’t want to talk, she just wanted me there on phone when she fell asleep.

    Well then one day when I couldn’t come she called me and she told how much she hated me and that we where over, my fault and I take the blame for it. I could fight more to be with her.

    So anyway she became where mean, call just to tell me she hated me an stuff so I got tired of it and got me a new number.

    14 months passed and I started talking to her dad, went and saw him and bc we have a lot off the same interests. At this point she saw a guy witch I did not know, I never asked and never did he tell me.

    Then, about 3 weeks after I saw her dad he send me a txt, you ex ask if you could help her with some welding on her car.
    Yeah sure I can and told him just tell her to contact me, 2 weeks later a Sunday morning do I get a txt, she wants you to call her now if you can. So I called her up and we talked about everything around today life.
    We never talked about why we had contact.
    After that she been in my house but staid in a hotel, one week later she comes back and now she going be in my house for 7 days bc after that she going on a reunion, last night she told my neighbor that she was coming back again, this is nothing I know anything about.
    We have not touch each other, but this morning witch was our first togheter in my house (I slept in my love seat) she staid in my bed.
    But just before bed he asked me to wake her up so we could drink coffee and I could help walk her dogs.
    Sure I can and we had a good morning togheter.

    Why are she here?
    She try to make jealous with some stuff, it’s not like did dis with or that one. She just say some stupid stuff one time a day.

    I just trying to figure stuff out and I will probably know in a week or 2

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